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arlowatts edited this page Dec 20, 2023 · 2 revisions

moh-eRx CI/CD Pipeline

This code repository performs CI/CD using Github Actions.


This project has six environments: dev, vs1, vc1, vc2, tr1, and prd. New images are automatically deployed to the dev environment in the Silver cluster whenever a commit is pushed to the main branch of the repo in a branch that will affect the deployment.

Automated Pipelines

Whenever code is pushed to the main branch, an automated action is run for each of the nine API services. Each action performs the following steps:

  1. Build the code as a .NET project, storing the build data temporarily
  2. Build the Docker image from the compiled code
  3. Login to the OpenShift Silver cluster
  4. Push the new Docker image to the tools namespace with the environment tag 'dev'

A deployment config is set up to run images according to their environment tag. For example, images with the tag 'dev' are run in the dev environment. This is how the tagging in the pipeline step deploys the latest build to each environment.

Manual Pipelines

This repository includes four manual workflows:

  • deploy-to-gold.yml builds the selected services and deploys them to the vc1 environment in Gold and Gold DR. Inputs allow the user to build and deploy either all nine services or only one.

  • deploy-to-silver.yml builds the selected services and deploys them to the selected environment in Silver. Inputs allow the user to build and deploy either all nine services or only one.

  • release.yml pulls the built images from the vc1 environment in Gold and tags them for the prd environment in Gold and Gold DR. This workflow requires approval from a designated reviewer to run. The approval step runs automatically when the workflow is requested and will hold the execution of the workflow until a reviewer has approved it.

  • wava-scan.yml runs a ZAP scan on the APIs in the selected environment. A ZAP scan is a security scan that will probe the API endpoints for security vulnerabilities. A report will be generated for each service and will be available under 'Artifacts' in the workflow execution. The workflow will also create an Issue for each endpoint.