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API Description

This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen For more information, please visit


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "git",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "/": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:



To run the unit tests:

composer install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: global
$config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('access_token', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('access_token', 'Bearer');

$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\AccountsApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$account_id = "account_id_example"; // string | The account ID

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->account($account_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountsApi->account: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountsApi account GET /accounts/{accountId} Retrieve a sub account
AccountsApi accountCreate POST /accounts Create a sub account
AccountsApi accountDisassociate DELETE /accounts/{accountId} Disassociate an account
AccountsApi accountManagedDomain GET /accounts/{accountId}/managed_domains Retrieve a sub account's managed domains
AccountsApi accountOptionsUpdate PATCH /accounts/{accountId}/options Update a sub account's options
AccountsApi accountSettings GET /accounts/{accountId}/settings Retrieve a sub account's settings
AccountsApi accountSettingsUpdate PATCH /accounts/{accountId}/settings Update a sub account's settings
AccountsApi accounts GET /accounts List sub accounts
BillingApi accountBilling GET /accounts/{accountId}/billing Retrieve billing information for a sub account
BillingApi accountBillingUpdate PATCH /accounts/{accountId}/billing Update billing information for a sub account
BillingApi accountPlanAddonCreate POST /accounts/{accountId}/plans/addons Add an additional plan for sub account
BillingApi accountPlanAddonUpdate PUT /accounts/{accountId}/plans/addons Update an additional plan for sub account
BillingApi accountPlanBaseUpdate PUT /accounts/{accountId}/plans/base Update a base plan for a sub account
BillingApi accountPlanCreate POST /accounts/{accountId}/plans Subscribe plans for a sub account
BillingApi accountPlans GET /accounts/{accountId}/plans Retrieve plan information for a sub account
CloudRecordingApi recordingDelete DELETE /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings Delete a meeting's recordings
CloudRecordingApi recordingDeleteOne DELETE /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/{recordingId} Delete one meeting recording file
CloudRecordingApi recordingGet GET /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings Retrieve a meeting’s all recordings
CloudRecordingApi recordingSettingUpdate GET /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/settings Retrieve a meeting recording's settings
CloudRecordingApi recordingSettingsUpdate PATCH /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/settings Update a meeting recording's settings
CloudRecordingApi recordingStatusUpdate PUT /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/status Recover a meeting's recordings
CloudRecordingApi recordingStatusUpdateOne PUT /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/{recordingId}/status Recover a single recording
CloudRecordingApi recordingsList GET /users/{userId}/recordings List all the recordings
DashboardsApi dashboardCRC GET /metrics/crc Retrieve CRC Port Usage
DashboardsApi dashboardIM GET /metrics/im Retrieve IM
DashboardsApi dashboardMeetingDetail GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId} Retrieve meeting detail
DashboardsApi dashboardMeetingParticipantQOS GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants/{participantId}/qos Retrieve meeting participant QOS
DashboardsApi dashboardMeetingParticipantShare GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants/sharing Retrieve sharing/recording details of meeting participant
DashboardsApi dashboardMeetingParticipants GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants Retrieve meeting participants
DashboardsApi dashboardMeetingParticipantsQOS GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants/qos List meeting participants QOS
DashboardsApi dashboardMeetings GET /metrics/meetings List meetings
DashboardsApi dashboardWebinarDetail GET /metrics/webinars/{webinarId} Retrieve webinar detail
DashboardsApi dashboardWebinarParticipantQOS GET /metrics/webinars/{webinarId}/participants/{participantId}/qos Retrieve webinar participant QOS
DashboardsApi dashboardWebinarParticipantShare GET /metrics/webinars/{webinarId}/participants/sharing Retrieve sharing/recording details of webinar participant
DashboardsApi dashboardWebinarParticipants GET /metrics/webinars/{webinarId}/participants Retrieve webinar participants
DashboardsApi dashboardWebinarParticipantsQOS GET /metrics/webinars/{webinarId}/participants/qos List webinar participant QOS
DashboardsApi dashboardWebinars GET /metrics/webinars List webinars
DashboardsApi dashboardZoomRoom GET /metrics/zoomrooms/{zoomroomId} Retrieve Zoom Room
DashboardsApi dashboardZoomRooms GET /metrics/zoomrooms List Zoom Rooms
DevicesApi deviceCreate POST /h323/devices Create a H.323/SIP Device
DevicesApi deviceDelete DELETE /h323/devices/{deviceId} Delete a H.323/SIP Device
DevicesApi deviceList GET /h323/devices List H.323/SIP Devices.
DevicesApi deviceUpdate PATCH /h323/devices/{deviceId} Update a H.323/SIP Device
GroupsApi group GET /groups/{groupId} Retrieve a group
GroupsApi groupCreate POST /groups Create a group
GroupsApi groupDelete DELETE /groups/{groupId} Delete a group
GroupsApi groupMembers GET /groups/{groupId}/members List a group's members
GroupsApi groupMembersCreate POST /groups/{groupId}/members Add group members
GroupsApi groupMembersDelete DELETE /groups/{groupId}/members/{memberId} Delete a group member
GroupsApi groupUpdate PATCH /groups/{groupId} Update a group
GroupsApi groups GET /groups List groups
IMChatApi imChatMessages GET /im/chat/sessions/{sessionId} Retrieve IM Chat messages
IMChatApi imChatSessions GET /im/chat/sessions Retrieve IM Chat sessions
IMGroupsApi imGroup GET /im/groups/{groupId} Retrieve an IM Group
IMGroupsApi imGroupCreate POST /im/groups Create an IM Group
IMGroupsApi imGroupDelete DELETE /im/groups/{groupId} Delete an IM Group
IMGroupsApi imGroupMembers GET /im/groups/{groupId}/members List an IM Group's members
IMGroupsApi imGroupMembersCreate POST /im/groups/{groupId}/members Add IM Group members
IMGroupsApi imGroupMembersDelete DELETE /im/groups/{groupId}/members/{memberId} Delete an IM Group member
IMGroupsApi imGroupUpdate PATCH /im/groups/{groupId} Update an IM Group
IMGroupsApi imGroups GET /im/groups List IM Groups
MeetingsApi meeting GET /meetings/{meetingId} Retrieve a meeting
MeetingsApi meetingCreate POST /users/{userId}/meetings Create a meeting
MeetingsApi meetingDelete DELETE /meetings/{meetingId} Delete a meeting
MeetingsApi meetingInvitation GET /meetings/{meetingId}/invitation Retrieve meeting invitation
MeetingsApi meetingLiveStreamStatusUpdate PATCH /meetings/{meetingId}/livestream/status Update a meeting live stream status
MeetingsApi meetingLiveStreamUpdate PATCH /meetings/{meetingId}/livestream Update a meeting live stream
MeetingsApi meetingPollCreate POST /meetings/{meetingId}/polls Create a meeting's poll
MeetingsApi meetingPollDelete DELETE /meetings/{meetingId}/polls/{pollId} Delete a meeting's Poll
MeetingsApi meetingPollGet GET /meetings/{meetingId}/polls/{pollId} Retrieve a meeting's poll
MeetingsApi meetingPollUpdate PUT /meetings/{meetingId}/polls/{pollId} Update a meeting's poll
MeetingsApi meetingPolls GET /meetings/{meetingId}/polls List a meeting's polls
MeetingsApi meetingRegistrantCreate POST /meetings/{meetingId}/registrants Add a meeting registrant
MeetingsApi meetingRegistrantStatus PUT /meetings/{meetingId}/registrants/status Update a meeting registrant's status
MeetingsApi meetingRegistrants GET /meetings/{meetingId}/registrants List a meeting's registrants
MeetingsApi meetingStatus PUT /meetings/{meetingId}/status Update a meeting's status
MeetingsApi meetingUpdate PATCH /meetings/{meetingId} Update a meeting
MeetingsApi meetings GET /users/{userId}/meetings List meetings
MeetingsApi pastMeetingDetails GET /past_meetings/{meetingUUID} Retrieve past meeting details
MeetingsApi pastMeetingParticipants GET /past_meetings/{meetingUUID}/participants Retrieve past meeting participants
MeetingsApi pastMeetings GET /past_meetings/{meetingId}/instances List of ended meeting instances
PACApi userPACs GET /users/{userId}/pac List user's PAC accounts
ReportsApi reportCloudRecording GET /report/cloud_recording Retrieve cloud recording usage report
ReportsApi reportDaily GET /report/daily Retrieve daily report
ReportsApi reportMeetingDetails GET /report/meetings/{meetingId} Retrieve meeting details report
ReportsApi reportMeetingParticipants GET /report/meetings/{meetingId}/participants Retrieve meeting participants report
ReportsApi reportMeetingPolls GET /report/meetings/{meetingId}/polls Retrieve meeting polls report
ReportsApi reportMeetings GET /report/users/{userId}/meetings Retrieve meetings report
ReportsApi reportTelephone GET /report/telephone Retrieve telephone report
ReportsApi reportUsers GET /report/users Retrieve hosts report
ReportsApi reportWebinarDetails GET /report/webinars/{webinarId} Retrieve webinar details report
ReportsApi reportWebinarParticipants GET /report/webinars/{webinarId}/participants Retrieve webinar participants report
ReportsApi reportWebinarPolls GET /report/webinars/{webinarId}/polls Retrieve webinar polls report
ReportsApi reportWebinarQA GET /report/webinars/{webinarId}/qa Retrieve webinar Q&A report
TSPApi tsp GET /tsp Retrieve account's TSP information
TSPApi tspUpdate PATCH /tsp Update account's TSP information
TSPApi userTSP GET /users/{userId}/tsp/{tspId} Retrieve a user's TSP account
TSPApi userTSPCreate POST /users/{userId}/tsp Add a user's TSP account
TSPApi userTSPDelete DELETE /users/{userId}/tsp/{tspId} Delete a user's TSP account
TSPApi userTSPUpdate PATCH /users/{userId}/tsp/{tspId} Update a TSP account
TSPApi userTSPs GET /users/{userId}/tsp List user's TSP accounts
TrackingFieldApi trackingfieldCreate POST /v2/tracking_fields Create a Tracking Field
TrackingFieldApi trackingfieldDelete DELETE /v2/tracking_fields/{fieldId} Delete a Tracking Field
TrackingFieldApi trackingfieldGet GET /v2/tracking_fields/{fieldId} Retrieve a tracking field
TrackingFieldApi trackingfieldList GET /v2/tracking_fields List Tracking Fields.
TrackingFieldApi trackingfieldUpdate PATCH /v2/tracking_fields/{fieldId} Update a Tracking Field
UsersApi user GET /users/{userId} Retrieve a user
UsersApi userAssistantCreate POST /users/{userId}/assistants Add assistants
UsersApi userAssistantDelete DELETE /users/{userId}/assistants/{assistantId} Delete a user's assistant
UsersApi userAssistants GET /users/{userId}/assistants List a user's assistants
UsersApi userAssistantsDelete DELETE /users/{userId}/assistants Delete a user's assistants
UsersApi userCreate POST /users Create a user
UsersApi userDelete DELETE /users/{userId} Delete a user
UsersApi userEmail GET /users/email Check a user's email
UsersApi userEmailUpdate PUT /users/{userId}/email Update a user's email
UsersApi userPassword PUT /users/{userId}/password Update a user's password
UsersApi userPermission GET /users/{userId}/permissions Retrieve a user's permissions
UsersApi userPicture POST /users/{userId}/picture Upload a user's picture
UsersApi userSSOTokenDelete DELETE /users/{userId}/token Revoke a user's SSO token
UsersApi userSchedulerDelete DELETE /users/{userId}/schedulers/{schedulerId} Delete a user's scheduler
UsersApi userSchedulers GET /users/{userId}/schedulers List a user's schedulers
UsersApi userSchedulersDelete DELETE /users/{userId}/schedulers Delete a user's schedulers
UsersApi userSettings GET /users/{userId}/settings Retrieve a user's settings
UsersApi userSettingsUpdate PATCH /users/{userId}/settings Update a user's settings
UsersApi userStatus PUT /users/{userId}/status Update a user's status
UsersApi userToken GET /users/{userId}/token Retrieve a user's token
UsersApi userUpdate PATCH /users/{userId} Update a user
UsersApi userVanityName GET /users/vanity_name Check a user's personal meeting room name
UsersApi userZPK GET /users/zpk Verify a user's zpk (Deprecated
UsersApi users GET /users List Users
WebhooksApi webhook GET /webhooks/{webhookId} Retrieve a webhook
WebhooksApi webhookCreate POST /webhooks Create a webhook
WebhooksApi webhookDelete DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId} Delete a webhook
WebhooksApi webhookSwitch PATCH /webhooks/options Switch webhook version
WebhooksApi webhookUpdate PATCH /webhooks/{webhookId} Update a webhook
WebhooksApi webhooks GET /webhooks List webhooks
WebinarsApi pastWebinars GET /past_webinars/{webinarId}/instances List of ended webinar instances
WebinarsApi webinar GET /webinars/{webinarId} Retrieve a webinar
WebinarsApi webinarCreate POST /users/{userId}/webinars Create a webinar
WebinarsApi webinarDelete DELETE /webinars/{webinarId} Delete a webinar
WebinarsApi webinarPanelistCreate POST /webinars/{webinarId}/panelists Add a webinar panelist
WebinarsApi webinarPanelistDelete DELETE /webinars/{webinarId}/panelists/{panelistId} Remove a webinar panelist
WebinarsApi webinarPanelists GET /webinars/{webinarId}/panelists List a webinar's panelists
WebinarsApi webinarPanelistsDelete DELETE /webinars/{webinarId}/panelists Remove a webinar's panelists
WebinarsApi webinarPollCreate POST /webinars/{webinarId}/polls Create a webinar's poll
WebinarsApi webinarPollDelete DELETE /webinars/{webinarId}/polls/{pollId} Delete a webinar's Poll
WebinarsApi webinarPollGet GET /webinars/{webinarId}/polls/{pollId} Retrieve a webinar's poll
WebinarsApi webinarPollUpdate PUT /webinars/{webinarId}/polls/{pollId} Update a webinar's poll
WebinarsApi webinarPolls GET /webinars/{webinarId}/polls List a webinar's polls
WebinarsApi webinarRegistrantCreate POST /webinars/{webinarId}/registrants Add a webinar registrant
WebinarsApi webinarRegistrantStatus PUT /webinars/{webinarId}/registrants/status Update a webinar registrant's status
WebinarsApi webinarRegistrants GET /webinars/{webinarId}/registrants List a webinar's registrants
WebinarsApi webinarStatus PUT /webinars/{webinarId}/status Update a webinar's status
WebinarsApi webinarUpdate PATCH /webinars/{webinarId} Update a webinar
WebinarsApi webinars GET /users/{userId}/webinars List webinars

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: access_token
  • Location: URL query string


Zoom integration API







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