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Christoph Beck edited this page Feb 6, 2014 · 10 revisions


StAXON consists of the following modules:

  • staxon - core library, containing a default JSON streaming backend (required)
  • staxon-jsr353 - streaming backend using the JSON Processing API (JSR-353) (optional)
  • staxon-gson - streaming backend for Gson JSON processor (optional)
  • staxon-jackson - streaming backend for Jackson JSON processor (optional)
  • staxon-jaxrs - JAX-RS support, produce/consume JSON from/to JAXB-annotated classes (optional)

You must have the StAXON core library on your classpath. Additionally, you may choose to use the JSR-353, Gson or the Jackson streaming backend. However, unless you want to avoid a dependency to an external JSON processor, it is recommended to choose one of those as backend.

Maven Dependency

Releases are synced to Maven Central. Add a dependency to StAXON in your POM file like this:


	<!-- or, to use the Jackson streaming backend -->

	<!-- or, to use the Gson streaming backend

	<!-- or, to use the JSR-353 streaming backend

Manual Download

Please use the following links if you want to download the StAXON JAR files manually:

StAXON 1.3 (2012/09/28, notes):

StAXON 1.2 (2012/09/28, notes):

StAXON 1.1 (2012/08/20, notes):

StAXON 1.0 (2012/02/03, notes):

StAXON 0.9.5 (2012/01/14, notes):

StAXON 0.9.4 (2011/12/18, notes):

StAXON 0.9.3 (2011/12/02, notes):

StAXON 0.9.2 (2011/11/18, notes):

StAXON 0.9.1 (2011/10/29, notes):