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Form Data Types

bcoles edited this page Dec 15, 2011 · 2 revisions

Basic Data Types for Exploit Creation

This information is outdated!


This page will detail the different type of input boxes that can be used in modules.

Field Types

  • textfield : Basic input field to accept a string (default)
  • textarea : Larger text area to place > 255 characters of input
  • hidden: hidden data that will be submitted with the form
  • label: Text that will not be submitted but will be displayed to further explain input boxes
  • checkbox : Basic Checkbox Datatype
  • checkboxgroup: A group of checkboxes to be grouped together
  • cobmobox : a pulldown select datatype

Field Properties

  • name : the name of the field
  • type : the field type (textfield, checkbox, combobox)
  • ui_label : The text that labels the field on the form
  • checked : set to 'true' if the default should be checked (checkbox only)
  • html : html to be used for lables (label only)
  • items : list of properties for checkboxgroups (checkboxgroup only)
  • store_type : combobox store type (eg arraystore) (combobox only)
  • store_fields : list of fields that describe the datastore for a combobox (combobox only)
  • valueField : the name of the value items in store_fields (combobox only)
  • displayField : the name of the display field in store_fields (combobox only)
  • mode: the storage mode (eg local) for store_fields (combobox only)
  • emptyText : The default text to be shown in a combobox (combobox only)


  def initialize
      'Name' => 'Demo Exploit',

      'Description' => %Q{
        This a demonstration exploit that won't do much
      'Category' => 'Demo',
      'Author' => ['sussurro'],

       'Data' => [
               ['name' => 'textfield', 'type' => 'textield', 'ui_label' => 'textield input', 'value' =>''],
               ['name' => 'test_checkbox', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'ui_label' => 'checked', 'checked' => 'true'],
               ['name' => 'unchecked', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'ui_label' => 'unchecked'],
               ['type' => 'label', 'html' => 'THIS IS SOME LABEL DATA'],
               ['name' => 'checkboxgroup', 'type' => 'checkboxgroup', 'ui_label' => 'checkboxgroup', 'items' => [{:boxLabel => "cb1", 'name' => 'cb1'},{:boxLabel => 'cb2', 'name' => 'cb2'}]],
               ['name' => 'combokbox', 'type' => 'combobox', 'ui_label' => 'combobox','store_type' => 'arraystore', 'store_fields' => ['letters'], 'store_data' => [['a'],['b'],['c']], 'valueField' => 'letters', 'displayField' => 'letters' , 'mode' => 'local','emptyText' => "Select your favorite letter"],

      'File' => __FILE__,
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