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fix up for release (tidyverse#2921)
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clauswilke committed Oct 1, 2018
1 parent e4b91f0 commit bc46ba6
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 56 deletions.
132 changes: 76 additions & 56 deletions
@@ -1,89 +1,109 @@
# ggplot2
# ggplot2 3.1.0

* `geom_boxplot()` now understands the `width` parameter even when used with
a non-standard stat, such as `stat_identity()` (@clauswilke, #2893).

* `scale_*_date()`, `scale_*_time()` and `scale_*_datetime()` can now display
a secondary axis that is a __one-to-one__ transformation of the primary axis,
implemented using the `sec.axis` argument to the scale constructor
(@dpseidel, #2244).
## Breaking changes

* The error message in `compute_aesthetics()` now provides the names of only
aesthetics with mismatched lengths, rather than all aesthetics (@karawoo,

* `coord_sf()` now respects manual setting of axis tick labels (@clauswilke,
#2857, #2881).

* `coord_sf()` now accepts two new parameters, `label_graticule` and `label_axes`,
that can be used to specify which graticules to label on which side of the plot
(@clauswilke, #2846).
This is a minor release and breaking changes have been kept to a minimum. End users of ggplot2 are unlikely to encounter any issues. However, there are a few items that developers of ggplot2 extensions should be aware of. For additional details, see also the discussion accompanying issue #2890.

* In non-user-facing internal code (specifically in the `aes()` function and in
the `aesthetics` argument of scale functions), ggplot2 now always uses the British
spelling for aesthetics containing the word "colour". When users specify a "color"
aesthetic it is automatically renamed to "colour". This renaming is also applied
to non-standard aesthetics that contain the word "color". For example, "point_color"
is renamed to "point_colour". This convention makes it easier to support both
British and American spelling for novel, non-standard aesthetics, but it may require
some adjustment for packages that have previously introduced non-standard color
aesthetics using American spelling. A new function `standardise_aes_names()` is
provided in case extension writers need to perform this renaming in their own code
(@clauswilke, #2649).

* Functions that generate other functions (closures) now force the arguments that are
used from the generated functions, to avoid hard-to-catch errors. This may affect
some users of manual scales (such as `scale_colour_manual()`, `scale_fill_manual()`,
etc.) who depend on incorrect behavior (@krlmlr, #2807).

* `Coord` objects now have a function `backtransform_range()` that returns the
panel range in data coordinates. This change may affect developers of custom coords,
who now should implement this function. It may also affect developers of custom
geoms that use the `range()` function. In some applications, `backtransform_range()`
may be more appropriate.
(@clauswilke, #2821).
may be more appropriate (@clauswilke, #2821).

* `geom_sf()` now respects `lineend`, `linejoin`, and `linemitre` parameters
for lines and polygons (@alistaire47, #2826)

* `geom_hline()`, `geom_vline()`, and `geom_abline()` now work properly
with `coord_trans()` (@clauswilke, #2149, #2812).
## New features

* `coord_sf()` has much improved customization of axis tick labels. Labels can now
be set manually, and there are two new parameters, `label_graticule` and
`label_axes`, that can be used to specify which graticules to label on which side
of the plot (@clauswilke, #2846, #2857, #2881).

* Two new geoms `geom_sf_label()` and `geom_sf_text()` can draw labels and text
on sf objects. Under the hood, a new `stat_sf_coordinates()` calculates the
x and y coordinates from the coordinates of the sf geometries. You can customize
the calculation method via `fun.geometry` argument (@yutannihilation, #2761).

## Minor improvements and fixes

* `benchplot()` now uses tidy evaluation (@dpseidel, #2699).

* The error message in `compute_aesthetics()` now only provides the names of
aesthetics with mismatched lengths, rather than all aesthetics (@karawoo,

* For faceted plots, data is no longer internally reordered. This makes it
safer to feed data columns into `aes()` or into parameters of geoms or
stats. However, doing so remains discouraged (@clauswilke, #2694).

* `fortify()` now displays a more informative error message for
`grouped_df()` objects when dplyr is not installed (@jimhester, #2822).

* All `geom_*()` now display an informative error message when required
aesthetics are missing (@dpseidel, #2637 and #2706).s

* `sec_axis()` and `dup_axis()` now return appropriate breaks for the secondary
axis when applied to log transformed scales (@dpseidel, #2729).

* `sec_axis()` now works as expected when used in combination with tidy eval
(@dpseidel, #2788).

* `stat_contour()`, `stat_density2d()`, `stat_bin2d()`, `stat_binhex()`
now calculate normalized statistics including `nlevel`, `ndensity`, and
`ncount`. Also, `stat_density()` now includes the calculated statistic
`nlevel`, an alias for `scaled`, to better match the syntax of `stat_bin()`
(@bjreisman, #2679).
aesthetics are missing (@dpseidel, #2637 and #2706).

* `geom_boxplot()` now understands the `width` parameter even when used with
a non-standard stat, such as `stat_identity()` (@clauswilke, #2893).

* `geom_hex()` now understands the `size` and `linetype` aesthetics
(@mikmart, #2488).

* Data is no longer internally reordered when faceting. This makes it safer to
feed data columns into `aes()` or into parameters of geoms or stats. However,
doing so remains discouraged (@clauswilke, #2694).

* `geom_hline()`, `geom_vline()`, and `geom_abline()` now work properly
with `coord_trans()` (@clauswilke, #2149, #2812).

* `geom_text(..., parse = TRUE)` now correctly renders the expected number of
items instead of silently dropping items that are empty expressions, e.g.
the empty string "". If an expression spans multiple lines, we take just
the first line and drop the rest. This same issue is also fixed for
`geom_label()` and the axis labels for `geom_sf()` (@slowkow, #2867).

* `geom_sf()` now respects `lineend`, `linejoin`, and `linemitre` parameters
for lines and polygons (@alistaire47, #2826).

* `ggsave()` now exits without creating a new graphics device if previously
none was open (@clauswilke, #2363).

* Aesthetic names are now consistently standardised both in `aes()` and in the
`aesthetics` argument of scale functions. Also, the US spelling "color"
is now always internally converted to "colour", even when part of a longer
aesthetic name (e.g., `point_color`) (@clauswilke, #2649).

* New `geom_sf_label()` and `geom_sf_text()` draw labels and text on sf objects.
Under the hood, new `stat_sf_coordinates()` calculates the x and y from the
coordinates of the geometries. You can customize the calculation method via
`fun.geometry` argument (@yutannihilation, #2761).

* `labs()` now has named arguments `title`, `subtitle`, `caption`, and `tag`.
Also, `labs()` now accepts tidyeval (@yutannihilation, #2669).

* `position_nudge()` is now more robust and nudges only in the direction
requested. This enables, for example, the horizontal nudging of boxplots
(@clauswilke, #2733).

* `sec_axis()` and `dup_axis()` now return appropriate breaks for the secondary
axis when applied to log transformed scales (@dpseidel, #2729).

* `sec_axis()` now works as expected when used in combination with tidy eval
(@dpseidel, #2788).

* `scale_*_date()`, `scale_*_time()` and `scale_*_datetime()` can now display
a secondary axis that is a __one-to-one__ transformation of the primary axis,
implemented using the `sec.axis` argument to the scale constructor
(@dpseidel, #2244).

* `geom_text(..., parse = TRUE)` now correctly renders the expected number of
items instead of silently dropping items that are empty expressions, e.g.
the empty string "". If an expression spans multiple lines, we take just
the first line and drop the rest. This same issue is also fixed for
`geom_label()` and the axis labels for `geom_sf()` (@slowkow, #2867).
* `stat_contour()`, `stat_density2d()`, `stat_bin2d()`, `stat_binhex()`
now calculate normalized statistics including `nlevel`, `ndensity`, and
`ncount`. Also, `stat_density()` now includes the calculated statistic
`nlevel`, an alias for `scaled`, to better match the syntax of `stat_bin()`
(@bjreisman, #2679).

# ggplot2 3.0.0

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