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jcasimir committed Jan 7, 2012
1 parent 9a7cd9d commit 7bc9455
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To-Do List:
- Write authorization iteration
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176 changes: 176 additions & 0 deletions public/topics/decorators.html
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<p>Let&#8217;s play around with the concept of decorators and check out some of the features offered by the Draper gem.</p>
<p>First we need a sample project. I&#8217;ve setup a version of our JSMerchant project, a simple online store, that we can experiment with. To clone the sample project:</p>
<pre class="console">
git clone git://
<p>Then change into the project directory.</p>
<h3>Install Draper</h3>
<p>Next, open the <code>Gemfile</code> and add a dependency on <code>'draper'</code> like this:</p>
<pre class="brush:ruby">
gem 'draper'
<p>Run <code>bundle</code>, then start up your server.</p>
<h3>Generate a Decorator</h3>
<p>We&#8217;ll create a decorator to wrap the <code>Product</code> model. Draper gives you a handy generator:</p>
<pre class="console">
rails generate draper:model Product
<p>It will create the folder <code>app/decorators/</code> and the file <code>app/decorators/product_decorator.rb</code>. Open the file and you&#8217;ll find the frame of a <code>ProductDecorator</code> class.</p>
<p><strong>Restart</strong> your server so the new folder is added to the load path.</p>
<h3>First Usage</h3>
<p>Without changing the decorator, let&#8217;s see the simplest usage. Open the <code>products_controller</code> and look at the <code>show</code> action. It currently has:</p>
<pre class="brush:ruby">
def show
@product = Product.find(params[:id])
<p>To make use of the decorator, call the <code>.new</code> method and pass in the product from the database:</p>
<pre class="brush:ruby">
def show
source = Product.find(params[:id])
@product =
<p>Then go and view the show page for a single product by clicking on its name on the index.</p>
<h4>Polymorphic Path Bug &#8212; <span class="caps">FIXED</span>??</h4>
<p><strong>Update</strong>: I think I&#8217;ve got this nailed, but leaving the note here for now, just in case.</p>
<p>You will likely hit a bug here: <code>undefined method 'name' for nil</code>. The show template is relying on Rails&#8217; polymorphic path which jumps through some complex hoops to figure out the proper path name. It&#8217;s fixable, but the solution isn&#8217;t quite right yet.</p>
<p>The fix is to just use a normal path. Open the <code>show.html.erb</code> template and change the destroy link like this:</p>
<pre class="brush:ruby">
&lt;%= link_to "Destroy", product_path(@product), :confirm =&gt; 'Are you sure?', :method =&gt; :delete %&gt;
<p>Now your decorator is in action &#8212; doing nothing of interest.</p>
<h3>Adding Methods</h3>
<p>Now let&#8217;s add some actual functionality to our decorator.</p>
<h4>Product Price</h4>
<p>Currently the show page just displays the raw <code>price</code> attribute. There is a helper named <code>print_price</code> in <code>ApplicationHelper</code> that wraps the price in a currency format.</p>
<p>The challenge is that we have to remember to use that helper whenever we output the price. What a pain! Instead, let&#8217;s override the <code>price</code> method in our decorator:</p>
<pre class="brush:ruby">
def price
<p>This uses two methods inherited from the <code>Draper::Base</code>. First we have a method <code>helpers</code> that is a proxy to ActionView&#8217;s built-in helpers. That way we don&#8217;t have to include <strong>all</strong> of the helpers directly in our decorator.</p>
<p>The second is <code>source</code> which stores the original wrapped object. We can use the accessor to reach methods not available in the decorator, such as ones we override or explicitly deny.</p>
<h4>Product Stock</h4>
<p>Currently the show page uses the <code>print_stock</code> helper:</p>
<pre class="brush:ruby">
&lt;%= print_stock @product.stock %&gt;
<p>Find that method in <code>ProductsHelper</code> and try rewriting it into your decorator. The <code>content_tag</code> helper is available as a normal method in the decorator class.</p>
<h3>Using Denies</h3>
<p>When we define an interface we want to be able to exclude or include specific accessors. Let&#8217;s try using the <code>denies</code> method.</p>
<p>Denies is modeled after <code>attr_protected</code> in Rails. If you don&#8217;t use the method, everything is permitted. If you do use the method, then all calls are permitted except to those listed in the denies call.</p>
<p>For instance, say we wanted to block usage of <code>updated_at</code>. First, add it as a display item in the show view:</p>
<pre class="brush:ruby">
Last Updated: &lt;%= @product.updated_at %&gt;
<p>Refresh your browser and the timestamp should show up. Now let&#8217;s try denying access to that method. Inside your <code>ProductDecorator</code> class, add this:</p>
<pre class="brush:ruby">
class ProductDecorator &lt; Draper::Base
denies :updated_at
<p>Refresh your page and it should raise an exception, the method <code>updated_at</code> is not defined.</p>
<h3>Using Allows</h3>
<p>When writing models, <code>attr_protected</code> is not frequently used. More often we want to define a whitelist using <code>attr_accessible</code>. The same is true with decorator models. It&#8217;s more common to specify which methods are made available.</p>
<h4>Combining Allows and Denies</h4>
<p>First, try adding this line right under the <code>denies</code>:</p>
<pre class="brush:ruby">
allows :title
<p>Refresh your page and you should see an exception. You can&#8217;t use both <code>allows</code> and <code>denies</code> in the same decorator because it leaves ambiguity about the unlisted methods. Remove the <code>denies</code> line and try again.</p>
<h4>Allowing More Methods</h4>
<p>So far you&#8217;re only allowing <code>:title</code>, so you&#8217;ll get exceptions as the other accessors try to pull out data. Add the appropriate methods to <code>allows</code>, separated by commas. Make sure you include <code>to_param</code> so your links will work properly.</p>
<p>Note that you don&#8217;t need to <code>allow</code> methods defined in the decorator, they&#8217;re allowed by default.</p>
<h4>Now, Play!</h4>
<p>Here are some other things you can try:</p>
<li>Define a <code>to_xml</code> or <code>to_json</code> in the decorator and use <code>respond_with</code> to serve them up</li>
<li>Try calling <code>ProductDecorator.decorate(sources)</code> to create an array of decorated objects from an array of source objects, then use experiment with the <code>index</code></li>
<li>Try defining a format attribute on your decorator (so it&#8217;d hold a value like <code>:xml</code> or <code>:json</code>), set it when creating the decorator instance, then in your methods react to that attribute to output formatted data. (<em><span class="caps">ASIDE</span>:</em> Is this a good idea? It&#8217;d probably be better to define a parent decorator like <code>ProductDecorator</code>, then create subclasses <code>ProductDecoratorXML</code> and <code>ProductDecoratorJSON</code>.)</li>
<h3>Where We Go from Here</h3>
<p>The decorator pattern is ready to start replacing your helpers and defining an interface between view template and data. What&#8217;s next?</p>
<p>The next challenge is to provide access to traditional user-defined helpers from within the decorator. For instance, to do proper data shaping based on authorization, we would want to call <code>current_user</code> from within the decorator. ActiveView provides a way to proxy the built in helpers, but there isn&#8217;t one for user defined helpers. There&#8217;s a tricky hack to do it that we&#8217;ll likely implement soon.</p>
<p>Respected friend Xavier Shay posts his solution here:</p>
<p>From there, it&#8217;s time for some real-world usage. I&#8217;d love your help testing this out with experimental code. Please don&#8217;t use it in a production system until it hits 1.0!</p>
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions public/topics/handlebars.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1. Demo
2. Setup Handlebars
3. Template Processing with Static Data
4. Fetching Dynamic Data

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