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Bruno Chareyre edited this page Oct 8, 2018 · 13 revisions

This page is a draft outline of the ideas behind this yade-mpi branch.

Objective: implement domain decomposition for load distribution through mpi4py

Definitions and rules (can still be discussed and changed):

1- a subdomain is a set of bodies + the bounding box of this set

2- a body is owned by only one primary subdomain but it may have images in other subdomains

3- the time integration of one subdomain is assigned one mpi worker, it results in updating the motion of all bodies assigned to the subdomain

4- a subdomain 'A' can return subsets of bodies which are in potential interaction with another 'B' subdomain. The subset is obtained by intersecting the bounding box of B with the bounding boxes of all 'A'-bodies.

5- The above subset is called intersect(A,B). Note: intersect(A,B)!=intersect(B,A) since the intersection is always a subset of the first argument.

6- intersect(A,B) defines A-bodies which must have updated images in B, in order for B to compute all interactions on B-bodies (including B-B and A-B interactions).

7- the same is true for intersect(B,A): A computes all interactions on A-bodies (including A-A and A-B interactions).

8- as a (bad) consequence of 6-7 all A-B interactions are calculated twice (i.e. by two different different threads)

9- as (good) consequence of 6-7 there is only one synchronization per time iteration which corresponds to updating in B the image particles from A, and in A the image particles from B. There is no synchronization of forces, which would require an additional synchronization per time iteration.

10- remark: it is probably also possible to do the opposite: synchronize only forces and let the motion of image A-particles be integrated by B (same motion integrated by multiple threads).

Preliminary steps Preliminary steps listed below aim at making the manipulation of Yade objects and containers easy with mpi4py, for later implementation and optimization.


  • check that boost::python/YADE_CLASS serialization can go through mpi messages transparently (example script below)

  • make bodyContainer a YADE_CLASS so that it can also go through mpi messages (, "O.bodies.rawBodies" gives read/write access to the underlying container

  • the scene (O._sceneObj) and O.interactions needs to go through messages as well

  • implement bound dispatching for subdomains (make subdomain a Body?)

  • implement intersect(A,B) based on ISCollider

  • set up a concrete example with arbitrary number of particle and subdomain

Next steps:

I- methods to define/update the subdomains efficiently (load balancing)

II- benchmark/improvement on HPC

III- make all the above transparent to the user so that instead of running 'mpiexec -n N python' yade will spawn pools of mpi workers internally. Ultimately the difference between a single-thread script and a mpi script could just be the replacement of "" by "O.mpiRun", triggering automatic domain decomposition.

Note: I+II will be a topic for a 'Hackaton' planned in early 2019, in relation with people handling the Grenoble HPC facility.

========== NAIVE EXAMPLE SCRIPT ==========

# mpiexec -n 2 python

import sys
from os.path import expanduser
sys.path.append(expanduser('~')+'/yade/bin') # path where you have
# is generated by `ln yade-versionNo`, where yade-versionNo is the yade executable

from mpi4py import MPI

rank = comm.Get_rank()

if rank == 0:
    import yadeimport as yade
    print "sent sphere:",s0
    comm.send(yade.Omega().bodies[0], dest=1, tag=10)
    comm.send(yade.Omega().engines, dest=1, tag=11)
    comm.send(yade.Omega().bodies.rawBodies, dest=1, tag=12) 

elif rank == 1:
    import yadeimport as yade
    s1 = comm.recv(source=0, tag=10)
    print "received sphere:",s1
    engs = comm.recv(source=0, tag=11)
    yade.Omega().engines = engs
    bodies = comm.recv(source=0, tag=12)
    yade.Omega().bodies.rawBodies = bodies
    print "radius(s1)=", s1.shape.radius, "radius(bodies[0])=",yade.Omega().bodies[0].shape.radius

========== FUNCTIONAL EXAMPLE SCRIPT ==========


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