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AI Tools Catalogue Web Application Documentation


The AI Tools Catalogue is a responsive web application that showcases a variety of AI-powered tools categorized by use-case. Users can browse, search, and filter through AI tools to find those that best suit their needs, with the ability to distinguish between free and paid options.


  • Responsive Design: Ensures the website is accessible on devices of varying screen sizes.
  • Search Functionality: Users can search for tools using keywords or phrases.
  • Category Filtering: Users can select categories to filter the AI tools displayed.
  • Price Filtering: A toggle switch allows users to filter tools by their pricing model, showing either all, free, or paid tools.


  • Header: Displays the main branding and title of the web application.
  • Footer: Contains attribution and additional information about the web application.
  • SearchBar: An input field for users to type in and search for AI tools.
  • CategoryList: A horizontal scrollable list of categories for filtering the displayed AI tools.
  • Card: A visual representation of each AI tool providing key information such as the name, description, use case, and tags.
  • ToggleSwitch: A custom UI component that allows users to switch between viewing all tools or only free tools.

Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js
  • NPM or Yarn package manager


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd ai-tools-catalogue
  3. Install the necessary packages:

    npm install
  4. Run the application in development mode:

    npm run dev

The application will start running on http://localhost:3000.


  • Viewing Tools: Scroll through the homepage to view the AI tools.
  • Searching: Enter a keyword in the search bar to filter the tools by title.
  • Filtering by Category: Click a category button to display tools related to that category.
  • Filtering by Price: Use the toggle switch to display either all tools or only the free tools.

Contact Information

For any additional questions or comments, please reach out through: