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Simple stub for creating a dockerized rails app with Postgres

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Very simple set of files to help bootstrap a rails app in docker using postgres so that the docker evironment doesn't need to be installed on you machine -- eliminating conflicting version management and other nasties.

This repository is optimized for working on a Windows OS. Adapted from instructions here

Getting started

Make sure that you have docker and docker-compose installed on your machine.

clone into directory name of your choice git clone <directoryname>. CD to that directory and build:

docker-compose build

Create your application with:

docker-compose run web rails new . --force --no-deps --database=postgresql

This should populate your folder with all the files needed to run a rails app. We're almost there!

Edit your gemfile and replace gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0' with gem 'sassc-rails'


docker-compose build

Now you need to edit the config/database.yml file to be able to connect to the database. Copy the uncommented lines from /db.yml.example

create the database for rails with

docker-compose run web rake db:create

start the server: docker-compose up

Browse to localhost:3000. You should see the rails place holder. YAY!


  1. If you make any changes to the gemfile, you will need to run docker-compose build or docker-compose up --build for your installation to save the changes

  2. You can add dependencies using yarn, but only in a running container. Once you have the container running (docker-compose up) open another terminal in the same folder and run docker exec -it <folder>_web_1 /bin/bash to open a terminal in the running container. you can run yarn from this command line , as well as rails c, or any other command you need to run for debugging and development

Useful commands:

docker-compose stop
Stop the running containers
docker-compose down
Stop and remove the running containers
docker-compose up --build
Build the containers before starting them
docker-compose run web bundle install
Run the gem bundler. (replace `bundle install` with any other one-off command)
*docker exec -it <folderName>_web_1 /bin/bash*
Open a bash prompt in the container hosting the server. This is probably the most important command. From here you can run any useful commands in the rails environment, like `rails console`, `yarn install --check-files`, `yarn add ...` etc. You *must* update your rails environment here, rather than at your windows terminal

Add React

more to come...


Simple stub for creating a dockerized rails app with Postgres







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