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**Beartype 0.13.0** released.
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This minor release delivers pulse-quickening support for **pandera
(pandas) type hints,** **PEP 484,** **PEP 585**, **PEP 591**, **PEP
647**, **PEP 3119**, and **pseudo-callables.**

This minor release resolves **12 issues** and merges **2 pull
requests.** But first, a quiet word from our wondrous sponsors. They are
monocled QA wizards who serve justice while crushing bugs for humanity.
High fives, please!

## Beartype Sponsors

* [**ZeroGuard:** The Modern Threat Hunting
  Platform]( *All the signals, All the time.*

Thunderous applause echoes through the cavernous confines of the Bear
Den. 👏 🐻‍❄️ 👏

And now... the moment we've waited for. A heinous display of plaintext
that assaults all five senses simultaneously.

## Compatibility Added

* **Pandera (pandas) type hints** (i.e., ad-hoc PEP-noncompliant type
  hints validating pandas `DataFrame` objects, produced by subscripting
  factories published by the `pandera.typing` subpackage and validated
  *only* by user-defined callables decorated by the ad-hoc
  PEP-noncompliant `@pandera.check_types` runtime type-checking
  decorator), resolving feature request #227 kindly submitted by
  @ulfaslakprecis (Ulf Aslak) the Big Boss Typer. @beartype now:
  * Transparently supports pandera's PEP-noncompliant
    `@pandera.check_types` decorator for deeply runtime type-checking
    arbitrary pandas objects.
  * *Always* performs a rudimentary `O(1)` `isinstance()`-based
    type-check for each Pandera type hint. Doing so substantially
    improves usability in common use cases, including:
    * Callables annotated by one or more pandera type hints that are
      correctly decorated by @beartype but incorrectly *not* decorated
      by the pandera-specific `@pandera.check_types` decorator.
    * (Data)classes annotated by one or more pandera type hints.
    * Pandera type hints passed as the second argument to
      statement-level @beartype type-checkers – including:
      * `beartype.door.is_bearable()`.
      * `beartype.door.die_if_unbearable()`.
  * Implements a non-trivial trie data structure to efficiently
    detect all type hints produced by subscriptable factories in the
    `pandera.typing` submodule. Let us pretend this never happened,
* **PEP 484- and 585-compliant generator constraints.** This release
  relaxes prior constraints erroneously imposed by @beartype
  prohibiting both asynchronous and synchronous generator callables from
  being annotated as returning unsubscripted standard abstract base
  classes (ABCs) defined by the `` module. Now, @beartype
  * Asynchronous generator callables to be annotated as returning the
    unsubscripted `` type.
  * Synchronous generator callables to be annotated as returning the
    unsubscripted `` type.
* **PEP 591** (i.e., `typing.Final[...]` type hints), partially
  resolving issue #223 kindly submitted by the acronym known only as
  @JWCS (Jude). @beartype now trivially reduces *all*
  `typing.Final[{hint}]` type hints to merely `{hint}` (e.g.,
  `typing.Final[int]` to `int`). In other words, @beartype no longer
  raises exceptions when confronted with final type hints and instead at
  least tries to do the right thing. This still isn't *quite* what
  everyone wants @beartype to do here; ideally, @beartype should also
  raise exceptions on detecting attempts to redefine instance and class
  variables annotated as `Final[...]`. Doing so is *definitely* feasible
  and exactly what @beartype should *eventually* do – but also
  non-trivial, because whatever @beartype *eventually* does needs to
  preserve compatibility with all implementations of the `@dataclass`
  decorator across all versions of Python now and forever. Cue that
  head-throbbing migraine. It's comin'! Oh, I can feel it!
* **PEP 647** (i.e., `typing.TypeGuard[...] type hints`), resolving
  feature request #221 kindly submitted by Google X researcher
  extraordinaire @patrick-kidger. @beartype now trivially reduces *all*
  `typing.TypeGuard[...]` type hints to the builtin `bool` type.

## Compatibility Improved

* **PEP 3119.** @beartype now detects both
  **non-isinstanceable classes** (i.e., classes whose metaclasses define
  PEP 3119-compliant `__instancecheck__()` dunder methods
  unconditionally raising `TypeError` exceptions) and
  **non-issubclassable classes** (i.e., classes whose metaclasses define
  PEP 3119-compliant `__subclasscheck__()` dunder methods
  unconditionally raising `TypeError` exceptions) more narrowly for
  safety, resolving issue #220 kindly submitted by *ex*traordinary
  Google X researcher @patrick-kidger (Patrick Kidger). Notably,
  @beartype now *only* accepts `TypeError` exceptions as connoting
  non-isinstanceability and non-issubclassability. Previously, @beartype
  broadly treated any class raising any exception whatsoever when passed
  as the second parameter to `isinstance()` and `issubclass()` as
  non-isinstanceable and non-issubclassable. Sadly, doing so erroneously
  raises false positives for isinstanceable and issubclassable
  metaclasses that have yet to be fully "initialized" at the early time
  the `@beartype` decorator performs this detection.

## Features Added

* **Pseudo-callable monkey-patching support.** `@beartype` now supports
  **pseudo-callables** (i.e., otherwise uncallable objects masquerading
  as callable by defining the `__call__()` dunder method), resolving
  feature request #211 kindly submitted by Google X typing guru
  @patrick-kidger (Patrick Kidger). When passed a pseudo-callable whose
  `__call__()` method is annotated by one or more type hints,
  `@beartype` runtime type-checks that method in the standard way.

## Documentation Revised

* **Literally everything,** also known as the release that migrated
  `README.rst` -> [Read the Docs
  (RtD)](, resolving both issue #203
  kindly submitted by @LittleBigGene (AKA the dynamo of the cell) and
  ancient issue #8 kindly submitted by @felix-hilden (AKA the Finnish
  computer vision art genius that really made all of this possible).
  Readable documentation slowly emerges from the primordial soup of
  @beartype's shameless past for which we cannot be blamed. @leycec was
  young and "spirited" back then. Specifically, this release:
  * Coerces our prior monolithic slab of unreadable `README.rst`
    documentation into a website graciously hosted by Read the Docs
    (RtD) subdividing that prior documentation into well-structured
    pages, resolving issue #203 kindly submitted by @LittleBigGene (AKA
    the dynamo of the cell).
  * Documents *most* previously undocumented public APIs in the
    @beartype codebase. Although a handful of public APIs remain
    undocumented (notably, the `beartype.peps` submodule), these
    undocumented APIs are assumed to either be sufficiently unpopular or
    non-useful to warrant investing additional scarce resources here.
  * Updates our installation instructions to note @beartype's recent
    availability as official packages in the official package
    repositories of various Linux distributions. Truly, this can only be
    the final mark of pride. These include:
    * Gentoo Linux's Portage tree.
    * Arch Linux's Arch User Repository (AUR).
  * Improves the Python code sample embedded in the ["Are We on the
    Worst Timeline?" subsection of our **Beartype Errors**
    Thanks to @JWCS for their related pull request (PR) #210, which
    strongly inspired this bald-faced improvement to the usability of
    our `beartype.typing` API.
  * Circumvents multiple long-standing upstream issues in the PyData
    Sphinx theme regarding empty left sidebars via the requisite
    `_templates/sidebar-nav-bs.html` template hack shamelessly
    copy-pasted into literally *every* project requiring this theme.
    This includes @beartype, because why not spew boilerplate that
    nobody understands everywhere? Sadly, doing so requires pinning to a
    maximum obsolete version of this theme that will surely die soon.
    And this is why I facepalm. These issues include:
    * pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme#90.
    * pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme#221.
    * pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme#1181.
  * Truncates our `README.rst` documentation to a placeholder stub that
    just directs everyone to RtD instead.
  * Improves `linecache` integration commentary. Specifically, a pull
    request by @faangbait (AKA the little-known third member of Daft
    Punk) improves internal commentary in our private
    `beartype._util.func.utilfuncmake.make_func()` factory function
    responsible for dynamically synthesizing new in-memory functions
    on-the-fly. Our suspicious usage of `None` as the second item of
    tuples added as values to the standard `linecache.cache` global
    dictionary has now been documented. Thanks so much for this
    stupendous contribution, @faangbait!

## Tests Improved

* **Mypy integration.** This release improves our `test_pep561_mypy()`
  integration test to intentionally ignore unhelpful non-fatal warnings
  improperly emitted by mypy (which encourage usage of
  `typing_extensions`, oddly enough).
* **Sphinx integration.** This release resolves multiple intersecting
  issues involving integration testing of Sphinx + @beartype, including:
  * `test_beartype_in_sphinx()` h0tfix is h0t. This release generalizes
    our test-specific `test_beartype_in_sphinx()` integration test to
    support arbitrary versions of Sphinx, resolving issue #209 kindly
    submitted by @danigm the sun-loving Málaga resident who frolics in
    the sea that Canadians everywhere are openly jealous of.
    Specifically, this release fundamentally refactors this integration
    test to fork a new Python interpreter as a subprocess of the current
    `pytest` process running the `sphinx-build` command.
  * A Python 3.7-specific failure in our continuous integration (CI)
    workflow caused by Sphinx attempting to call deprecated
    functionality of the third-party `pkg_resources` package. This
    release simply avoids installing Sphinx entirely under Python 3.7;
    although admittedly crude, it's unclear how else @beartype could
    possibly resolve this. Since Python 3.7 has almost hit its official
    End-Of-Life (EOL) and thus increasingly poses a security concern,
    this is hardly the worst resolution ever. Really! Believe what we're

Break nothing! It's the @beartype way. This is why @leycec cries like a
mewling cat with no milk. (*Thrilling chills spill towards an untoward ontology!*)
  • Loading branch information
leycec committed Apr 8, 2023
1 parent 48b040a commit 516a5d8
Showing 0 changed files with 0 additions and 0 deletions.

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