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Journal Entry 1: Account Set Up & Getting Started

itsSabbir edited this page Feb 26, 2022 · 1 revision

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The objective of this activity is to set up our student wiki account hosted on GitHub and complete the Account Set-Up activity from Quercus. We had to make sure our GitHub account name matched with one that would easily identify us as a student in the course. We had to submit an issue in the Student Wiki repo with our GitHub name to be added to the organization, BCB420 repository. Set up our Student Wiki Page in the organization's repo once we are added. Then make our course journal entries. Then lastly add our respective links to the Student Wiki list.

  • Time Est.: 1 hrs
  • Time Used: 2 hrs

Progress & Notes

Pretty straightforward in hindsight. Recall that there is a way to change the edit mode on the top-hand side of the textbox. Read the Account Set Up page from Quercus and follow the instruction. Some of the links are broken so I had to manually copy and search for them to get to the previous year's course material.

Activities & Tasks

Successfully did the account set up for GitHub portion. That's why I am able to write this. Link to my entry on the aggregate Student Wiki can be found here

Also added a footer with copyright information, in addition, had to look up how to display the little copyright picture, so I used the picture from the course material by "Inspecting it" and copying the link from this course GitHub repo and then inserting it as a Markdown.

I also didn't really know how to include the CC BY template to signify the CC BY 4.0 we are using in this course. After reading the discussion board and messing around with the editing language I found a really intuitive solution, just using the settings at the top of the textbox.

Conclusion, Outlook, & Discussion

This was pretty interesting because I was not aware of the ability to change the edit mode until a little after I had started. Most of the time was taken or used up when I was clicking around trying to figure out how to actually make edits on different pages, wikis, and repos. This was by far the most challenging thing for me specifically because of the fact that I was not aware that I had to accept the email invitation to make edits to the repositories for the course individually.


Steipe, B., & Isserlin, R. (2022). BCB420 - Computational System Biology. Retrieved 14 January 2022, from

Steipe, B., & Isserlin, R. (2022). BCB420 - Computational System Biology. Retrieved 14 January 2022, from

Steipe, B., & Isserlin, R. (2022). BCB420 - Computational System Biology. Retrieved 14 January 2022, from