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Creature's Breed Util

Command line tool for handling breed conversions and appearance gene alterations for the Creatures games

Table of Contents

Basic Information

This is a command line program, and must be run from the CMD program on Windows or terminal on unix.
Be aware of your [current working directory] as all non-absolute paths will be relative to it.


  1. Navigate to the Breed Util Releases page on GitHub
  2. Download the most recent release for your OS
    • Windows (x64)
    • MacOS (x64) - 64-bit Macs (or Arm64 Macs with Rosetta)
    • MacOS (arm64) - Arm64 Macs using an arm based terminal
    • Linux (x64) - 64-bit linux Compatability is Unknown
    • Linux (Arm64) - Arm64-bit linux - Compatability is Unknown
  3. Extract the contents and copy the binary/exe to the folder of your choosing.
  4. (Optional) Add this directory to your PATH variable, so it can be referenced from anywhere

Executable can be referenced by absolute path or relative path if not added to the system PATH variable.

Node version is deprecated and not receiving updates

Breed Convert: TL;DR;

Progressive Arms (--progressive) - use side arm sprites to mimic front arm sprites. See Progressive Arms section
Same Size (--same-size) - make all sprites in a single file the same size
-This may prevent crashes some people experience with conversions


  1. Double click breed-util.exe,
  2. Follow prompts
    - Answering y/yes or n/no to yes/no questions
    - Drag in a single folder or a single file when asked
    - For output genome you will want to drag in the output folder and add a forward-slash and type in the file name
  3. Press enter when finished


  1. Open Terminal
  2. Drag the downloaded binary breed-util into finder
  3. Press Enter
    • If macOS does not allow it to run see Gatekeeper
  4. Follow prompts
    - Answering y/yes or n/no to yes/no questions
    - Drag in a single folder or a single file when asked
    - For output genome you will want to drag in the output folder and add a slash and type in the file name


  1. Open a Terminal window
  2. Run breed-util ask with any desired arguments and options
    - Options not set initially, will be prompted for answers
  3. Follow prompts
    - Answering y/yes or n/no to yes/no questions
    - Drag in a single folder or a single file when asked
    - For output genome you will want to drag in the output folder and add a slash and type in the file name

Base Commands

The breed-util utility allows for the following sub-commands:

ask - Question and answer based breed conversion

convert-breed - Convert a breed's images (and optionally its ATTs) from one game to another

alter-genome - Alter the appearance genes of Creatures genome

    breed-util ask
    breed-util convert-breed {target-game} [options_list] {inputFiles...}
    breed-util alter-genome [options_list]
    ask - Guided conversion of a breed using quesions/prompts
    convert-breed - Convert breed files between game formats
    alter-genome - Alter appearance genes in a Creatures genome

    --help -> 
        Usage info for base command `breed-util --help`, 
        or child command. i.e. `breed-util convert-breed --help`

Command Line Basics

Input Files: Paths

Paths can be relative to the current working directory or absolute.
On windows paths are separated with \\. When viewing examples, keep this in mind

Any time a file or folder is needed, you may drag one into the command line window

Current Working Directory

Current working directory is the path your terminal or Command Prompt thinks you are.

  • Usually when starting a command prompt or terminal, this is your HOME directory
  • This is not usually the folder you have open or are viewing when you open the command prompt.
  • To Navigate to the folder you want, us cd (plus a space)
    • then enter/paste the absolute path to the folder
      • c:/MyFolder or "/Users/{myname}/My Folder"
    • drag the folder from explore,finder, etc. into the CMD or Terminal window
    • If typing in a folder with a space, surround it with quotation marks


Arguments are values that are defined by their position.
They do not use a prefix they are simply used.
In this README, they will be surrounded by { and }
i.e. breed-util convert-breed {game-target}

  • breed-util convert-breed is entered as is,
  • {game-target} must be substituted by the target game
  • Example: breed-util convert-breed C2


come after the breed-util command and its subcommand, and come in two flavors

Regular Options

Most options are followed by a value i.e. --input-genus norn.

  • Here the option is --input-genus and the value is norn

Flags take no arguments, and represent a true value to the flag

  • Flags take no argument so do not put yes or no after it
  • Using a flag = true; Presence of a flag, means that value is true or enabled
  • No flag = false; Absence of flag means that value is false


Converts a breed's sprites from one game to another and optionally its ATTs as well

For C1 to/from C2 or C2e conversions, the tail parts are automatically reversed as is needed for C1 tails to the other games and vice-versa

Note: This utility does not support Creatures Village/Adventure in any direction

Special Conversion Options

Progressive Arms

C1/C2 breeds only have one front facing pose, so when converted, norns will appear to stare straight at the camera while not moving.

"Progressive arms" adds front facing arm poses for C1/C2 conversions to C3DS. It does so using the side views of the arms.
Note: Manual editing of the combined arm ATTs may be necessary

Two images of a male C1 horse norn. One with his arm across his stomach, and the another with an arm raised up as if saying hi

Missing Tails:

Empty tail sprite and ATTs will be generated automatically if the C1 breed does not have one defined

Altering Genome Breed

Optionally an existing genome for the target game can have its appearance genes altered
Genome alteration also alters the sleep pose between C1e and C2e conversions

  • This prevents creatures from sleeping/dying standing up

*note: This program does not convert a genome, it simply alters an existing genome for the target game
i.e. If converting to C3, you must supply an existing C3 genome. No conversion is done between games

Breed Conversion: Easy Way

*Convert Through Prompts*

Using the command line can be daunting, so running breed-util without arguments or with subcommand breed-util ask will allow you to convert a breed by answering questions and providing files
On windows you can double-click the EXE to start the breed conversion prompts

$: breed-util
# OR
$: breed-util ask

When running the easy way, you will be asked questions.
Some ask for yes/y or no/n or may ask for a file or folder to files see paths.
Paths can be relative to the current working directory (see current working directory) or absolute.
Simplest way is to drag the folder or file into the command terminal

Answer questions and provide files when requested, pressing enter after answering each request

Some questions can be skipped if you use command line options and arguments and the breed-util ask subcommand
See Conversion Options

To cancel us CTRL+C

Breed Conversion - Manual Way

The manual way can speed up conversions, if you are familiar with the options you will use.
Many of these options can be used with the easy way as well, saving time

breed-util convert-breed {target-game} [..options] {input sprite files}

  • {taget-game} - The game to convert to [C1,C2,C3]
    • No conversion to/from Creatures Village
  • [..options] see the Options section for options and definitions
  • {files} - Any sprite files needed for the conversion.
    • Can be a sprite folder or folders
    • File paths in quotes separated by spaces
    • see Input Files
  • --help, -h -> Print help information about arguments and options
    • Use asbreed-util --help or breed-util -h without arguments or options.

Conversion Options

Game Variant
  • C1
  • C2
  • C3
  • n[orn]
  • g[rendel]
  • e[ttin]
  • s[hee] / geat
    *Note* Remember, g is grendel not geat
Option Argument Descriptions
{target game} Game Variant Game to convert breed to [C1,C2,C3]
--from Game Variant Input sprite's game variant [C1,C2,C3]
--encoding, -c [555, 565] Color encoding
--genus, -g genus The output breed sprite genus
--breed, -b A-Z or 0-9 The output breed slot for these breed files
--input-genus genus The genus to filter input files by
--input-breed A-Z or 0-9 The breed to filter input files by
--force, -f [flag] Force overwrite of existing files
--progressive [flag] Create front facing arm sprites from side arm sprites
see Progressive Arms
--keep-ages [flag] Do not shift ages to match target game
--samesize, -z [flag] Make all frames in a body part the same size
--no-tail [flag] Do not create tail files (even if none are present)
--progress, -p [flag] Output file conversion progress
--att-dir, -a Input Folder The location of atts to convert if desired
--output, -o Output folder Output folder for the converted breed files
--input-genome Genome file Input genome file to alter appearance genes for
--output-genome File path Altered genome output file path
--skip-existing, -x [flag] Skip existing files
--ignore-errors, -e [flag] Ignore all compilation errors.
Other errors will still cancel compile
--quiet, -q [flag] Silence non-essential output

# Example 1: Convert a breed "simple"
The following would convert a breed's sprites to C3, keeping the genus, age and breed slot the same

breed-util convert-breed C3 Images/*0*8.spr Images/*4*8.spr

# Example 1: Change slot
The following code would produce a C3 compatible breed sprites in ettin slot z from a norn slot 8

breed-util convert-breed C3 --genus ettin --breed z Images/*0*8.spr Images/*4*8.spr

# Example 3: Convert ATTs
To convert ATTs in addition to sprites, use the --att-dir, -a option followed by the ATT directory So to convert a norn slot 8 breed from C1 to C3 ettin slot z you would use:

breed-util convert-breed C3 --genus ettin --breed z --att-dir "Body Data" Images/*0*8.spr Images/*4*8.spr

NOTE Despite the ATTs being converted automatically. Care should be taken to edit head and body ATTs converted from C1/C2 as the tail, hair and ear positions will be set to 0,0. This will be very noticeable when bred with other breeds

# Example 4: Without tail
The prior commands will produce tail sprites (and atts if --att-dir is set) by default if one does not exist for the breed.
To prevent this, use the --no-tail flag.
The following would produce norn sprites and ATTs for parts a to l, but not m or n.

breed-util convert-breed C3 --genus ettin --breed z --no-tail --att-dir "Body Data" Images/*0*8.spr Images/*4*8.spr

# Example 5: Remap a breed
You can technically remap a breed by passing in the same game as the one it is for, but with different slot information
The following would create a copy of norn slot a into ettin slot z; ** Be sure to include the --att-dir flag or the body data will not be remapped

breed-util convert-breed C3 --genus ettin --breed z --att-dir "Body Data" Images/*0*a.c16 Images/*4*a.c16


The alter genome command, alters a genome's appearance genes. This allows you to set different genus/breeds per part

Appearance genes follow the format: {genus}:{breed}.
Genus can be norn or n, grendel or g, ettin or e, geat or shee or s.
NOTE: The shorthand for GEAT is 'S' not 'G'. 'G' is for Grendel only

    input-genome -> The genome to alter { String }
    output-genome -> Altered genome output file path { String }
    --genome-genus -> The genus of the creature, separate from appearance.
    --alter-sleep, -s [flag] -> Alter sleep/death pose for C1e to C2e conversions. 
    --force, -f [flag] -> Force overwrite of existing files 
    --skip-existing, -x [flag] -> Skip existing files 
    --help, -h -> Usage info 
    Expected pattern {genus}:{breed};
    i.e. "norn:z" or "n:z"
    --breed, -b -> The breed to use for body parts not overwritten by other options 
    --head -> Breed for head
    --body -> Breed for body
    --legs -> Breed for legs
    --arms -> Breed for arms
    --tail -> Breed for tail
    --hair -> Breed for hair
Color: Value: 0-255; 128 = Default (no tint/swap/rotation applied)
    --red -> Red tint to apply [0..255]
    --green -> Green tint to apply [0..255]
    --blue -> Blue tint to apply { Int }
    --swap -> Color swap between red and blue { Int }
    --rotation -> Color rotation or shifting of red, green and blue channels


# Change all parts to same genus/breed
To alter a genome to use norn slot for all body parts and save to a new file called, use:

breed-util alter-genome ./norn.existing.gen ./ n:a 

# Change head only To change only the head to a new file called, use:

breed-util alter-genome ./norn.existing.gen ./ --head n:a

**# To Change Colors To change the tint of a genome and save it to a file called, use:

breed-util alter-genome ./norn.existing.gen ./ --tint 10:10:255

**# To change swap and rotate To change swap and rotate (which can be used independently of each other) use:

breed-util alter-genome ./norn.existing.gen ./  --swap 20 --rotation 20

Appendix: macOS

Open Terminal

You can open terminal through spotlight or Finder

Open Terminal From Spotlight

  1. Open Spotlight
    • Shortcut Key - CMND+SPACE
    • OR Click the magnifying-glass icon on the menubar in the upper right
  2. Type in Terminal
  3. Select and hit enter
  4. [Optional] Set your current working directory if desired using cd (see current working directory)

Open Terminal Through Finder

  1. Open Finder
  2. Open the Applications Folder
  3. Open the Utilities folder
  4. Double Click
  5. [Optional] Set your current working directory if desired using cd (see current working directory)


MacOS may prevent you from opening the executable as the binary is not signed

Allow Program in Terminal

  1. copy and paste xattr -d
  2. Add a space after it
  3. Drag the breed-util executable into the folder and hit enter
  4. Enter password if prompted

Allow Program in System Setting

  1. Open System Settings
  2. On the left side find Privacy and Security
  3. Find Security
  4. Click Open Anyways
  5. Enter Password if prompted

Appendix: Windows

Open CMD (command line window)

  1. Click the search bar next to the windows icon
  2. Type CMD
  3. Click Command Prompt
  4. [Optional] Set your current working directory if desired using cd (see current working directory)


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