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This repository helps me reproduce and correctly understand classloader problem with generation of AssertJ POJO assertion classes.

Github issue has #57.

Test compile problem with AssertJ Generator Maven plugin

Current version of assertj-assertions-generator-maven-plugin has an unpleasant bug, when user runs mvn clean install and later just mvn test generator fails on following error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.assertj:assertj-assertions-generator-maven-plugin:2.2.0:generate-assertions (default) on project maven-test-classpath: Execution default of goal org.assertj:assertj-assertions-generator-maven-plugin:2.2.0:generate-assertions failed: A required class was missing while executing org.assertj:assertj-assertions-generator-maven-plugin:2.2.0:generate-assertions: org/junit/rules/TestRule
[ERROR] -----------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] realm =    plugin>org.assertj:assertj-assertions-generator-maven-plugin:2.2.0
[ERROR] strategy = org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.strategy.SelfFirstStrategy
[ERROR] urls[0] = file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/org/assertj/assertj-assertions-generator-maven-plugin/2.2.0/assertj-assertions-generator-maven-plugin-2.2.0.jar
[ERROR] urls[1] = file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/org/assertj/assertj-assertions-generator/2.2.0/assertj-assertions-generator-2.2.0.jar
[ERROR] urls[2] = file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.5/commons-lang3-3.5.jar
[ERROR] urls[3] = file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/commons-cli/commons-cli/1.2/commons-cli-1.2.jar
[ERROR] urls[4] = file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/com/google/guava/guava/20.0/guava-20.0.jar
[ERROR] urls[5] = file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/ch/qos/logback/logback-classic/1.0.13/logback-classic-1.0.13.jar
[ERROR] urls[6] = file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/ch/qos/logback/logback-core/1.0.13/logback-core-1.0.13.jar
[ERROR] urls[7] = file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/org/assertj/assertj-core/2.9.1/assertj-core-2.9.1.jar
[ERROR] urls[8] = file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/commons-collections/commons-collections/3.2.1/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar
[ERROR] urls[9] = file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/commons-io/commons-io/2.5/commons-io-2.5.jar
[ERROR] urls[10] = file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/backport-util-concurrent/backport-util-concurrent/3.1/backport-util-concurrent-3.1.jar
[ERROR] urls[11] = file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-interpolation/1.11/plexus-interpolation-1.11.jar
[ERROR] urls[12] = file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-utils/1.5.15/plexus-utils-1.5.15.jar
[ERROR] Number of foreign imports: 1
[ERROR] import: Entry[import  from realm ClassRealm[maven.api, parent: null]]
[ERROR] -----------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] : org.junit.rules.TestRule

It basically says that class org.junit.rules.TestRule cannot be found, but we have this class on classpath (at least in mvn "test" scope)!

Running mvn test -X to see stack trace and debug output of Maven execution. Output reveals that class really cannot be found. Again, why?

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.junit.rules.TestRule
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.strategy.SelfFirstStrategy.loadClass (
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm.unsynchronizedLoadClass (
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm.loadClass (
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm.loadClass (
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1 (Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass (

Problem description

AssertJ generator mojo works as follows.

  • First it looks at project classloader and detects configured classes. In our case cz.bedla.dto package.
  • Second it generates assertion classes for those detected classes.

When we have default plugin configuration as follows:


After run, we expect few generated classes in directory target/generated-test-sources/assertj-assertions


Those classes are compiled without error with mvn clean install. With mvn test command we got error as described at beginning.

First run of mvn clean install means that package cz.bedla.dto contains only one class cz.bedla.dto.Foo as input for the generator.

Second run of mvn test means that package cz.bedla.dto contains that DTO class cz.bedla.dto.Foo and generated classes from first run:


From plugin point of view those classes have to be analysed and that's the problem. For details see "Technical description of problem" chapter.


Workaround 1 - when you need JUnit4 soft assertions generated

When you need JUnit4 soft assertions to be generated you have to repeat JUnit4 dependency on plugin's classpath.


Build dependency of JUnit4 is only used to detect if it is possible to generate JUnit4 soft-assertions. See org.assertj.maven.AssertJAssertionsGeneratorMojo#junitFoundBy method, and it's usage.

Workaround 2 - when you DON'T need JUnit4 soft assertions generated

When you don't need JUnit4 soft assertion (for example when you use JUnit5, etc.) it is possible disable their generation.


Note: in this case you don't need JUnit4 plugin's dependency.

Workaround 3 (Not working) - you need JUnit4 soft assertions generated (using cleanTargetDir flag)

When you need JUnit4 soft assertion, but don't want to add artificial plugin dependency of JUnit4 on the plugin's class path.

Flag cleanTargetDir seems reasonable but, it clears only generates .java files, not compiled .class files from previous run. This means that error occurs even in this case.


Note: in this case you don't need JUnit4 plugin's dependency.

Deeper analysis of the problem

As described above second run of generator with already generated assertion classes fails badly with classloader error.

Problem is with plugin flag generateJUnitSoftAssertions=true and generated class cz.bedla.dto.JUnitSoftAssertions from target/generated-test-sources/assertj-assertions directory (and compiled .class files).

First let's look at class in question.

Generated class extends class from assertj-core-2.9.1.jar.

package cz.bedla.dto;

public class JUnitSoftAssertions extends org.assertj.core.api.JUnitSoftAssertions {
 // class body here 

AssertJ Core class implements interface from junit-4.12.jar.

package org.assertj.core.api;

public class JUnitSoftAssertions extends AbstractStandardSoftAssertions implements org.junit.rules.TestRule {
 // class body here 

AssertJ plugin generator loads all the classes from package cz.bedla.dto and process its metadata to decide if it is possible to generate assertions for them.

Steps are following:

1) Execute AssertJ generator mojo

execute method is starting point for all Maven plugins.


2) Create projectClassloader as new instance of URLClassLoader with urls from current project's compile and test classpath.

Method org.assertj.maven.AssertJAssertionsGeneratorMojo#getProjectClassLoader(...) creates new URLClassLoader with elements from compile and test classpath.

+- 0 = C:\Users\ivo.smid\IdeaProjects\maven-assertj-generator-test-error\target\classes
+- ...
+- 0 = "C:\Users\ivo.smid\IdeaProjects\maven-assertj-generator-test-error\target\test-classes"
+- 1 = "C:\Users\ivo.smid\IdeaProjects\maven-assertj-generator-test-error\target\classes"
+- 9 = "C:\Users\ivo.smid\.m2\repository\org\assertj\assertj-core\2.9.1\assertj-core-2.9.1.jar"
+- 30 = "C:\Users\ivo.smid\.m2\repository\junit\junit\4.12\junit-4.12.jar"
+- ...

As you can see test classpath correctly contains assertj-core-2.9.1.jar and junit-4.12.jar.

This projectClassLoader has a parent classloader from current Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().

projectClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(..., Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
  +- 37 = {URL@4444} "file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/org/assertj/assertj-core/2.9.1/assertj-core-2.9.1.jar"
  +- 58 = {URL@4465} "file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/junit/junit/4.12/junit-4.12.jar"
  +- ... 

The contextClassLoader is ClassWorlds Realm of current AssertJ generator plugin. It also contains assertj-core-2.9.1.jar library, but there is no junit-4.12.jar on contextClassLoader's classpath.

contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() =
 ClassRealm[plugin>org.assertj:assertj-assertions-generator-maven-plugin:2.2.0, parent: jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@6ed3ef1]
   +- 7 = {URL@4348} "file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/.m2/repository/org/assertj/assertj-core/2.9.1/assertj-core-2.9.1.jar"
   +- ...
   +- ClassRealm[maven.api, parent: null] ]
   +- ...

Note: importRealm is only one in list and points to main Maven's realm.

3) Find classes to process for package cz.bedla.dto

0 = {URL@3728} "file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/IdeaProjects/maven-assertj-generator-test-error/target/classes/cz%5cbedla%5cdto"
1 = {URL@3729} "file:/C:/Users/ivo.smid/IdeaProjects/maven-assertj-generator-test-error/target/test-classes/cz%5cbedla%5cdto"

This will also find cz/bedla/dto/JUnitSoftAssertions.class compiled class from generated test sources.

4) Load class metadata from detected .class files

  private static TypeToken<?> loadClass(String className, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException {
    return TypeToken.of(Class.forName(className, false, classLoader));

This will invoke Class#forName(...) with projectClassLoader as parameter. As we know from previous information projectClassLoader contains all the classes/libraries necessary to load JUnitSoftAssertions classes.


5) Load cz.bedla.dto.JUnitSoftAssertions class

The default strategy to load class is to ask parent classloader, if it already contains desired class.

This means that when JVM sees that cz.bedla.dto.JUnitSoftAssertions extends org.assertj.core.api.JUnitSoftAssertions, it will try to load class by asking parent classloader for that class.

 parent = contextClassLoader;

  if (parent != null) {
   c = parent.loadClass(name, false);
  } else {
   // ...

6) Load org.assertj.core.api.JUnitSoftAssertions from contextClassLoader

Context class loader is ClassWorlds realm ClassRealm[plugin>org.assertj:assertj-assertions-generator-maven-plugin:2.2.0, parent: ...] with assertj-core-2.9.1.jar library, but without junit-4.12.jar (because it is not plugin's dependency by definition, and also it is not defined as <dependency> as described at Workaround 1 - when you need JUnit4 soft assertions generated).


 Resource res = urlClassPath.getResource("org/assertj/core/api/JUnitSoftAssertions.class", false);
 if (res != null) {
  return defineClass(name, res);
 } else {
  return null;

contextClassLoader asks it's urlClassPath if it contains org.assertj.core.api.JUnitSoftAssertions and it answers yes by returning non-null res variable.

7) Load org.junit.rules.TestRule class from contextClassLoader

Because realm of contextClassLoader returns positive answer about having org.assertj.core.api.JUnitSoftAssertions, class loader is going to try to define this class.

Now it sees that org.assertj.core.api.JUnitSoftAssertions class implements org.junit.rules.TestRule interface. Correctly contextClassLoader tries to load that interface. But it does not have one, it will ask it's importRealm to load it, but without success and with ClassNotFoundException thrown.

contextClassLoader.loadClass("org.junit.rules.TestRule") == null

importRealm.loadClass(""org.junit.rules.TestRule"") = throw new ClassNotFoundException(...)

Why does this happen

Interface org.junit.rules.TestRule currently lives in projectClassLoader and contextClassLoader tries to load it. This two class loaders are in different hierarchy and that's why it is not possible to load that interface.

When you look at Workaround 1 - you need JUnit4 soft assertions generated, it adds artificial dependency to junit-4.12.jar library to satisfy this load. It does not matter that JUnit4 (as AssertJ Core) loaded two times inside projectClassLoader and contextClassLoader because it is only used to load metadata and generate assertions.


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