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Use HAProxy in conjunction with Prometheus to feed Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

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Use HAProxy in conjunction with Prometheus to feed Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

Please read carefuly the YAML files proposed here. There might be some adjustments to be peformed to make them match your environment.

The purpose of this repository is to share YAML files to:

  • Run an HAProxy based ingress controller
  • Monitor the ingress controller metrics using prometheus
  • Expose prometheus metrics into Kuernetes API (custom metrics)
  • Configure Kubernetes HPA to scale an application based on custom metrics

NOTE: inspired by Frederic Branczyk

HAProxy Ingress Controller

If Using HAProxy Enterprise ingress controller

kubectl create secret docker-registry haptech-registry \ \
	--docker-username=LOGIN \
	--docker-password=PASSWORD \

Of course, replace LOGIN, PASSWORD and EMAIL with values relevent to you.

Setup HAProxy ingress controller

  • Generate a key / cert using your Kubernetes PKI and put them in a dir called ca
  • Update Kube API server address in kubeconfig.yml
  • Create the secret:
kubectl create secret generic hapee-kubeconfig \
	--from-file=./kubeconfig.yml \
	--from-file=./ca/ca.pem \
	--from-file=./ca/ingress-controller.pem \
  • Get a copy of prometheus.lua and put it into hapee-ingress directory
  • Create the HAProxy configuration secret:
kubectl create secret generic hapee-configuration \
	--from-file=./hapee-ingress/haproxy.tmpl \
  • Set RBAC for the ingress controller:
kubectl create -f ingress-controller-rbac.yml
  • Set config map for HAProxy's ingress controller:
kubectl create -f haproxy-ingress-configmap.yml
  • Set HAProxy ingress controller Deployment: (adjust the image address if required)
kubectl create -f haproxy-ingress-de.yaml
  • Set HAProxy ingress controller Service: (Note this also create a ServiceMonitor for prometheus-operator) (NOTE: don't forget to update the clusterIP and nodePort parameters when required)
kubectl create -f haproxy-ingress-svc.yaml


  • Install prometheus Operator:
kubectl create -f prometheus-operator.yaml
  • Install prometheus Instance: (NOTE: don't forget to adjust clusterIP, labels and selector to match your environment)
kubectl create -f prometheus-instance.yaml
  • Set up prometheus configuration for HAProxy: (Adjust the expr and record statements to match your environment)
RULES64=$(base64 -w0 metrics/prometheus_configuration/backend.rules)
PROM64=$(base64 -w0 metrics/prometheus_configuration/prometheus.yaml)
cat <<EOF >prometheus_configuration.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  backend.rules: ${RULES64}
  prometheus.yaml: ${PROM64}
  name: prometheus-haproxy-metrics-prom
  namespace: default
  • Install custom metrics endpoints in Kubernetes API service: (NOTE: update the clusterIP to match your environment)
kubectl create -f custom-metrics.yaml


  • Finally, configure the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (NOTE: update the application name and metrics accordingly to yoour environment)
kubectl create -f red-hpa.yaml


Use HAProxy in conjunction with Prometheus to feed Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler






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