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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 16, 2021. It is now read-only.

Contributing to the Digital Toolkit

Jim Rabb edited this page Nov 19, 2018 · 7 revisions

If you made it here from the Digital Toolkit site, you now find yourself in Github - thus the change in look and feel. This is where both the design and the content for the Digital Toolkit lives. Procedures for changing the design of the Digital Toolkit are elsewhere - here is where to learn about adding or changing content. Prerequisites include a basic understanding of Github, its concepts and its terms (eg, if you're unfamiliar "repo," "forking" a repository, "pull requests", get a handle on those first.) You'll see guides to adding specific types of information on the right - its also important to know the difference between those types of pages - that is accomplished through an increased familiarity with Digital Toolkit.

There are a couple of ways to contribute: Either a) fork a repository, modify or create new content, and submit a pull request, or b) reach out to one of the contacts mentioned within the toolkit (/contact-us) to begin a discussion of alternate ways. One way may be as simple as submitting a Word document to the project owners.

Making a contribution using GitHub

Making suggestions and edits is as easy as forking this repository and submitting a pull request - just edit the relevant Markdown files.

Some Assembly Required

In order to contribute to this project, basic knowledge of the Markdown syntax is required. Markdown is really easy to learn - basically you just edit the text inside the Markdown (.md, .markdown) files in order to change the content inside the guides.

Making a contribution via email

Copy and paste the content of the page you'd like to edit, make your edits and send them to the OCIO via the "Provide feedback on this..." button on toolkit pages. Be sure to include the URL of the page that you are contributing to in your email.