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Testing (starting from rc2)

Petri Savolainen edited this page Jul 13, 2015 · 1 revision

(TL;DR: see the Makefile for convenience shortcuts: you can just run 'nosetests' or 'make test')

Since 1.0rc2, all tests are runnable using Nose. To run the tests:

  • make sure you have prerequisites, ie. Python & beanstalkd & pybeanstalk source & nose installed
  • cd to the pybeanstalk package directory (that contains the 'tests' directory)
  • check that settings in tests/tests.cfg match with your system (mainly the path to beanstalkd binary)
  • run nosetests [testmodulepath], ie. optionally with the path to test module you wish to run.

Note: to disable nose log capturing, add --nocapture and/or --nologcapture. To add verbosity, add -v.

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