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PowerShell module for Microsoft Graph REST API. To optimize, speed, and bulk use Microsoft Graph API in PowerShell. You can can enter your own URL so you aren't restricted to the limitations of the official Microsoft Module. Includes ways to speed up the process, handle throttling, and re-authenticate after the token expires.

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Don't you wish you have a Microsoft Graph module which handles batching, the token and throttling for you, but where you can just enter your own URL, so you aren't restricted to the limitations of the official Microsoft Module and even includes a way to speed up the process?


Submodules dependent on Optimized.Mga:

Optimized.Mga Cmdlets

Are you new with the Microsoft Graph API?

What makes your module different from the official Microsoft Graph SDK for PowerShell?


The main difference is speed.

Group-Mga doesn't lie. When I use Measure-Command while creating 10,000 users via the Post command it takes about 41 minutes:

Measure-Command {
    foreach ($User in $CreatedUsers) {
        try {
            New-Mga -URL '' -Body $User
        catch {

Minutes           : 41
Seconds           : 6
Milliseconds      : 717

When I create the same users via Group-Mga, it's 10 minutes:

$Batch = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()
foreach ($User in $CreatedUsers) {
    $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Url    = "/users"
        method = 'post'
        body   = $User
Measure-Command {
    Group-Mga -Body $Batch

Minutes           : 9
Seconds           : 43
Milliseconds      : 152

Group-Mga will take care of the limitations (20 requests per batch) and will sleep for the amount of time a throttle limit is returned and then continue.


The second difference is usability. If you look at the official module you will see 33 dependencies. I made my module so that you only need 8 cmdlets.

The main cmdlet is of course Group-Mga, by using Fiddler, or the browser developer tools you can find the URL when navigating through AzureAD and use it in one of the cmdlets.

For example the below URL is from the Intune Management GUI and found with Fiddler. It will get the Windows compliant devices and will only select the ComplianceState and UserPrincipalname.

$URL = '$filter={0}&$top=999&$select=userPrincipalName,complianceState' -f "complianceState%20eq%20'Compliant'%20and%20operatingSystem%20eq%20'Windows'"
Get-Mga -URL $URL


Set-Mga with parameters -Body and -Batch and with the Property members@odata.bind will automatically be batched. So, in theory you can add 10000 users to a Group instantly. While throttling is handled for you.

$CreatedUsers = Get-Mga -URL '$top=999'
$UserPostList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new() 
foreach ($User in $CreatedUsers)
    $DirectoryObject = '{0}' -f $
$PostBody = [PSCustomObject] @{
    "members@odata.bind" = $UserPostList

Set-Mga -URL '' -Body $PostBody -Verbose

Same goes for Remove-Mga. When parameter -URL is an Array, it will automatically batch your request:

$Groupusers = Get-Mga -URL ''
$UserList = @()
foreach ($User in $Groupusers) {
    $URL = '{0}/$ref' -f $User.Id
    $UserList += $URL
Remove-Mga -URL $UserList


PowerShell module for Microsoft Graph REST API. To optimize, speed, and bulk use Microsoft Graph API in PowerShell. You can can enter your own URL so you aren't restricted to the limitations of the official Microsoft Module. Includes ways to speed up the process, handle throttling, and re-authenticate after the token expires.







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