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AutoHotKey Emacs Key Bindings for Windows and Visual Studio 2017

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Emacs Key Bindings for Windows Operating System

These are my AutoHotkey script that enables Emacs key bindings for the entire Windows operating system. Also, these AutoHotkey scripts are Visual Studio friendly.

The Scripts

  • emacs_everywhere.ahk - Enables emacs key bindings everywhere in the Windows operating system.
  • TestNamingMode.ahk - A script that when activated with Ctrl+Shift+U or Ctrl+Shift+I, replaces space " " characters with underscore _ characters in the method names of C# unit tests as you type. This is useful when, writing unit tests in the following format:
public void my_unit_test_is_very_nice()
   Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

Notice that the spaces in my_unit_test_is_very_nice have been replaced with underscore _ characters as I type the unit test method name. However, when I press enter to move the typing carrot to the method body, spaces are no longer converted to underscore _ characters. Additionally, I have ReSharper Live Templates in the C# scope wired to expand the "tu" and "tx" keystrokes. My Live Templates are listed below:

// tu - for NUnit
public void $Test$()

//tx - for xUnit
public void $Test$()
  • OtherStuff.ahk - General useful hot keys like Windows Key+N for opening up Notepad2.

How to use

Startup Configuration

Create a shortcut to emacs_everywhere.ahk (and any of the other scripts you want to use) and place it in your Windows start up folder.

For example, the *.ahk shortcuts would go here:

C:\Users\MyAccountName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Be sure to add the *.ico icons in same folder where the .ahk script reside; otherwise, you might get some script errors as the .ahk files fail to load system tray icons.

Use the FilterApps function to do some per-filtering for special re-mappings that need to be made to emulate Emacs.

Here's an example:

FilterApps(ByRef emacskey, ByRef stroke1, ByRef stroke2){
    if WinActive("ahk_exe mintty.exe")
       if ( emacskey = "^k" ) 
           Send, ^k
           return "stop"

    if WinActive("ahk_class Notepad2U"){
       if( emacskey = "^s")
         stroke1 = ^f
       if( emacskey = "^r")
         stroke1 = ^f
    if WinActive("ahk_exe Notepad2.exe") AND WinActive("Find Text") {
       if( emacskey = "^s"){
           ControlClick, &Find Next, Find Text
           return "stop"
       if( emacskey = "^r"){
           ControlClick, Find &Previous, Find Text
           return "stop"

Import Visual Studio keyboard settings

Next, import the Keyboard settings from one of the latest *.vssettings file in this repo.

If all goes well, you should have Emacs keybindings everywhere in the Windows operating system, including Chrome, Notepad and Visual Studio.


Do what you want. I think I downloaded it somewhere on the internet, but I modified it to better suit my needs. If it kills your cat, melts your ice cream, or accidentally sends emails to your boss; don't blame me.

-Brian Chavez


AutoHotKey Emacs Key Bindings for Windows and Visual Studio 2017






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