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Programming using the ICS-46 Template Library (ITL): Stack, Queue, Priority Queue, Set, and Map

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Program 1
Programming using the ICS-46 Template Library (ITL):
Stack, Queue, Priority Queue, Set, and Map

ICS-46: Data Structure Implementation and Analysis
University of California, Irvine
Winter Quarter, 2015


This programming assignment is designed to ensure that you know how to use combinations of ITL's templated classes to model and compactly write code that solves a variety of different programming problems. The kind of abstract thinking that goes into modeling solutions to these programming problems with these data types (and iteration over them) is critical to your development as computer scientists.

There are three parts to this assignment. In each you will be asked to write a program (.cpp file) that defines a few functions and has a main function, which ties these functions together to solve the problem.

You should download the program1 project folder and use it to create an Eclipse project (needing only courselib not googletest). You will create each program in this project, and submit each program separately in Checkmate. The project folder contains boiler-plated files (including some typedefs that I found useful in my code: you may change their names) and contains all the data files you need to test/debug you program. Important: Only one of the .cpp files can be active at any time. In the download, all are active; so I suggest that you inactivate the runoffvoting.cpp and fa.cpp files and work on reachable.cpp first. To make a progam inactive, select it (in the editor tab), use the Ctrl/a command to select all its lines, and then click Source at the top left of the menu and choose Toggle Comment: every line will now appear in a comment; by using these same instructions, you can toggle back those lines to not have comments.

Instead, you can also use a existing/working project folder: remove (but save) all the files in its src folder and then put all the .cpp files from the downloaded project's src folder into the existing/working project's src folder. Also put all the data files into the existing project folder, not in the src folder.

You should work on this assignment in pairs. Try to find someone who lives near you, with similar programming skills, and work habits/schedule: e.g., talk about whether you prefer to work mornings, nights, or weekends; what kind of commitment you will make to submit program early, etc. If you believe that it is impossible for you to work with someone, because of some special reason(s), you should send me email stating them and asking for special permission to work alone (which I do grant, but not frequently).

Only one student should submit all parts of the the assignment, but both student's names (along with their UniqueID) should appear in the comments at the top of each submitted .cpp file. It should look something like

//Romeo Montague(UniqueID from grades spreadsheet)
//Juliet Capulet(UniqueID from grades spreadsheet)
//We certify that we worked cooperatively on this programming
//  assignment, according to the rules for pair programming

If you do not know what the terms cooperatively and/or rules for pair programming mean, please read about Pair Programming before starting this assignment. Please turn in each program as you finish it, so that I can accurately assess the progress of the class as a whole during this assignment.

Print this document and carefully read it, marking any parts that contain important detailed information that you find (for review before you turn in the files). You should familiarize yourselves with the ics46goody.hpp file in the courselib/src folder. It contains functions useful in all these programs: split and join (like their counterparts in Python, they use std::string and vectorstd::string), prompt_string, and safe_open.

This assignment has 5 parts: pairs should work on each part together, not split them up and do them separately. Parts 1-3 are 14 points each (42 points total); Part 4 is worth 10 points; Part 5 is worth 8 points. This skewing of points towards the simpler parts means students finishing the first three parts correctly will have a 70% average; those finishing the first four parts correctly will have about an 87% average; but to get an A on this assignment requires solving all parts correctly. Remember I'm going to be running MOSS on the parts of this assignment to check for program similarity.

Important: The cross_reference program shows an exmple of the form of code that you need to write for these programs: study and understand its code before attempting to start solving these problems. Questions about cross_reference? Post them on a Message Board in the Forum.

Use the array implementations supplied in the ITL for all the data types. The programs in the folder you will download has #include statements at the top for all the files that you need to use.

Along with the details of the functions, I've included the number of lines that I wrote in my solution. I am supplying these number of lines not as a requirement, but as a ballpark estimate of the amount of code you should write.

###Problem #1: Reachability

Problem Summary:

  • Write a program that prompts the user to enter the name of a file representing a graph.
  • Read the information in the file, storing the graph in a map.
  • Print the graph.
  • Repeatedly prompt the user for a starting node in the graph, and compute and print all the nodes that are reachable from it by following edges in the graph: convert the algorithm for reachability, described in detail below, into C++/ITL code.

Input and Output

Read a file of pairs of node names (representing edges) in a directed graph, building a Map whose key is a std::string source node and whose value is a Set of std::string destination nodes that are each reachable from the source node key. Although the supplied input files use 1-letter names, your code should work for any strings: use the split function in ics46goody.hpp.

Two nodes appear on each line: first the source node, then the destination node, with these node names separated by one semicolon character. For example, the input file graph1.txt contains the following lines (which could appear in this order, or any other):


which represent the graph

Print the graph, one source node per line (the source nodes are printed alphabetically) followed by the set of all the destination nodes that the source can immediately reach. The graph above would print as

  Graph: source -> {destination} edges
    a -> set[c,b]
    b -> set[d]
    c -> set[f,e]
    d -> set[g]
    e -> set[d]
    f -> set[g,d]

Note that the source nodes are sorted alphabetically, but the Set of desintation nodes does not have to be sorted: in fact it makes no sense to talk about sorted Sets; we could talk about a sorted Priority Queue whose contents came from a Set. Note that because node g is not a source node (it is only a destination node), it does not appear first on any line (and appears only in the Sets for source nodes d and f).

Note that there are multiple data files for this program: graph1.txt, graph2.txt and graph3.txt; test/debug your program on the first file; when you are done, test it on the last two. Draw the graph represented by each for to ensure that your code correctly prints it and computes the nodes reachable from any source node (which you can do by eyeballing the graphs: they are small).

Repeatedly prompt the user for a starting node in the graph (until quit is entered) and compute and print all the nodes that are reachable from it by following edges in the graph. Reject any node not present as keys in the graph. An example interaction (processing the graph above) might be

  Enter starting node (enter quit to quit): e
  Reachable from node name e = set[e,d,g]

  Enter starting node (enter quit to quit): x
    x is not a source node name in the graph

  Enter starting node (enter quit to quit): a
  Reachable from node name a = set[a,c,b,f,e,d,g]

  Enter starting node (enter quit to quit): quit

Functions and Program

  • read_graph has an open (file) parameter; it returns the Map representing the graph (mine is 12 lines of code).
  • print_graph has a Map parameter (representing the graph); it returns nothing, but it prints the graph in the appropriate form (mine is 7 lines of code).
  • reachable has a Map parameter (representing the graph) and a std::string start node in the graph (technically a key in the Map); it returns a Set of all the nodes reachable from the start node by following edges in the graph (mine is 15 lines).
  • Write a program at the bottom of this module that calls these functions to solve the problem (mine is 22 lines). To simplify the interaction, you may prompt for the file name and specify a default value (graph1.txt): see my prompt_string function in ics46goody.hpp in the courselib/src folder.

Here is the basic algorithm for computing reachability; it is simple to explain and not (very) complicated to implement. But, you have to understand these instructions and carefully translate them into C++/ITL code. You should hand-simulate this algorithm using the graph above, and verify that it produces the results you expect before coding it. You might be tempted to use recursion, but please don't: unless recursion is done very carefully, it will run forever on graphs with cycles: one of the input files is a graph with cycles.

  1. To compute all the reachable nodes in a graph, create a Set (initially empty) of reached nodes and a Queue (initially containing the parameter start node) of nodes that we are going to explore (to find nodes they can reach).

  2. While the exploring queue still has nodes, remove the first one and put it into the reached set; if it is a key in the graph (not all nodes are) then for all its destination nodes that are not already in the reached set, put them in the exploring queue.

  3. When the exploring queue becomes empty (can you argue that this always will happen -there is no infinite looping), return the reached set.

Print the set containing all these node labels. When debugging this algorithm, print the the entire Set and Queue contents (using <<, the standard insertion operator for these data types) after every interesting change, or use the debugger to observe these changes.

Sample Interaction

The program, as specified, will have the following interaction: user-typed information appears in italics. Your output should "match" this one (sets will match if they have the same contents, independent of their order). You should also check that it works for other starting nodes, and a variety of starting nodes in the other graphs.

  Enter graph file name[graph1.txt]:

  Graph: source -> {destination} edges
    a -> set[c,b]
    b -> set[d]
    c -> set[f,e]
    d -> set[g]
    e -> set[d]
    f -> set[g,d]

  Enter starting node (enter quit to quit): e
  Reachable from node name e = set[e,d,g]

  Enter starting node (enter quit to quit): x
    x is not a source node name in the graph

  Enter starting node (enter quit to quit): a
  Reachable from node name a = set[a,c,b,f,e,d,g]

  Enter starting node (enter quit to quit): quit

Problem #2: Instant Runoff Voting

Problem Summary:

  • Write a program that prompts the user to enter the name of a file representing the candidate preferences of a sequence of voters.
  • Read the information in the file, storing it in a Map.
  • Print the voter preferences.
  • Repeatedly display the vote count for ballots (sorted both by candidate and numerically), eliminating from the election the candidate(s) receiving the fewest votes, until one candidate (the winner) or no candidates (a tie) remain. This form of election is known as instant runoff voting. Every voter submits a ballot that ranks all the candidates the election, from most favorite candidate to least favorite (we will use a Queue for this purpose**: earlier candidates in the Queue** are more favored than later candidates).

During the first ballot, votes are counted for each of the candidates according to the rankings of the voters. Then the candidate(s) with the fewest number of votes are removed from the election: if more than one candidate receives the least number of votes, all candidates receiving these least number of votes are removed from the election.

During the second ballot, votes are tallied for the remaining candidates (there are at least 1 fewer candidates); if a voter's first ranked candidate is not still in the election, then his/her second ranked candidate should receive the vote; but if his/her second ranked candidate has been removed from the election, then his/her third ranked candidate should receive the vote ...).

This ballot process continues until either 1 candidate remains, or 0 candidates remain (meaning that all the remaining candidates tallied the same number of votes). Note that the preferences Map never changes, but how it is intepreted does change, since the intepretation is based on which candidates remain in the election.

Input and Output

Read a file of voters and their ranking of the candidates, separated by semicolons, building a Map whose key is each voter and whose value is a Queue of candidates ranked by that voter (they appear in the file in order, from most favorite to least favorite).

For example, the input file votepref1.txt contains the following lines (which could appear in this order, or any other):


The first line means, voter A ranks candidate X first, candidate Y second, and candidate Z third. The second line means, voter B ranks candidate Y first, candidate Z second, and candidate X third. Each line will have a unique voter and a permutation of all the candidates running.

Print all the associations in this Map, one per line (the voters are printed alphabetically) using the following form. Each line contains the voter and his/her complete ranking of the candidates. For example, the file above would produce:

  Voter Preferences
    A -> queue[X,Y,Z]:rear
    B -> queue[Y,Z,X]:rear
    C -> queue[Y,Z,X]:rear
    D -> queue[Z,Y,X]:rear
    E -> queue[Z,Y,X]:rear

Note that the voter names are sorted alphabetically, but the Queue of preferences appears in the same order they appeared in the file. There are multiple data files for this program: votepref1.txt, votepref2.txt, votepref3.txt, and votepref4.txt; test/debug your program on the first file; when you are done, test it on the rest.

Start with all the candidates. Evaluate the ballot to determine how many votes each candidate received. Print this vote count two ways: sorted alphabetically and sorted numerically (in decreasing order: if more than one candidate receives the same number of votes, they should appear sorted alphabetically). Remove the candidate(s) receiving the fewest votes, and repeat this process until only one or no candidates remain. Finally, print the outcome of the election: a single candidate winner or a tie. An example interaction (processing the preferences above) might be

  Vote count on ballot #1 with candidates alphabetically: still in election = set[X,Y,Z]
    X -> 1
    Y -> 2
    Z -> 2

  Vote count on ballot #1 with candidates numerically: still in election = set[X,Y,Z]
    Y -> 2
    Z -> 2
    X -> 1

  Vote count on ballot #2 with candidates alphabetically: still in election = set[Y,Z]
    Y -> 3
    Z -> 2

  Vote count on ballot #2 with candidates numerically: still in election = set[Y,Z]
    Y -> 3
    Z -> 2

Winner is Y

The first ballot consisted of all three candidates, X, Y, and Z. For this ballot, the votes were counted and printed; candidate X received the fewest number of votes so is eliminated from the next ballot. The second ballot consisted of two candidates, Y and Z. For this ballot, the votes were counted and printed; candidate Z received the fewest number of votes so is eliminated from the next ballot. There is only one candidate remaining so Y is declared the winner. An alternative outcome might be No winner: election is a tie among all the candidates remaining on the last ballot

Functions and Program

  • read_voter_preferences has an open (file) parameter; it returns the Map representing each voter and his/her preferences (mine is 14 lines).
  • print_voter_preferences has a Map of voter preferences as a parameter and returns nothing; it prints the title followed by the Map whose keys are in alphabetical order (mine is 8 lines of code).
  • print_tally has a std::string title, a Map of candidates and their number of votes, and a function pointer as parameters and returns nothing; it prints the title followed by the Map in the appropriate order order (specified by the function pointer) (mine is 7 lines of code).
  • evaluate_ballot has a Map of voter preferences and a Set of the remaining candidates as parameters; it returns a tally: a Map whose keys are these candidates and whose values are the number of votes they received on this ballot, based on the description of instant runnoff voting Remember to count only one vote per voter, for his/her highest ranked candidate who is still in the election (mine is 12 lines of code).
  • remaining_candidates has a Map as a parameter whose keys are candidates and whose values are the number of votes they received and returns a set containing all those candidates remaining in the election (the one(s) receiving the fewest number of votes are absent). Note that if all the candidates receive the same number of votes, then this function returns an empty Set (mine is 11 lines).
  • Write a program at the bottom of this module the calls these functions to solve the problem (mine is 34 lines of code). To simplify the interaction, you may prompt for the file name and specify a default value (votepref1.txt): see my prompt_string function in ics46goody.hpp in the courselib/src folder.

Sample Interaction

The program, as specified, will have the following interaction: user-typed information appears in italics. Your output should match this one.

Enter voter preference file name[votepref1.txt]:

  Voter Preferences
    A -> queue[X,Y,Z]:rear
    B -> queue[Y,Z,X]:rear
    C -> queue[Y,Z,X]:rear
    D -> queue[Z,Y,X]:rear
    E -> queue[Z,Y,X]:rear

  Vote count on ballot #1 with candidates alphabetically: still in election = set[X,Y,Z]
    X -> 1
    Y -> 2
    Z -> 2

  Vote count on ballot #1 with candidates numerically: still in election = set[X,Y,Z]
    Y -> 2
    Z -> 2
    X -> 1

  Vote count on ballot #2 with candidates alphabetically: still in election = set[Y,Z]
    Y -> 3
    Z -> 2

  Vote count on ballot #2 with candidates numerically: still in election = set[Y,Z]
    Y -> 3
    Z -> 2

  Winner is Y

You can also try processing the votepref2.txt file (which leads to a No winner result) and votepref3.text.

Problem #3: Finite Automata

Problem Summary:

  • Write a program that prompts the user to enter the name of a file representing a finite automaton: indicating its states and transitions (each transition out of a state specifies the input and the new state).
  • Read the information in the file, storing it in a Map.
  • Print the finite automaton.
  • Prompt the user to enter the name of a file storing the start-state and inputs to process (each line in the file contains this combination).
  • Repeatedly process these lines computing the results of the finite automaton on each input, and then display a trace of the results. A finite automaton (FA) is an machine that is sometimes called Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA). An FA is described by its states and its transitions: each transition for a state specifies an input and what new state in the FA that input leads to. We can illustrate a FA as a graph with labelled edges (see below).

Input and Output

Read a file that describes a FA: each line contains a state and an arbitrary number of input->new state transitions. Build a Map such that each key is a std::string state and whose associated value is another Map specifying of the transitions from that state: this second Map has keys that are std::string inputs and associated values that are std::string states. The first token on each line is the std::string state and the remaining tokens (always coming in pairs) are std::string inputs and states. All tokens are separated by one semicolon character.

For example, the input file faparity.txt contains the following lines (which could appear in this order, or any other):


Here is a picture of the parity FA. It graphically illustrates the two states (even and odd) and their transitions, using inputs (0 and 1) that always lead back to one of these two states.

Here, the state even (meaning it has seen an even number of 1 inputs so far) is a key in the main Map. It's value is a Map with two key/value pairs 0/even and 1/odd. It means that in the even state, if the input is a 0 the FA stays in the even state; if the input is a 1 the FA goes to the odd state. And similarly (the next line) means that for the odd state, if the input is a 0 the FA stays in the odd state; if the input is a 1 the FA goes back to the even state. So, seeing an input of 0 keeps the FA in the same state; seeing an input of 1 flips the FA into the other state.

Print the finite automaton, one state (and its transitions) per line; the states are printed alphabetically.

For example, the file above would produce:

  Finite Automaton Description
    even transitions: map[0->even,1->odd]
    odd transitions: map[0->odd,1->even]

Note that there are multiple data files for this program: faparity.txt and fadivisibleby3.txt; test/debug your program on the first file; when you are done, test it on the last file. Draw the FA represented by each for to ensure that your code correctly prints and computes with it.

Repeatedly process lines from a second input file, computing the results of the finite automaton for a start-state and its inputs; then print out all the results in a special form. Each line in the file contains a start-state followed by a sequence of inputs. The start-state will be a state in the FA (is a key in the outer Map) the inputs may specify legal or illegal transitions (may or may not be keys in some inner Map).

For example, the input file fainputparity.txt contains the following three lines:


The first line means, the start-state is even and the inputs are 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, and 1.

The result of processing each line is to print the start-state, and then each input and the new state it transitions to, and finally print the stop-state. For the parity FA and the first line in this file, it should print

Start state = even
  input = 1; new state = odd
  input = 0; new state = odd
  input = 1; new state = even
  input = 1; new state = odd
  input = 0; new state = odd
  input = 1; new state = even
Stop state = even

Functions and Program

  • read_fa has an open (file) parameter; it returns the Map representing the finite automaton (mine is 17 lines of code).

  • print_fa has a Map parameter (representing the fa); it returns nothing, but it prints the fa in the appropriate form (mine is 6 lines of code).

  • process has a Map parameter (representing the fa), a std::string parameter (representing the start-state), and a Queue parameter (representing a Queue of std::string inputs); it returns a Queue that contains pairs of std::string that show the input and resulting state after each transition (the first value on the Queue has an input that is an empty string and the start state). For the example shown above, process returns the following Queue.


Finally, if an input is illegal (is not the key in some transition for the current state), say "x", then process should terminate with the last pair in the Queue indicating a problem: (x, None) (mine is 12 lines of code).

  • interpret has a Queue parameter (the result produced by the process function described above); it returns nothing, but it prints the results of processing a fa on an input. See how it prints the Queue shown above in the output further above. Also see the Sample Interaction below to see how it prints input errors (in the last example) (mine is 13 lines of code).
  • Write a program at the bottom of this module that calls these functions to solve the problem. Note that the program loops over the lines in the second file (mine is 23 lines of code). To simplify the interaction, you may prompt for the file name and specify a default value (faparity.txt and fainputparity.txt): see my prompt_string function in ics46goody.hpp in the courselib/src folder.

Sample Interaction

The program, as specified, will have the following interaction: user-typed information appears in italics. Your output should match this one.

  Enter file with finite automaton[faparity.txt]:

  Finite Automaton
    even transitions: map[0->even,1->odd]
    odd transitions: map[0->odd,1->even]

  Enter file with start-state and input[fainputparity.txt]:

  Starting new simulation with description: even;1;0;1;1;0;1
  Start state = even
    Input = 1; new state = odd
    Input = 0; new state = odd
    Input = 1; new state = even
    Input = 1; new state = odd
    Input = 0; new state = odd
    Input = 1; new state = even
  Stop state = even

  Starting new simulation with description: odd;1;0;1;1;0;1
  Start state = odd
    Input = 1; new state = even
    Input = 0; new state = even
    Input = 1; new state = odd
    Input = 1; new state = even
    Input = 0; new state = even
    Input = 1; new state = odd
  Stop state = odd

  Starting new simulation with description: even;1;0;1;1;0;x
  Start state = even
    Input = 1; new state = odd
    Input = 0; new state = odd
    Input = 1; new state = even
    Input = 1; new state = odd
    Input = 0; new state = odd
    Input = x; illegal input: terminated
  Stop state = None

You can also try the fadivisibleby3.txt finite automaton file, which determines whether an integer (sequence of digits) is divisible by 3: it is if the finite automaton stops in state rem0 (which stand for has remainder 0). Its input file is fainputdivisibleby3.txt, which represents the number 12,435,711, which is divisible by 3, followed by the number 823, which is not divisible by 3 (it has a remainder of 1 when divided by 3).

Problem #4: Non-Deterministic FA

Problem Summary:

  • Write functions and a script that solve for a Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton the same problem that was solved for a Deterministic Finite Automaton in Problem #3 (above).

A non-deterministic finite automaton (NDFA) is machine described by its states and its transitions: each transition for a state specifies an input and what state (or states: that what makes it non-deterministic) that input leads to. We can illustrate an NDFA as a graph with labelled edges (see below). The critical difference is that an NDFA can have multiple edges with the same label going to different states (we'll see how to handle such transitions below).

Input and Output

Read a file that describes an NDFA: each line contains a state and an arbitrary number of input->state transitions. Build a Map such that each key is a std::string state and whose value is another Map specifying of the transitions from that state: this second Map has keys that are std::string inputs and values are Sets of std::string states: all the states a particular input can lead to. The first token on each line is the std::string state and the remaining tokens (always coming in pairs) are std::string inputs and states: here the same input can appear multiple times with different states following. All tokens are separated by one semicolon character.

For example, the input file ndfaendin01.txt contains the following lines (which could appear in this order, or any other):


Here is a picture of the endin01 NDFA. It graphically illustrates the three states (start, near, and end) and their transitions, using inputs (0 and 1).

Here, the state start is a key in the main Map. It's value is a Map with two key/value pairs 0 mapping to the Set containing start and near and 1 mapping to the Set containing just start. It means that in the start state, if the input is a 0 the NDFA can stay in the start state or it can go to the near state; if the input is a 1 the NDFA must stay in the start state. And similarly the next line means that in the near state, if the input is a 1 the NDFA must go into the end state. The last line means that the end state has no transitions out of it.

Print the NDFA, one state (and its transitions) per line; the states are printed alphabetically and the transition Map for each state is printed in the form of a standard Map: a series in the form input -> set of states. Note that the state end is a key in the main Map, whose associated transitions are an empty Map.

For example, the file above would produce:

  Non_Deterministic Finite Automaton Description
  end transitions: map[]
  near transitions: map[1->set[end]]
  start transitions: map[0->set[start,near],1->set[start]]

Note that there are multiple data files for this program: ndfaendin01.txt, ndfatrain.txt.txt, and ndfare.txt; test/debug your program on the first file; when you are done, test it on the last file. Draw the NDFA represented by each for to ensure that your code correctly prints and computes with it.

Repeatedly process lines from a second matching input file (ndfainputendin01.txt for the example above), computing the results of the non-determinisitc finite automaton for a start-state and its inputs; then print out all the results in a special form. Each line in the file contains a start-state followed by a sequence of inputs. The start-state will be a state in the DNFA (is a key in the outer MapMap).

For example, the input file ndfainputendin01.txt contains the following two lines:


For example, the first line means, the start-state is start and the inputs 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, and 1.

The result of processing each line is to print the start-state, and then each input and the new states (plural) it could transition to (the could is what makes it non-deterministic), and finally print the stop-states. For the ndfaendin01 NDFA and the first line in this file, it should print

  Start state = set[start]
  Input = 1; new states = set[start]
  Input = 0; new states = set[start,near]
  Input = 1; new states = set[start,end]
  Input = 1; new states = set[start]
  Input = 0; new states = set[start,near]
  Input = 1; new states = set[start,end]
Stop state(s) = set[start,end]

Note especially that in the start state, if the input is a 0, then the NDFA can either remain in the start state or go into the near state. For this program, we keep track of all states that the NDFA can be in, using a set of new possible states. For the next input, 1, we can be either in the start state (from the start state, an input of 1 allows us to stay in the start state) or the end state (from the near state, an input of 1 allows us to transition to the end state). Thus, we keep track of the set of states the NDFA can be in, and the new set of states the NDFA can be in after processing the next input for each of these states. In this example, because 'end' is included in the stop-states, this input does end in 01.

Functions and Script

  • read_ndfa has an open (file) parameter; it returns the Map representing the non-deterministic finite automaton; hint: I used a while loop to read lines and a nested for loop to construct the Map storing each input and the Set of states it can lead to (mine is 17 lines).

  • print_ndfa has a Map parameter (representing the NDFA); it returns nothing, but it prints the NDFA in the appropriate form (mine is 6 lines).

  • process has a Map parameter (representing the NDFA), a std::string parameter (representing the start-state), and a Queue parameter (representing the sequence of std::string inputs); it returns a Queue that contains pairs of inputs and the resulting states after each transition. For the example shown above, process returns the following Queue.


Finally, if an input is illegal (is not the key in some transition for the current state), just ignore it (mine is 13 lines).

  • interpret has a Queue parameter (the result produced by process; it returns nothing, but it prints the results of processing an NDFA on an input. See how it prints the Queue shown above in the output further above (mine is 10 lines).
  • Write a script at the bottom of this module that calls these functions to solve the problem. Note that the script loops over the lines in the second file (mine is 23 lines).

Sample Interaction

The program, as specified, will have the following interaction: user-typed information appears in italics. Your output should "match" this one (recall the order of values in sets is not important).

  Enter file name of Non-Determinstic Finite Automaton[ndfaendin01.txt]:
  Non_Deterministic Finite Automaton Description
    end transitions: map[]
    near transitions: map[1->set[end]]
    start transitions: map[0->set[start,near],1->set[start]]

  Enter file name of start-states and input[ndfainputendin01.txt]:

  Starting new simulation with description: start;1;0;1;1;0;1
  Start state = set[start]
    Input = 1; new states = set[start]
    Input = 0; new states = set[start,near]
    Input = 1; new states = set[start,end]
    Input = 1; new states = set[start]
    Input = 0; new states = set[start,near]
    Input = 1; new states = set[start,end]
  Stop state(s) = set[start,end]

  Starting new simulation with description: start;1;0;1;1;0;0
  Start state = set[start]
    Input = 1; new states = set[start]
    Input = 0; new states = set[start,near]
    Input = 1; new states = set[start,end]
    Input = 1; new states = set[start]
    Input = 0; new states = set[start,near]
    Input = 0; new states = set[start,near]
  Stop state(s) = set[start,near]

The ndfatrain.txt file is a non-deterministic finite automaton that determines whether an train (sequence of characters representing different kinds of cars) is a legal train according to Chapter Exercise #7 in the ENBF lecture from ICS-33.. Its input file is ndfainputtrain.txt, whose first input represents a legal train: ends when done is one possible stopping state; and second input represents an illegal train.

The ndfare.txt file is a non-deterministic finite automaton translation of the regular expression ((a|b)cd)+*. Its input file is ndfainputre.txt, whose first input represents a matching string: ends when last as one possible stopping state; and input second does not match.

Problem #5: Word Generator

Problem Summary:

  • Write a script that prompts the user to enter the order statistic (a positive number) and the name of a file of text.
  • Read the file of text, storing a special corpus in a Map.
  • Print the corpus Map.
  • Prompt the user to enter the order statistic number of words, and the number of random words to generate, then print the original words followed by the words randomly generated from the corpus. Your program will "learn" the word pattern of an author (based on some "order statistic" and reading a large sample of the author's writing) and then generate random text following the author's word patterns.

Input and Output

After prompting for the order statistic, read a file of words, building a Map. Here the Map's keys are Queuess of n words (n is the order statistic**) and each key's value is a Set** of all the words in the text that ever follow these n words: e.g., if n were 2, the Map would contain a keys that are Queues of 2 words (for every pair of words appearing next to each other in the text) and whose values are a Set of all the words following the key (no matter where the pair occurs in the text; the Set stores no duplicate words).

The easiest way to process the words one at a time is to use an outer loop reading lines of text and an inner loop scanning all the words when the line is split using a space character. To process a new word, if the Queue doesn't have n words, just enqueue the word; if the Queue has n words, use it as a key and put the new word in its associated Set, then dequeue the first word and enqueue the new word (so the Queue will still contain n words).

For a simple example, the file wginput1.txt contains the following lines (it could have all this information on one line or more lines):

  a b c b a d c b a d
  c a a b a a d

Print all the associations in the Map, one per line in standard lexical order.

After printing all associations, print the size of the smallest and largest Set that is a value in the Map. Each line contains an n word Queue, followed by the Set of unique words that follow them in the text. In standard lexical order, the keys appear in order relative to the first word in the Queue (alphabetically); for all first words that are the same, they appear in order relative to the second word in the Queue (alphabetically); for all first and second words that are the same, they appear in order relative to the third word in the Queue; etc. (see the example below).

For example, the file above would produce:

    queue[a,a]:rear -> set[b,d]
    queue[a,b]:rear -> set[c,a]
    queue[a,d]:rear -> set[c]
    queue[b,a]:rear -> set[d,a]
    queue[b,c]:rear -> set[b]
    queue[c,a]:rear -> set[a]
    queue[c,b]:rear -> set[a]
    queue[d,c]:rear -> set[b,a]
  min/max = 1/2

For example, queue[a,d]:end appears three times in the text above, twice followed by c and once followed by nothing (at the end of the file); queue[a,b]:end appears twice in the file above, first followed by c and second followed by a.

Prompt the user for the words to start with (there are order statistic number of them; they must be in some Queue that is a key in the corpus) and the number of random words after that to generate. Produce the list of all words and print it.

A random 10 word list, after the words a and d might print as

    Random text = queue[a,d,c,a,a,b,a,d,c,b,a,d]:rear

In the result we start with a d (specified by the user), we know only c can come next; then using d c we know that either b or a must come next; it randomly chooses a...

Functions and Script

  • read_corpus has an order statistic parameter and and open (file) parameter; it returns the Map representing the corpus of words in a file (mine is 17 lines).
  • print_corpus has a Map parameter (representing the corpus); it returns nothing, but it prints the corpus in the appropriate form followed the min and max value Set sizes (mine is 11 lines + the queue_gt function).
  • produce_text has a Map parameter (representing the corpus), a Queue parameter (representing the starting words), and an int parameter (representing the number of random words to generate); it returns a Queue that contains the the starting words followed by the generated words.

Hint: use two Queues of words, both starting out with the starting words. The first will always contain the current n words to be used as a key in the Map); the second will contain all the generated words. Generate a random next word from the Map using the random_in_set function that I wrote in this file; then drop the first word from the Queue and add the generated word, so it remains a Queue of size n; repeat until you have generated the required number of words.

Warning: you might have to stop prematurely if you generate the last n words in the text, and if these words occur nowhere else. That is because in this case, there is no random word to generate following them; in this case add a "None" to the end of the Queue of words and immediately return that Queue (mine is 14 lines).

  • Write a script at the bottom of this module that calls these functions to solve the problem. (mine is 21 lines).

Sample Interaction

The program, as specified, will have the following interaction: user-typed information appears in italics. Your output should match this one.

  Enter order statistic[2]:
  Enter file name to process[wginput1.txt]:

    queue[a,a]:rear -> set[b,d]
    queue[a,b]:rear -> set[c,a]
    queue[a,d]:rear -> set[c]
    queue[b,a]:rear -> set[d,a]
    queue[b,c]:rear -> set[b]
    queue[c,a]:rear -> set[a]
    queue[c,b]:rear -> set[a]
    queue[d,c]:rear -> set[b,a]
  min/max = 1/2

  Enter 2 words to start with
  Enter word 1: a
  Enter word 2: d
  Enter # of words to generate: 10
  Random text = queue[a,d,c,a,a,b,a,d,c,b,a,d]:rear

The wginput2.txt file cannot be used to generate a large number of random words for the reason explained in the Warning above.

With the appropriate modification, we can use this same program to read/generate music or DNA sequences or any other data made of symbols.


Programming using the ICS-46 Template Library (ITL): Stack, Queue, Priority Queue, Set, and Map






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