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Sitecore Forms Send Email Submit Action

This is a simple Send Email submit action for Sitecore 9 Forms, similar to the Send Email Message action in WFFM.



To configure your SMTP server, you have the following options that will be evaluated in this order of precedence:

  • In-Action (using the Custom SMTP field in the action)
  • Sitecore MailSettings in patch file
  • Web.config .NET mail settings


When creating the Send Email action in your form, you can enter your SMTP configuration directly in the action in the Custom SMTP field. The configuration tags are similar to the ones used in WFFM, but these are case-sensitive:

<Host>[IP address or name of your SMTP server]</Host>
<Port>[Port number of your SMTP server]</Port>
<EnableSsl>[Set to True (with capital T) to enable TLS/SSL, omit to disable]</EnableSsl>
<Login>[Username to login to your SMTP server]</Login>
<Password>[Password to login to your SMTP server]</Password>

Sitecore MailSettings

If you don't want to use the in-action configuration, you can create a Sitecore patch file (any .config file under App_Config\Include) with the following settings (these are the standard Sitecore SMTP settings):

<configuration xmlns:patch="" xmlns:set="">
      <setting name="MailServer" set:value="[IP address or name of your SMTP server]" />
      <setting name="MailServerPort" set:value="[Port number of your SMTP server]" />
      <setting name="MailServerUserName" set:value="[Username to login to your SMTP server]" />
      <setting name="MailServerPassword" set:value="[Password to login to your SMTP server]" />
      <setting name="MailServerUseSsl" set:value="[true to use TLS/SSL or false not to use it]">

If your server requires TLS/SSL and your version of Sitecore does not support the MailServerUseSsl setting, you need to modify your Sitecore installation's main Web.config file and add the /configuration/ section:

    <smtp deliveryMethod="Network">
      <network enableSsl="true" />

Web.config .NET mail settings

If you don't want to use the in-action configuration or MailSettings, you can use the standard .NET mail settings in your Sitecore installation's main Web.config file. You have to add the following /configuration/ section:

    <smtp deliveryMethod="Network">
      <network host="[IP address or name of your SMTP server]"
        port="[Port number of your SMTP server]"
        userName="[Username to login to your SMTP server]"
        password="[Password to login to your SMTP server]"
        enableSsl="[Set to true to use SSL/TLS, set to false or omit to disable]"
        defaultCredentials="false" />


Data from your Sitecore Form fields can be used for any of the Send Email Action fields. Just enclose the Field name into square brackets. For example, if you have a field called "Customer Name" in your form, you refer to it with the token [Customer Name] in your action field(s). This follows the same convention used in WFFM. If you scroll down in the Action configuration window, you will see a list of valid field tokens you can use.

Single-value fields will render whatever the user has entered in those values. Multiple-value fields (such as Checkbox Lists) will render the selected values comma-separated.