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Entry point for BCWS FTL MVP software please click here for setup instructions for BCWS FTL MVP software

imv short for "image viewer" (also an anagram of vim the unix text editor): imv is a minimalist hyperspectral image viewer and is loosely inspired by ENVI and Warcraft II and conceptually derived from an earlier program called scg.

  • will accept data size near to system limit e.g. exabyte scale on linux systems
  • contains a number of multithreaded functions for high performance
  • interactive 3d scatter plots for overview and subscene windows
  • big-data viewer with video game responsiveness
  • tested on images hundreds of GB in size
  • spectral plotting at point location
  • resizeable target/zoom window

Basic ML algorithm included:

Sample data

Real chess sample data

please click here to explore real chess sample data

Synthetic chess sample data

please click here to explore chess sample data

Peppers hyperspectral data

please click here to explore hyperspectral peppers sample data

Bonaparte lake (Sentinel2) data

please click here to explore Bonaparte Lake, BC Sentinel2 data


Raster data inputs always assumed to be: ENVI binary format, data type "4" aka IEEE-standard (byte-order 0) Float32, "band sequential" format, with certain restrictions on formatting of the header file

operations (key combinations)

click on scene window area, to buffer data

band switching

band switching by r[number]<return>, g[number]<return>, b[number]<return>

Adjust histogram scaling

p xx percent

move bands forward / back by one

move bands forward / back a full date

add annotation point

delete annotation point

list annotation points

run K-means semi-supervised algorithm on whole scene

run K-means semi-supervised algorithm on sub-scene

change image-scaling method (s key)

resize zoom window

Note: don't attempt to resize the other windows (should be disabled, is not)

Example: default bands (r,g,b = 1,2,3) natural colour


Example: band selection (r,g,b = 4,3,2) so-called false colour



input raster format

output raster format

target / vector / annotation file format

Tolerant of extra col's. Note the row/col convention. Confirm data upload to LAN. Confirm can open output in QGIS. Compare to BC FTL