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React Higher Order Component which will bind Backbone Data that works with React Fiber (v.16)


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Why did we make it

There are already a couple of mixins or components that will link you Backbone model or collection with React, but with the introduction of React Fiber (16.0), the React.createClass syntax will be deprecated which would suggest mixins are no longer a way to go, thus we've reinvented the wheel once again and created withBackbone.

How does it work

The higher order component will loop through the props you passed in, and for each of those props who are either backbone model or backbone collection, it will be listen to certain events and forceUpdate if the events are triggered. Here is a table that summerizes the events that will trigger a forceUpdate:

Backbone Events
Model Change
Collection Add, Remove, Sort, Reset

To install

npm install with-backbone

To Use In Code

   import withBackbone from 'withBackbone';
   class TestClass extends React.Components {
    render () {
        return something that renders a backbone model or collection in props, for example user
   TestClass.PropTypes = {
      "User": PropTypes.instanceOf(Backbone.Model)
   export default withBackbone(TestClass);

Now when your user changes, the view component re-render.