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1. Getting Started

Brian Dashore edited this page Jun 9, 2022 · 1 revision

Asobi works a little different than other browser applications due to the minimalistic UI. Here are some tips on getting started with browsing your favorite PWAs.

Setting the default URL

The minimalistic UI involves completely removing the URL bar from the browser and instead uses a parameter called the Default URL.

This URL is loaded whenever the app opens from a "cold start" with no other parameters.

To set the URL, navigate to Settings > Default URL and fill in the URL you want to use when opening the app. You do not require the http or https schemes before the URL itself, Asobi will fill those in for you.

Leaving the default URL box blank will navigate you to Asobi's website as a placeholder.

An image has been attached below if you'd like to see this setting visually: Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 13 Pro - 2022-04-02 at 22 59 30

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