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Dynamic reverse proxy based on node js.

Features :

  1. Configure via REST.
  2. TCP proxy [for mysql]
  3. HTTP/HTTPS reverse proxy
  4. Avoid dog pile effect
  5. Load balancing (support sticky and non sticky with auto update of failed nodes)
  6. UI for viewing and editing URL mappings.
  7. Auto detection of server node failure and send alert as email
  8. Store mapping info in a lightweight embedded db to persist the URL mappings (to get back mapping info after proxy server restart or crash )

How to get going :

  1. Install Node.js for your operating system.
  2. Create a folder for tingoDB in local system.
  3. Get a copy of code - to your local directory.
  4. Run the command - npm install -d - in Node command prompt after changing to your cloned directory. This should install the dependencies currently added in package.json file.
  5. Set path of your tingoDB folder to dbPath property in config/config.js.
  6. Set hostname and port on which you want to run your proxy-etc.
  7. User credentials for the application in config.js file.

Running the application :

  1. From the command prompt run - node app.js . You should be able to see a Login page at http://localhost:3333/proxy.
  2. Login with Admin user credentials : Username : admin, Password : admin
  3. Add routes to proxy-etc. For example : source :, host :, port : 8080
  4. Now you can access 'example' app running on machine from proxy-etc url
  5. There will be two instances of servers running. One for UI as configured in config/config.js app property. Another instance(cluster) for reverse proxy as configured in http and https properties in config/config.js.

Configuring the server

	dbPath : 'C:/tingoDB/data',
	maxSockets : 500,
	workers : 4,
	tcpTimeout : 90,
	httpKeepAlive : true,
	app : {
		name : 'proxy-etc',
		hostname : 'localhost',
		port : 3333,
	http : {
		hostname : 'localhost',
		port : 80,
	https : {
		hostname : 'localhost',
		port : 443,
		keyPath : './config/keys/errzero.private.pem',
		certPath : './config/keys/errzero.public.pem'
	memoryMonitor : {
		memoryLimit : 100, //MBs
		gracefulWait : 30, //seconds
		checkInterval : 60 //seconds
	credentials : {
		username : "admin",
		password : "admin"
	mail : {
		apiKey : 'key-3lfx4-726ijch1hk8o4',
		from : '',
		subject : 'Proxy-etc'
  • dbPath : Path to tingoDB folder
  • maxSockets : The maximum number of sockets which can be opened on each backend (per worker)
  • workers : Number of workers to be spawned (specify at least 1, the master process does not serve any request)
  • https : SSL configuration (omit this section to disable HTTPS)

Features implemented

Configure via REST

Routes can be added or removed or updated using rest.

  • Adding route
    • method : POST,
    • url : /api/routes/save,
    • example route json : {"route" : {"source" : "", "targets" : [{"host" : "localhost", "port" : "8080"}], "sessionType" : "Sticky"} }
  • Update route
    • method : POST
    • url : /api/routes/update
    • data : routes json to be updated
  • Delete Route
    • method : POST
    • url : /api/routes/delete
    • data : {"id" : "7"}
  • Get all routes
    • method : GET,
    • url : /api/routes/allRoutes
  • Update config of target
    • method : POST
    • url : /api/target/updateConfig
    • data : {"id" : "7", config : {"enabled":true, "ping service":"http", "timeout":"100", "ping interval":"3", "alert to":"", "warning if takes more than":"100", "method":"", "url":"", "expectedStatuscode":"", "expectedData":""}}

HTTP/HTTPS reverse proxy

Supports both HTTP and HTTPS

Load balancing

Multiple backends can be attached to a frontend. Session type property can be added to route json to make it sticky or non-sticky.

  • Sticky Session : It keep your sessions tied to the same target. Proxy-etc is adding cookie to first response and checks the subsequent requests for the cookie added. If finds the cookie forwards request to same target.
  • Non-sticky Session : Requests are distributed to all the targets equally.

UI for viewing and editing URL mappings

Multi-process architecture

To optimize response times and make use of all your available cores, Proxy-etc uses the cluster module (included in NodeJS), and spreads the load across multiple NodeJS processes. A master process is in charge of spawning workers and monitoring them. When a worker dies, the master spawns a new one.

Memory monitoring

Each worker monitors its memory usage. If it crosses a given threshold, the worker stops accepting new connections, it lets the current requests complete cleanly, and it stops itself; it is then replaced by a new copy by the master process.

Watchmen integration

Status of added target can monitored by adding target configuration. For example whether target is running or not, Number of outages(Number of times the target is down), Uptime.

###Port forwarding Port forwarding in machine in which proxy is running can be achieved by giving port name instead of host name while adding route.


  • OS integration
  • TCP proxy [for mysql]
  • Avoid dog pile effect


Dynamic reverse proxy based on node js.






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