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Install Pwn Adventure 3 server

The official installation guide may be a bit confusing. Therefore, here is a tutorial to install and configure your own Pwn Adventure 3 server.

note: In case you want clean, fast and easy docker deployment, have a look at my PwnAventure3 Docker repository.

Server configuration


According to the requirement listed on the official page, you need an Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit with at least 2Go of RAM.

note: Ubuntu 16.04 Server/Desktop works as well

Download the resources

Download the following compressed archive:

Decompress both archive, then move PwnAdventure3Servers/GameServer/PwnAdventure3Server to PwnAdventure3/PwnAdventure3/Binaries/Linux/.

Install psql

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql

Create user

useradd pwn3

Configure psql

You can use the provided SQL file PwnAdventure3Servers/MasterServer/initdb.sql, but I would recommend you to use my initdb.sql, which already set up a game server account and an admin team.

sudo su postgres

# template1 is the default source database name for CREATE DATABASE
psql template1
# We create user "pwn3" without password
# Note: You just need to type "CREATE USER pwn3;"
template1=# CREATE USER pwn3;

# We create the database "master"
template1=# CREATE DATABASE master;

# We grant all privileges on "master" to "pwn3"
template1=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE master TO pwn3;

# Quit the psql interface
template1=# \q
psql -f initdb.sql -d master -U pwn3

Configure the game server

Edit the file PwnAdventure3/servers/GameServer/PwnAdventure3_Data/PwnAdventure3/PwnAdventure3/Content/Server/server.ini and write the following content:



Run the servers

su pwn3
cd PwnAdventure3Servers/MasterServer/
chmod +x MasterServer
su pwn3
cd PwnAdventure3/PwnAdventure3/Binaries/Linux/
chmod +x PwnAdventure3Server

(Optional) Customize you server

Change greeting message:

psql -d master -U pwn3

master=# UPDATE info SET contents='My custom server' WHERE name='login_title';
master=# UPDATE info SET contents='Hello everyone and welcome to my custome server!' WHERE name='login_text';

Create a new admin team

cd PwnAdventure3Servers/MasterServer/
./MasterServer --create-admin-team NewAdminTeam

Create a new game server account

cd PwnAdventure3Servers/MasterServer/
./MasterServer --create-server-account

Don't forget to change the server.ini accordingly.


You shouldn't see any error message or debug message. You can also run netstat to make sure the master server is listening on port 3333 on all interface:

$ netstat -plnt

Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      2853/MasterServer

Client configuration

On your client (i.e. the computer you will use to play the game) download the client archive, extract the archive and run the executable. Here again, it will download the data file (about 2Go). Once done, you can close launcher and edit the server.ini file available here:

  • Linux: PwnAdventure3_Data/PwnAdventure3/PwnAdventure3/Content/Server/server.ini
  • macOS: Pwn\ Adventure\
  • Windows: PwnAdventure3_Data/PwnAdventure3/PwnAdventure3/Content/Server/server.ini

Here we want to point the master server to our server instead of the official one. For this, we will replace the Hostname value of the [MasterServer] to pwn3.server:


note: You can remove the [GameServer] part

Now you should be good to play!