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Hot reloading x 1.
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This commit is the first in a commit chain improving @beartype to be
robust against **hot reloading** (i.e., re-importation of previously
imported modules containing one or more @beartype-decorated classes),
en-route to resolving issue #288 kindly submitted by Cambridge
researcher @awf (Andrew Fitzgibbon). Specifically, this issue improves
our low-level `@beartype._decor._decortype.decor_type` decorator
responsible for decorating classes to explicitly (in order):

#. Detect **class redefinition** (i.e., redefinition of the
   same @beartype-decorated class).
#. Clear all **problematic caches** (i.e., @beartype-specific internal
   caches that could possibly contain the prior definition of the
   current redefined class).

Naturally, nothing is tested. We promise the world, however!
(*Spinning spanners!*)
  • Loading branch information
leycec committed Oct 3, 2023
1 parent 98405fb commit f946da7
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Showing 7 changed files with 387 additions and 205 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions beartype/_check/convert/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ def coerce_hint_any(hint: object) -> Any:
# this function. In this case, replace this subsequent copy by the first
# copy of this hint originally passed to a prior call of this function.
if is_hint_uncached(hint):
# if False:
return _HINT_REPR_TO_SINGLETON.cache_or_get_cached_value(
key=repr(hint), value=hint)
# return _HINT_REPR_TO_SINGLETON.cache_or_get_cached_value(key=repr(hint), value=hint)
Expand All @@ -410,6 +411,21 @@ def coerce_hint_any(hint: object) -> Any:
# Return this uncoerced hint as is.
return hint

# ....................{ CLEARERS }....................
def clear_coerce_hint_caches() -> None:
Clear (i.e., empty) *all* internal caches specifically leveraged by this
submodule, enabling callers to reset this submodule to its initial state.
Notably, this function clears:
* The **type hint cache** (i.e., private :data:`._HINT_REPR_TO_SINGLETON`

# Clear our type hint cache.

# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ mappings }....................
_HINT_REPR_TO_SINGLETON = CacheUnboundedStrong()
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17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions beartype/_decor/ → beartype/_decor/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,9 @@
# See "LICENSE" for further details.

**Unmemoized beartype type-specific decorators** (i.e., core low-level
unmemoized decorators targeting specific types of decoratable objects underlying
the higher-level unmemoized decorators generically applicable to *all* types of
decoratable objects implemented by the parent
**Unmemoized beartype non-type decorators** (i.e., low-level decorators
decorating *all* types of decoratable objects except classes, which the sibling
:mod:`beartype._decor._decortype` submodule handles, on behalf of the parent
:mod:`beartype._decor.decorcore` submodule).
This private submodule is *not* intended for importation by downstream callers.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,6 +231,7 @@ def beartype_func(
# Note that this conditional implicitly handles the prior conditional! :O
if is_func_unbeartypeable(func): # type: ignore[arg-type]
# print(f'Ignoring unbeartypeable callable {repr(func)}...')
return func # type: ignore[return-value]
# Else, that callable is beartypeable. Let's do this, folks.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,6 +268,15 @@ def beartype_func(
#This is trivial. The only question then is: "Which is actually faster?"
#Before finalizing this refactoring, let's profile both, adopt whichever
#outperforms the other, and then document this choice in make_func().
#FIXME: *WAIT.* We don't need a lambda at all. All we need is to:
#* Define a new BeartypeCall.label_func_wrapper() method resembling:
# def label_func_wrapper(self) -> str:
# return f'@beartyped {self.func_wrapper_name}() wrapper'
#* Refactor make_func() to accept a new optional keyword-only
# "func_label_factory" parameter, passed here as:
# func_label_factory=bear_call.label_func_wrapper,
#That's absolutely guaranteed to be the fastest approach.
func_label=f'@beartyped {bear_call.func_wrapper_name}() wrapper',

Expand Down
336 changes: 336 additions & 0 deletions beartype/_decor/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

204 changes: 5 additions & 199 deletions beartype/_decor/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,30 +17,12 @@

# ....................{ IMPORTS }....................
from beartype.roar import (
from beartype._cave._cavemap import NoneTypeOr
from beartype.roar import BeartypeException
from beartype._conf.confcls import BeartypeConf
from beartype._data.cls.datacls import TYPES_BEARTYPEABLE
from beartype._data.hint.datahinttyping import (
from beartype._decor._decormore import (
from beartype._data.hint.datahinttyping import BeartypeableT
from beartype._decor._decornontype import beartype_nontype
from beartype._decor._decortype import beartype_type
from beartype._util.cls.utilclstest import is_type_subclass
from beartype._util.func.utilfunctest import (
from import IS_PYTHON_AT_LEAST_3_10
# from beartype._util.text.utiltextansi import strip_str_ansi
from beartype._util.text.utiltextlabel import label_object_context
from beartype._util.text.utiltextmunge import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,7 +122,7 @@ def _beartype_object_fatal(obj: BeartypeableT, **kwargs) -> BeartypeableT:
# Return either...
return (
# If this object is a class, this class decorated with type-checking.
_beartype_type(obj, **kwargs) # type: ignore[return-value]
beartype_type(obj, **kwargs) # type: ignore[return-value]
if isinstance(obj, type) else
# Else, this object is a non-class. In this case, this non-class
# decorated with type-checking.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,179 +258,3 @@ def _beartype_object_nonfatal(
# Return this object unmodified, as @beartype failed to successfully wrap
# this object with a type-checking class or callable. So it goes, fam.
return obj # type: ignore[return-value]

# ....................{ PRIVATE ~ decorators : type }....................
def _beartype_type(
# Mandatory parameters.
cls: BeartypeableT,
conf: BeartypeConf,

# Optional parameters.
cls_stack: TypeStack = None,
) -> BeartypeableT:
Decorate the passed class with dynamically generated type-checking.
cls : BeartypeableT
Class to be decorated by :func:`beartype.beartype`.
conf : BeartypeConf
Beartype configuration configuring :func:`beartype.beartype` uniquely
specific to this class.
cls_stack : TypeStack, optional
**Type stack** (i.e., either a tuple of the one or more
:func:`beartype.beartype`-decorated classes lexically containing the
class variable or method annotated by this hint *or* :data:`None`).
Defaults to :data:`None`.
This class decorated by :func:`beartype.beartype`.
assert isinstance(cls, type), f'{repr(cls)} not type.'
assert isinstance(cls_stack, NoneTypeOr[tuple]), (
f'{repr(cls_stack)} neither tuple nor "None".')
# assert isinstance(conf, BeartypeConf), f'{repr(conf)} not configuration.'
# print(f'Decorating type {repr(obj)}...')

#FIXME: Insufficient. We also want to set a beartype-specific dunder
#attribute -- say, "__beartyped" -- on this class. Additionally, if this
#class has already been @beartyped, we want to detect that here and avoid
#re-@beartype-ing this class. In short, we want to generalize our existing
#"beartype._util.func.mod.utilbeartypefunc" submodule to support classes as
#well. Let's shift that submodule somewhere more general, please. Perhaps:
#* Rename "beartype._util.func.mod.utilbeartypefunc" to
# "beartype._util.check.utilcheckfunc".
#* Define a new "beartype._util.check.utilchecktype" submodule containing
# similar class-specific functionality.
#FIXME: Actually... *NO.* We absolutely do *NOT* want to monkey-patch random
#@beartype-specific attributes into user-defined classes, because then the
#Python ecosystem will shudder, then sway, then crack, and finally tumble
#into the churning seas below. Instead, let's find something *ELSE* that is
#actually safe to monkey-patch. Method objects are the classic example.
#Nobody cares if we monkey-patch those. The most common method object would
#be the "cls.__init__" object. Of course, many types do *NOT* define that
#object -- but many types also do. We could simply:
#* Decide whether the "cls.__init__" method exists.
#* Decide whether the "cls.__init__.__beartyped_cls" attribute exists. Note
# that this attribute is distinct from our existing "__beartyped"
# attribute, when records a lower-level and less useful truth.
#For example:
# is_type_beartyped = getattr(
# getattr(cls, '__init__', None), '__beartyped_cls', False)
#Pretty sure that suffices. It's just a simple two-liner. This is only an
#optimization, so it doesn't particularly matter if it fails to apply to
#some classes. So, let's a-go!

#FIXME: Unit test us up, please. Test against at least:
#* A dataclass. We already do this, of course. Hurrah!
#* An uncallable class (i.e., defining *NO* __call__() dunder method)
# defining at least:
# * A class variable (e.g., "muh_classvar: ClassVar[int] = 42").
# * A standard instance method.
# * A class method.
# * A static method.
# * A property getter, setter, and deleter.
#* A callable class (i.e., defining a __call__() dunder method).
#* A PEP 563-fueled self-referential class. See this as a simple example:

# Replace the passed class stack with a new class stack appending this
# decorated class to the top of this stack, reflecting the fact that this
# decorated class is now the most deeply lexically nested class for the
# currently recursive chain of @beartype-decorated classes.
cls_stack = (
# If the caller passed *NO* class stack, then this class is necessarily
# the first decorated class being decorated directly by @beartype and
# thus the root decorated class.
# Note this is the common case and thus tested first. Since nested
# classes effectively do *NOT* exist in the wild, this comprises
# 99.999% of all real-world cases.
if cls_stack is None else
# Else, the caller passed a clack stack comprising at least a root
# decorated class. Preserve that class as is to properly expose that
# class elsewhere.
cls_stack + (cls,)

# For the unqualified name and value of each direct (i.e., *NOT* indirectly
# inherited) attribute of this class...
for attr_name, attr_value in cls.__dict__.items(): # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
# If this attribute is beartypeable...
if isinstance(attr_value, TYPES_BEARTYPEABLE):
# This attribute decorated with type-checking configured by this
# configuration if *NOT* already decorated.
attr_value_beartyped = beartype_object(

# Attempt to...
# Replace this undecorated attribute with this decorated
# attribute.
# Note that class attributes are *ONLY* settable by calling the
# tragically slow setattr() builtin. Attempting to directly set
# an attribute on the class dictionary raises an exception. Why?
# Because class dictionaries are actually low-level
# "mappingproxy" objects that intentionally override the
# __setattr__() dunder method to unconditionally raise an
# exception. Why? Because that constraint enables the
# type.__setattr__() dunder method to enforce critical
# efficiency constraints on class attributes -- including that
# class attribute keys are *NOT* only strings but also valid
# Python identifiers:
# >>> class OhGodHelpUs(object): pass
# >>> OhGodHelpUs.__dict__['even_god_cannot_help'] = 2
# TypeError: 'mappingproxy' object does not support item
# assignment
# See also this relevant StackOverflow answer by Python luminary
# Raymond Hettinger:
setattr(cls, attr_name, attr_value_beartyped)
# If doing so raises a builtin "TypeError"...
except TypeError as exception:
#FIXME: Shift this detection logic into a new
#is_typeerror_attr_immutable() tester, please.

# Message raised with this "TypeError".
exception_message = str(exception)

# If this message satisfies a pattern , then this "TypeError" signifies this attribute
# to be inherited from an immutable builtin type (e.g., "str")
# subclassed by this user-defined subclass. In this case,
# silently skip past this uncheckable attribute to the next.
# Note that this pattern depends on the current Python version.
if (
# The active Python interpreter targets Python >= 3.10,
# match a message of the form "cannot set '{attr_name}'
# attribute of immutable type '{cls_name}'".
exception_message.startswith("cannot set '") and
"' attribute of immutable type " in exception_message
# Else, the active Python interpreter targets Python <= 3.9.
# In this case, match a message of the form "can't set
# attributes of built-in/extension type '{cls_name}'".
) or exception_message.startswith(
"can't set attributes of built-in/extension type '")
# Else, this message does *NOT* satisfy that pattern.

# Preserve this exception by re-raising this exception.
# Else, this attribute is *NOT* beartypeable. In this case, silently
# ignore this attribute.

# Return this class as is.
return cls # type: ignore[return-value]
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions beartype/_util/cache/map/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -235,3 +235,13 @@ def cache_or_get_cached_func_return_passed_arg(

# Return this value.
return value

# ..................{ CLEARERS }..................
#FIXME: Unit test us up, please.
def clear(self) -> None:
Clear (i.e., empty) this cache.

# Clear your head and be at peace, one-liner.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions beartype/_util/cache/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -659,3 +659,8 @@ def property_method_cached(self, __property_method=__property_method):
setattr(self, {property_name!r}, __property_method(self))
return getattr(self, {property_name!r})

#FIXME: Uncomment to debug memoization-specific issues. *sigh*
# def callable_cached(func: _CallableT) -> _CallableT: return func
# def property_cached(func: _CallableT) -> _CallableT: return func
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions beartype_test/a00_unit/a70_decor/a00_core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
def test_beartype_descriptor_decorator_builtin() -> None:
Test the subset of the private
decorator *not* already tested by higher-level unit tests defined elsewhere.
See Also
Expand All @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def test_beartype_descriptor_decorator_builtin() -> None:
# Defer test-specific imports.
from beartype import BeartypeConf
from beartype.roar import BeartypeDecorWrappeeException
from beartype._decor._decormore import beartype_descriptor_decorator_builtin
from beartype._decor._decornontype import beartype_descriptor_decorator_builtin
from pytest import raises

# Assert this decorator raises the expected exception when passed an object
Expand Down

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