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A collection of extensions and utilities for Sql Korma that we found we were rewriting for every project.


Very much an early version at the moment. Use at own risk!

Clojars and Leiningen

Clojars Project



Adds the following conveniences to defentity.


Apply field-level, two-way transformations for individual fields in a table. This can already be done using (transform) and (prepare), however the use of field-transforms factors away a bit of the boilerplate thats required.

;; With our user entity, we want to convert the 'activation-status' field value from
;; the number value it's stored as, to a more descriptive and readable keyword value

(use 'pilaf.core)
(use 'pilaf.transform)
(use 'korma.core)

(defentity+ user
   (prepare (fn [u] (assoc u :added true)))
   (field-transforms [(status-field :activation-status {:active 1 :inactive 2})]))

;; with record: {name "", activation_status 1, user_role "BIG_SHOT"}
(select user (where {:id 1})) ;; => ({:name "Joe Blogg" :activation-status :active :added true :user-role "BIG_SHOT"})

;; The field-transforms form takes a seq of maps that match the following:
(def keyword-field {:field :user-role :to-db name :from-db keyword})

;; The [to-db,from-db] values are functions. to-db takes a value and coerces it into the required jdbc type.
;; from-db takes the jdbc type and coerces it into the required clojure type.

(defentity+ user
   (field-transforms [(status-field :activation-status {:active 1 :inactive 2})
(select user (where {:id 1}))
;; => ({:name "Joe Blogg" :activation-status :active :user-role :BIG_SHOT})
(insert user (values {:id 2 :name "Jimmy Jims" :activation-status :inactive :user-role :NOBODY}))
;; => {name "Jimmy Jims" activation_status 2 user_role "NOBODY"}

;; 'keyword-field' and 'date-field' functions are provided in pilaf.transform ns for conveniently defining the required maps
;; for transformation

(defentity+ user-log
   (field-transforms [(date-field :record-date) (keyword-field :type)]))

(select user-log (where {:id 1}))
;; => ({:record-date #inst 2014-01-01, :type :some-value})


Re-use the same properties across multiple entities.

;; A use-case for mixins is a user tracking/audit column.

(use 'pilaf.core)
(use 'korma.core)
(use 'clj-time.core)

(defmixin user-auditable
  ;; When saving this record, add an updated-by value if user id is bound to the thread
  (prepare (fn [ent]
              (if *some-bound-user-id*
                (assoc ent :updated-by *some-bound-user-id*)

(defentity+ user
  (field-transforms [(status-field :activation-status {:active 1 :inactive 2})]))

(defentity+ transaction
  (prepare (fn [tr] (assoc tr :tran-date (now))))) ;; any prepare/transform functions will be comp'd,
                                                   ;;with the entity's func being the last func in the composition

;; Use the 'with-mixins' macro to apply a mixin to multiple entities
(defmixin create-date-field
  (field-transforms [(date-field :create-date)]))

(with-mixins [user-auditable create-date-field]
  (defentity+ user
    (field-transforms [(status-field :activation-status {:active 1 :inactive 2})]))

  (defentity+ transaction
    (prepare (fn [tr] (assoc tr :tran-date (now))))))


Yair Iny - wrote the original version of these utilities

Brendan Bates


Copyright © 2014 ICM Consulting

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.