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Tesseract.js OCR

Image processing with Tesseract.js OCR on AWS.

İnput Image:

Demo Animation


"Take drugs the right wny1\nThere are two types of drugs in this world — Legal one and the illegal one. A legal\ndrug is a chemical which is taken into our body if we are in pain or have an illness,\nbut the other drugs such as heroin and marijuana are illegal drugs which are used to\nmake one feel relaxed and to give a buzz.\nDrug abuse, trafficking and supply causes multiple problems for the person,\ncommunity and eventually for the nation. The medical, physical and psychological\neffects are very adverse. Addicts cannot function as normal members of society.\nThey neglect or abuse their families, and eventually require expensive treatment or\nhospitalization and in serious cases even death.\nSome people think it is okay for other people to do drugs, but they won’t think that\nwhen one of their family or friends are asked to have drugs or gets spiked then they\nwould strongly disagree and change their opinion.\nHowever, the menace of drugs can be fought. People needs to be educated about\ndrug misuse. Effective laws shall be made and person found guilty must be\npunished hard.\nSome concrete steps must be taken to weaken the hold of drugs on society. The\ndanger from drugs is too great to ignore for s and for our children.\n"