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My Neovim configuration Folded Config


  • Neovim: Latest Stable build preferably
  • vim-plug
  • Python 2/3 and pip2/3 if you are doing Python dev
  • ack


  1. Copy this init.vim to ~/.config/nvim/
  2. Install the pynvim module for python integration using:
sudo pip install pynvim && sudo pip3 install pynvim
  1. Launch Neovim with sudo and run :PlugInstall
  2. Close and relaunch Neovim

Config Notes

Folding is used to break the config into sections. If the file is not folded when opened, use the default zM shortcut to fold all. Folded Config

Custom Keyboard Mappings

Keyboard mappings are mostly inspired by Spacemacs.

Leader Key: <SPACE>

Shortcut Description
<leader>q quit
<leader>bd close buffer
<leader>fs save buffer
<leader>rr refresh all buffers
<leader>fe open netrw file browser
<leader>ve open vimrc
<leader>vr reload vimrc
<leader>w. split window horizontal
<leader>w/ split window vertical
<leader>wd close split
<C-k> move up a split
<C-j> move down a split
<C-h> move left a split
<C-l> move right a split
<C-up> resize +5
<C-down> resize -5
<C-left> vertical resize +5
<C-right> vertical resize -5
<leader>M maximize a split
<leader>m minimize a split
<leader>ff FZF file search cwd
<leader>fh FZF file search ~
<leader>fw FZF file search ~/Dropbox/wiki/
<leader>bb FZF buffer search
<leader>; FZF lines search
<leader>o FZF btags search
<leader>O FZF tags search
<leader>? FZF history search
<leader>ss search directory with Ack.vim
<leader>cl open quickfix window
<leader>jj easymotion move to char
<leader>jl easymotion move to line
<leader>jw easymotion move to word
<leader>gs vim-fugitive git status
<leader>gc vim-fugitive git commit
<leader>gu vim-fugitive git pull
<leader>gp vim-fugitive git push
<leader>pp markdown preview in web browser
<leader>= auto format

Terminal Mode

Shortcut Description
<C-[> exit to normal mode


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