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HTML5 Boilerplate BEdita frontend from


a. Clone frontend boilerplate into local bedita frontend path, normally this is the frontends folder inside bedita (like /var/www/bedita/frontends), so:

      cd /var/www/bedita/frontends
      git clone

b. Copy boilerplate/webroot/index.php.sample to boilerplate/webroot/index.php.

c. Copy boilerplate/config/core.php.sample to boilerplate/config/core.php and modify it, if necessary...

d. Set write permissions for temporary folder boilerplate/tmp. For example, in a unix shell, assuming 'john' is the username and current path is frontends folder:

      sudo chown -R john:www-data boilerplate/tmp
      sudo chmod -R g+w boilerplate/tmp

If something goes wrong take a look at log files (for example in boilerplate/tmp/logs) and tune your core.php file, changing debug level as needed (boilerplate/config/core.php).

Also read this article:


If your frontend path is not inside bedita/frontends but elsewhere, you may edit boilerplate/webroot/index.php and set properly CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH and BEDITA_CORE_PATH. For instance, if your bedita home path is /var/www/bedita:

      if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
            define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', "/var/www/bedita");

      if (!defined('BEDITA_CORE_PATH')) {
            define('BEDITA_CORE_PATH', "/var/www/bedita/bedita-app");