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Patrick Baselier edited this page Oct 24, 2015 · 7 revisions

This workshop let's you build an Ember 2 application. It's free and it's totally up to you to decide when to do it and how much time you want to spend on it.

To see what you will build during the workshop, have a look at the live demo.

And since it's open source, you can even use this workshop as material for teaching others how to build applications with Ember.


This repo is a small Ember.js application that you will build during a workshop written by me and Jeroen for our company Kabisa.

On the right you see an index with all the tags used for the exercises. Start with the installation instructions and then proceed with 01.0.0, and so on.

All exercises should be self-explaining, but you will learn more when you're accompanied by a more-experienced Ember.js developer as these pages do not or contain little information about the why's. It only describes the how's.

What you will learn

When you've completed all exercises you have built a fairly simple, but complete CRUD application including:

  • Rendering lists and single items using front-end first approach
  • Using nested resources
  • Edit and update items
  • Use bindings
  • Use hasMany and belongsTo associations
  • Switch adapters to use a back-end JSON api
  • Search and filter items
  • Create and use Ember components
  • Upload images
  • Use server side validation

What you need to know

We think that you should have at least web programming related skills for this workshop to be of any value. We expect that you're already familiair with some basic concepts in this field. So programming PHP, Ruby on Rails or another server-side web framework would be enough to get you started. At least some knowledge of JavaScript is expected, since we don't explain stuff like functions, closures, callbacks, promises, etc. Knowledge of HTML, CSS and Scss will come in handy, but if you don't master these, don't worry. You don't have to know Ember.js to get started with this workshop. It would be good, however, to have some knowledge of some kind of MV* framework, preferably client-side, but this is no requirement.

How long will it take

Well, that all depends on the questions you have during the workshop, but depending on your skills, we expect that this can be accomplished by 4-5 hrs.

You can still do the exercises in your own time, but then you might lookup some background information yourself. Nevertheless, we encourage everyone to read the wiki, whether you're joining some kind of workshop or not.

Before you start

This application uses Ember CLI and Ruby on Rails. So you need to do some preparation in order to get started:

  • Ruby 1.9+
  • npm
  • npm install phantomjs -g
  • npm install -g ember-cli
  • npm install -g bower
  • Install the Ember Inspector


Since all tools used in the workshop update frequently, we list them here provided with the version used when writing these exercises:

  • Ember 2.0.1
  • Ember Data 2.0.0
  • Ember CLI 1.13.8
  • Ruby on Rails 4.2.4


Any feedback, comments, improvements or others are welcome. For this send me an e-mail or report an issue or pull request.