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richlowe edited this page Jan 26, 2012 · 7 revisions

The "ipkg" brand allows you to have a full-root, IPS-managed zone running on SmartOS.

The SmartOS ipkg brand is not a proper "ipkg" brand, in the Solaris 11 or OpenIndiana sense. It is a modified "joyent" brand which boots a pre-built OpenIndiana template.


This code is experimental. It works, but it requires work to work. There are still some Issues.

Creating and Importing the OpenIndiana template zone

  • Install an OpenIndiana system
  • Use bin/ from this repository to build a minimal sample OI template
  • /opt/smartos-ipkg/bin/ /zones/oi-151a /root/oi-151a.zfs
  • Boot and configure a SmartOS host with stable storage
  • Copy and import the OI template on the SmartOS system
  • cat oi-151a.zfs | zfs recv zones/oi-151a

Preparing the OpenIndiana template for use

You will need to replace OpenIndiana's net-physical method with SmartOS's, so network initialization will work properly.

cp /lib/svc/method/net-physical /zones/oi-151a/root/lib/svc/method/

For SmartOS's net-physical to work, you will also need to copy /lib/sdc into the template.

cp -R /lib/sdc /zones/oi-151a/root/lib/

Because SmartOS is built using GCC, and OpenIndiana 151 lacks some bug fixes, you probably need to delete /usr/lib/dtrace/nfs.d for DTrace to function within the zone.

Replacing the brand and vm directories

Until these changes are incorporated into SmartOS proper, you will need to create loopback mounts on top of /usr/lib/brand and /usr/vm. Another alternative would be to modify your boot media (either the USB platform, or boot_archive if you are netbooting).

mount -F lofs /opt/smartos-ipkg/overlay/usr/lib/brand /usr/lib/brand
mount -F lofs /opt/smartos-ipkg/overlay/usr/vm /usr/vm

Create the ipkg zone

The zone creation process is the same as creating a "joyent" brand zone; we just need to change the brand name.

  "hostname": "oi",
  "alias": "oi",
  "brand": "ipkg",
  "autoboot": "true",
  "default_gateway": "",
  "dns_domain": "local",
  "dataset_uuid": "templates/oi-151a",
  "nics": [
      "nic_tag": "admin",
      "model": "virtio",
      "ip": "",
      "netmask": "",
      "gateway": "",
      "resolvers": "",
      "primary": 1

# vmadm create -f ipkg.json 
Successfully created f08162af-9d6c-4194-9391-2ef95055a8a5

# zlogin f08162af-9d6c-4194-9391-2ef95055a8a5 
[Connected to zone 'f08162af-9d6c-4194-9391-2ef95055a8a5' pts/2]
OpenIndiana (powered by illumos)    SunOS 5.11    oi_151a    September 2011

Network configuration

There is one final step: Until #1 is fixed, we will need to log into the zone and configure DNS resolution:

echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
cp /etc/nsswitch.dns /etc/nsswitch.conf
echo " oi oi.local >> /etc/hosts"


Let's install Apache and telnet to ensure that IPS is working properly:

root@oi:~# pkg install apache-22 pkg:/network/telnet
               Packages to install:     2
           Create boot environment:    No
               Services to restart:     1
DOWNLOAD                                  PKGS       FILES    XFER (MB)
Completed                                  2/2     796/796      3.5/3.5

PHASE                                        ACTIONS
Install Phase                                960/960

PHASE                                          ITEMS
Package State Update Phase                       2/2
Image State Update Phase                         2/2

So, IPS works! Just for fun...

root@oi:~# svcadm enable http

root@oi:~# telnet localhost 80
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>Connection to localhost closed by foreign host.

Cool. We have an IPS-enabled zone running on SmartOS!


Since we are replacing /lib/svc/method/net-physical, if you run pkg fix SUNWcs, networking will be totally broken the next time you reboot or restart the net-physical:default service.