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##A minimal SvelteKit site with Sanity Studio This starter uses SvelteKit for the frontend and Sanity to handle its content.

Featuring How to fetch content as data from the Sanity Content Lake How to render block content with Portable Text A Sanity Studio to create and edit content Visual editing with live updates through Presentation How to crop and render images with Sanity Image URLs Note

This starter features an /app and a /studio folder. The /app folder contains the frontend code, and the /studio folder contains the Sanity Studio code.

It is configured as a monorepo using pnpm workspaces, but you can treat these directories as separate projects if you prefer.

Prerequisities Node.js (v14.18 or later) Sanity CLI (optional) Getting started Run the following commands to prepare both applications, each step should be executed from the root directory:

Install dependencies. pnpm install Select or create a Sanity project and dataset, and output the details to a .env file. cd studio && pnpm sanity init --env .env Generate a token with read permissions for use in the next step. pnpm sanity manage Copy the example app .env file and populate it with the required values. cp ./app/.env.example ./app/.env Start the development servers: pnpm dev Your SvelteKit app should now be running on http://localhost:5173/. Your Studio should now be running on http://localhost:3333/. Add content Visit the Studio and create and publish a new Post document Visit the App and refresh the page to see your content rendered on the page The schema for the Post document is defined in the /studio/schemas folder. You can add more documents and schemas to the Studio to suit your needs.

Deployments The /app and /studio folders are meant to be deployed separately.

Make sure that after /app is deployed the .env file in /studio is updated with its deployment URL under SANITY_STUDIO_PREVIEW_URL.

And /app has a .env file with PUBLIC_SANITY_STUDIO_URL that points to the Studio's deployment URL.


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