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Neat Object components

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Neat object components adds a simple yet intuitive ORM layer on top of the Neat database components.

Getting started

To install this package, simply issue composer on the command line:

composer require neat/object

Then initialize the object manager using the static create factory:


// Connecting is easy, just pass a PDO instance
$pdo        = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'username', 'password');
$connection = new Neat\Database\Connection($pdo);
$manager    = Neat\Object\Manager::create($connection);

Creating an entity

Entities can be just plain old PHP objects

class User
    /** @var int */
    public $id;
    /** @var string */
    public $name;

To persist these entities into the database, we can use a repository:

$respository = $manager->repository(User::class);

$user = new User;
$user->name = 'John';


echo $user->id; // 1

Find by identifier

If you know the identifier for your entity, you can access it using the has and get methods.

// Get the user at once
$user = $repository->get(1); // Returns user with id 1 or null if not found

// Or just check if it exists
if (!$respository->has(1)) {
    throw new Exception('boohoo');

To find and entity from a table using a composed primary key, you should pass the identifiers as an array.

Find using a query

The repository allows you to query for entities in many ways:

  • one returns one entity (or null if none matched the query)
  • all returns all entities matched by the query as an array
  • collection returns a collection instance containing the matched entities
  • iterate returns a generator allowing you to iterate over the matched entities
  • select returns a query builder that allows chaining any of the methods above

Each of these methods can be passed a query in several ways:

// Find one user with name John (note the [key => value] query array)
$user = $repository->one(['name' => 'John']);

// Find all users that have been deleted (the query is an SQL where clause)
$user = $repository->all('deleted = 1');

// Find all users using a complex query
$administrators = $repository
    ->innerJoin('user_group', 'ug', ' = ug.user_id')
    ->innerJoin('group', 'g', ' = ug.group_id')
    ->where(' = ?', 'administrators')

Find using static access

To prevent littering your code with manager and repository instances, you can use the Storage trait to allow for static repository access:

class User
    use Storage;
    /** @var int */
    public $id;
    /** @var string */
    public $name;

// The Storage trait gives you static access to repository methods
$user = User::get(1);
$users = User::all();
$latest = User::select()->orderBy('created_at DESC')->one();
foreach (User::iterate() as $user) {
    // Do something with every user


If you need relations just use the Relations trait which supplies factory functions for hasOne/Many and belongsToOne/Many relations.

class User
    use Storage;
    use Relations;

    public function address(): One
        return $this->hasOne(Address::class);

// Returns the address object for the user or null
$address = $user->address()->get();

Relations are automatically stored when the parent model is stored:

$address = new Address();
// Stores the user
// Sets the Address::$userId
// Stores the address

Many(hasMany & belongsToMany) relations implement use Collectible:

$user->roles()->map(function (Role $role) {
    return $role->name;

You can extend the relation classes to add commonly needed functionality:

class ManyOrderArticles extends Many {
    public function filterByType(string $type)
        return $this->filter(function (Article $article) use ($type) {
            return $article->type === $type;

But you will have to instantiate the relation yourself, copy over the content of the factory method for the appropriate relation and change the relation type and cache key.


Neat Object components







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