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batterseapower committed Sep 7, 2008
1 parent 8d7bc97 commit 4e1cf76
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Showing 6 changed files with 194 additions and 171 deletions.
73 changes: 44 additions & 29 deletions System/Console/ANSI/Common.hs
@@ -1,33 +1,48 @@
module System.Console.ANSI.Common where

-- | ANSI colors: come in various intensities, which are controlled by 'ANSISGR'
data ANSIColor = Black
| Red
| Green
| Yellow
| Blue
| Magenta
| Cyan
| White
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)

-- | ANSI colors: come in various intensities, which are controlled by 'ColorIntensity'
data Color = Black
| Red
| Green
| Yellow
| Blue
| Magenta
| Cyan
| White
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)

-- | ANSI colors come in two intensities
data ColorIntensity = Dull
| Vivid
deriving (Enum, Show)

-- | ANSI colors can be set on two different layers
data ConsoleLayer = Foreground
| Background
deriving (Enum, Show)

-- | ANSI blink speeds: values other than 'NoBlink' are not widely supported
data BlinkSpeed = SlowBlink -- ^ Less than 150 blinks per minute
| RapidBlink -- ^ More than 150 blinks per minute
| NoBlink

-- | ANSI text underlining
data Underlining = SingleUnderline
| DoubleUnderline -- ^ Not widely supported
| NoUnderline

-- | ANSI general console intensity: usually treated as setting the font style (e.g. 'BoldIntensity' causes text to be bold)
data ConsoleIntensity = BoldIntensity
| FaintIntensity -- ^ Not widely supported: sometimes treated as concealing text
| NormalIntensity

-- | ANSI Select Graphic Rendition command
data ANSISGR = Reset
| BoldIntensity
| FaintIntensity -- ^ Not widely supported: sometimes treated as conceal
| NormalIntensity
| Italic -- ^ Not widely supported: sometimes treated as swapping foreground and background
| SingleUnderline
| DoubleUnderline -- ^ Not widely supported
| NoUnderline
| SlowBlink
| RapidBlink
| NoBlink
| Conceal -- ^ Not widely supported
| Reveal
| SwapForegroundBackground
| DontSwapForegroundBackground
| ForegroundNormalIntensity ANSIColor
| ForegroundHighIntensity ANSIColor
| BackgroundNormalIntensity ANSIColor
| BackgroundHighIntensity ANSIColor
data SGR = Reset
| SetConsoleIntensity ConsoleIntensity
| SetItalicized Bool -- ^ Not widely supported: sometimes treated as swapping foreground and background
| SetUnderlining Underlining
| SetBlinkSpeed BlinkSpeed
| SetVisible Bool -- ^ Not widely supported
| SetSwapForegroundBackground Bool
| SetColor ConsoleLayer ColorIntensity Color
82 changes: 42 additions & 40 deletions System/Console/ANSI/Example.hs
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Control.Monad
examples :: [IO ()]
examples = [ cursorMovementExample
, lineChangeExample
, setPositionExample
, setCursorPositionExample
, clearExample
, scrollExample
, sgrExample
Expand All @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ (\example -> resetScreen >> example) examples

resetScreen :: IO ()
resetScreen = clearScreen >> setSGR Reset >> setPosition 0 0
resetScreen = clearScreen >> setSGR [Reset] >> setCursorPosition 0 0

pause :: IO ()
pause = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,39 +72,39 @@ lineChangeExample = do
-- Line One
-- Line Two

previousLine 1
cursorUpLine 1
putStr "New Line One"
-- New Line One
-- Line Two

nextLine 1
cursorDownLine 1
putStr "New Line Two"
-- New Line One
-- New Line Two

setPositionExample :: IO ()
setPositionExample = do
setCursorPositionExample :: IO ()
setCursorPositionExample = do
putStrLn "Line One"
putStrLn "Line Two"
-- Line One
-- Line Two

setPosition 0 5
setCursorPosition 0 5
putStr "Foo"
-- Line Foo
-- Line Two

setPosition 1 5
setCursorPosition 1 5
putStr "Bar"
-- Line Foo
-- Line Bar

setColumn 1
setCursorColumn 1
putStr "oaf"
-- Line Foo
Expand All @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ clearExample = do
-- Line One
-- Line Two

setPosition 0 4
setCursorPosition 0 4
-- Line
Expand All @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ clearExample = do
-- Line One
-- Line Two

setPosition 1 4
setCursorPosition 1 4
Expand All @@ -145,13 +145,13 @@ clearExample = do
-- Line One
-- Line Two

setPosition 0 4
setCursorPosition 0 4
-- Line
-- Line Two

setPosition 1 4
setCursorPosition 1 4
-- Line
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,47 +190,49 @@ scrollExample = do

sgrExample :: IO ()
sgrExample = do
let colors = enumFromTo minBound maxBound :: [ANSIColor]
forM_ [ForegroundNormalIntensity, ForegroundHighIntensity, BackgroundNormalIntensity, BackgroundHighIntensity] $ \color_way -> do
forM_ colors $ \color -> do
setSGR Reset
setSGR (color_way color)
putStrLn (show color)
let colors = enumFromTo minBound maxBound :: [Color]
forM_ [Foreground, Background] $ \layer -> do
forM_ [Dull, Vivid] $ \intensity -> do
forM_ colors $ \color -> do
setSGR [Reset]
setSGR [SetColor layer intensity color]
putStrLn (show color)
-- All the colors, 4 times in sequence

let named_styles = [ (BoldIntensity, "Bold")
, (FaintIntensity, "Faint")
, (NormalIntensity, "Normal")
, (Italic, "Italic")
, (SingleUnderline, "Single Underline")
, (DoubleUnderline, "Double Underline")
, (NoUnderline, "No Underline")
, (SlowBlink, "Slow Blink")
, (RapidBlink, "Rapid Blink")
, (NoBlink, "No Blink")
, (Conceal, "Conceal")
, (Reveal, "Reveal")
let named_styles = [ (SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity, "Bold")
, (SetConsoleIntensity FaintIntensity, "Faint")
, (SetConsoleIntensity NormalIntensity, "Normal")
, (SetItalicized True, "Italic")
, (SetItalicized False, "No Italics")
, (SetUnderlining SingleUnderline, "Single Underline")
, (SetUnderlining DoubleUnderline, "Double Underline")
, (SetUnderlining NoUnderline, "No Underline")
, (SetBlinkSpeed SlowBlink, "Slow Blink")
, (SetBlinkSpeed RapidBlink, "Rapid Blink")
, (SetBlinkSpeed NoBlink, "No Blink")
, (SetVisible False, "Conceal")
, (SetVisible True, "Reveal")
forM_ named_styles $ \(style, name) -> do
setSGR style
setSGR [style]
putStrLn name
-- Text describing a style displayed in that style in sequence

setSGR (ForegroundHighIntensity Red)
setSGR (BackgroundHighIntensity Blue)
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Vivid Red]
setSGR [SetColor Background Vivid Blue]

clearScreen >> setPosition 0 0
setSGR DontSwapForegroundBackground
clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0
setSGR [SetSwapForegroundBackground False]
putStr "Red-On-Blue"
-- Red-On-Blue

clearScreen >> setPosition 0 0
setSGR SwapForegroundBackground
clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0
setSGR [SetSwapForegroundBackground True]
putStr "Blue-On-Red"
-- Blue-On-Red
Expand Down
68 changes: 36 additions & 32 deletions System/Console/ANSI/Unix.hs
Expand Up @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ import Data.List
csi :: [Int] -> String -> String
csi args code = "\ESC[" ++ concat (intersperse ";" (map show args)) ++ code

ansiColorToCode :: ANSIColor -> Int
ansiColorToCode color = case color of
colorToCode :: Color -> Int
colorToCode color = case color of
Black -> 0
Red -> 1
Green -> 2
Expand All @@ -28,27 +28,31 @@ ansiColorToCode color = case color of
Cyan -> 6
White -> 7

ansiSGRToCode :: ANSISGR -> Int
ansiSGRToCode sgr = case sgr of
sgrToCode :: SGR -> Int
sgrToCode sgr = case sgr of
Reset -> 0
BoldIntensity -> 1
FaintIntensity -> 2
NormalIntensity -> 22
Italic -> 3
SingleUnderline -> 4
DoubleUnderline -> 21
NoUnderline -> 24
SlowBlink -> 5
RapidBlink -> 6
NoBlink -> 25
Conceal -> 8
Reveal -> 28
SwapForegroundBackground -> 7
DontSwapForegroundBackground -> 27
ForegroundNormalIntensity color -> 30 + ansiColorToCode color
ForegroundHighIntensity color -> 90 + ansiColorToCode color
BackgroundNormalIntensity color -> 40 + ansiColorToCode color
BackgroundHighIntensity color -> 100 + ansiColorToCode color
SetConsoleIntensity intensity -> case intensity of
BoldIntensity -> 1
FaintIntensity -> 2
NormalIntensity -> 22
SetItalicized True -> 3
SetItalicized False -> 23
SetUnderlining underlining -> case underlining of
SingleUnderline -> 4
DoubleUnderline -> 21
NoUnderline -> 24
SetBlinkSpeed blink_speed -> case blink_speed of
SlowBlink -> 5
RapidBlink -> 6
NoBlink -> 25
SetVisible False -> 8
SetVisible True -> 28
SetSwapForegroundBackground True -> 7
SetSwapForegroundBackground False -> 27
SetColor Foreground Dull color -> 30 + colorToCode color
SetColor Foreground Vivid color -> 90 + colorToCode color
SetColor Background Dull color -> 40 + colorToCode color
SetColor Background Vivid color -> 100 + colorToCode color

cursorUpCode n = csi [n] "A"
Expand All @@ -62,18 +66,18 @@ hCursorForward h n = hPutStr h $ cursorForwardCode n
hCursorBackward h n = hPutStr h $ cursorBackwardCode n

nextLineCode n = csi [n] "E"
previousLineCode n = csi [n] "F"
cursorDownLineCode n = csi [n] "E"
cursorUpLineCode n = csi [n] "F"

hNextLine h n = hPutStr h $ nextLineCode n
hPreviousLine h n = hPutStr h $ previousLineCode n
hCursorDownLine h n = hPutStr h $ cursorDownLineCode n
hCursorUpLine h n = hPutStr h $ cursorUpLineCode n

setColumnCode n = csi [n + 1] "G"
setPositionCode n m = csi [n + 1, m + 1] "H"
setCursorColumnCode n = csi [n + 1] "G"
setCursorPositionCode n m = csi [n + 1, m + 1] "H"

hSetColumn h n = hPutStr h $ setColumnCode n
hSetPosition h n m = hPutStr h $ setPositionCode n m
hSetCursorColumn h n = hPutStr h $ setCursorColumnCode n
hSetCursorPosition h n m = hPutStr h $ setCursorPositionCode n m

clearFromCursorToScreenEndCode = csi [0] "J"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,9 +105,9 @@ hScrollPageUp h n = hPutStr h $ scrollPageUpCode n
hScrollPageDown h n = hPutStr h $ scrollPageDownCode n

setSGRCode sgr = csi [ansiSGRToCode sgr] "m"
setSGRCode sgrs = csi (map sgrToCode sgrs) "m"

hSetSGR h sgr = hPutStr h $ setSGRCode sgr
hSetSGR h sgrs = hPutStr h $ setSGRCode sgrs

hideCursorCode = csi [] "?25l"
Expand Down

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