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Journal Entry: Installing Docker

EmiliyaStol edited this page Jan 14, 2022 · 4 revisions

Started: January 10, 2022. Completed: January 12, 2022.

Objective: Learning to use Docker creating a new image and container. Learning to use RStudio through Docker.

Installing Docker

I have installed Docker on my computer. At first, I accessed the docker image associated with the winter 2021 version of the bcb420 course. Afterwards, I accessed the bcb420 winter 2022 docker image, risserlin/bcb420-base-image:winter2022, which I will continue to use. I have changed the password from the original command creating the docker container.

Opening RStudio using Docker

I opened RStudio in my browser at localhost:8787 using the username and password. I created a new notebook which I saved on the directory on my computer from which I launched the container. Since I have RStudio installed previously on my computer, I am also able to work on these files from my computer. However, I should be careful to check whether the code that I intend to submit will compile and run with the bcb420 docker image.


I have now set up Docker, which I will use for the completion of future assignments.


Steipe, B. & Isserlin, R. (2020). Chapter 2 Installing R and RStudio. R - Basics.