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SPIR-V Devices

SPIR-V makes use of the Intel Level Zero API.

Disclaimer: The SPIR-V backend with the Intel Level-Zero dispatcher is a new project within TornadoVM. Currently, we offer a preview and an initial implementation.

Install Intel oneAPI Level Zero Compute Runtime

In order to use Intel Level Zero from oneAPI, you need to install the Intel driver for the Intel HD Graphics.

All drivers are available here:

Install TornadoVM for SPIR-V

Install TornadoVM following the instructions in :ref:`installation`.

To build the SPIR-V Backend, enable the backend as follows:

$ cd <tornadovm-directory>
$ ./scripts/ --jdk17 --spirv
$ .

Running examples with the SPIR-V backend

Running DFT from the unit-test suite

$ tornado-test -V --fast --threadInfo --debug

SPIRV-File : /tmp/tornadoVM-spirv/8442884346950-s0.t0computeDFT.spv
Set entry point: computeDFT
Task info: s0.t0
    Backend           : SPIRV
    Device            : SPIRV LevelZero - Intel(R) UHD Graphics [0x9bc4] GPU
    Dims              : 1
    Global work offset: [0]
    Global work size  : [4096]
    Local  work size  : [256, 1, 1]
    Number of workgroups  : [16]

Test: class
    Running test: testDFT                    ................  [PASS]

In this execution, the SPIR-V Binary is stored in /tmp/tornadoVM-spirv/8442884346950-s0.t0computeDFT.spv. We can disassemble the binary with spirv-dis from Khronos

Note: Usually, spirv-dis can be installed from the common OS repositories (e.g., Fedora, Ubuntu repositories):

## Fedora OS
sudo dnf install spirv-tools

## Ubuntu OS:
sudo apt-get install spirv-tools

Disassemble the SPIR-V binary:

$ spirv-dis /tmp/tornadoVM-spirv/8442884346950-s0.t0computeDFT.spv
; Version: 1.2
; Generator: Khronos; 32
; Bound: 227
; Schema: 0
               OpCapability Addresses
               OpCapability Linkage
               OpCapability Kernel
               OpCapability Int64
               OpCapability Int8
               OpCapability Float64
          %1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
               OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
               OpEntryPoint Kernel %56 "computeDFT" %spirv_BuiltInGlobalInvocationId %spirv_BuiltInGlobalSize
               OpExecutionMode %56 ContractionOff
               OpSource OpenCL_C 300000
               OpName %spirv_BuiltInGlobalInvocationId "spirv_BuiltInGlobalInvocationId"
               OpName %spirv_BuiltInGlobalSize "spirv_BuiltInGlobalSize"
               OpName %spirv_l_16F0 "spirv_l_16F0"
               OpName %spirv_l_12F0 "spirv_l_12F0"
               OpName %spirv_l_44F0 "spirv_l_44F0"
               OpName %spirv_l_13F0 "spirv_l_13F0"
               OpName %spirv_l_45F0 "spirv_l_45F0"
               OpName %spirv_l_14F0 "spirv_l_14F0"
               OpName %spirv_l_46F0 "spirv_l_46F0"
               OpName %spirv_l_42F0 "spirv_l_42F0"
               OpName %spirv_l_11F0 "spirv_l_11F0"
               OpName %spirv_l_43F0 "spirv_l_43F0"
               OpName %spirv_l_0F0 "spirv_l_0F0"
               OpName %spirv_l_1F0 "spirv_l_1F0"
               OpName %spirv_l_2F0 "spirv_l_2F0"
               OpName %spirv_l_3F0 "spirv_l_3F0"
               OpName %spirv_i_5F0 "spirv_i_5F0"
               OpName %spirv_i_4F0 "spirv_i_4F0"
               OpName %spirv_i_48F0 "spirv_i_48F0"
               OpName %spirv_i_47F0 "spirv_i_47F0"
               OpName %spirv_i_9F0 "spirv_i_9F0"
               OpName %spirv_i_41F0 "spirv_i_41F0"
               OpName %spirv_f_15F0 "spirv_f_15F0"
               OpName %spirv_f_17F0 "spirv_f_17F0"
               OpName %spirv_f_34F0 "spirv_f_34F0"
               OpName %spirv_f_7F0 "spirv_f_7F0"
               OpName %spirv_f_23F0 "spirv_f_23F0"
               OpName %spirv_f_8F0 "spirv_f_8F0"
               OpName %spirv_f_40F0 "spirv_f_40F0"
               OpName %spirv_f_26F0 "spirv_f_26F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_20F0 "spirv_d_20F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_19F0 "spirv_d_19F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_22F0 "spirv_d_22F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_21F0 "spirv_d_21F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_24F0 "spirv_d_24F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_25F0 "spirv_d_25F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_28F0 "spirv_d_28F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_27F0 "spirv_d_27F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_30F0 "spirv_d_30F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_29F0 "spirv_d_29F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_32F0 "spirv_d_32F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_31F0 "spirv_d_31F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_33F0 "spirv_d_33F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_36F0 "spirv_d_36F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_35F0 "spirv_d_35F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_38F0 "spirv_d_38F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_37F0 "spirv_d_37F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_39F0 "spirv_d_39F0"
               OpName %spirv_d_18F0 "spirv_d_18F0"
               OpName %spirv_z_10F0 "spirv_z_10F0"
               OpName %spirv_z_6F0 "spirv_z_6F0"
               OpName %heapBaseAddr "heapBaseAddr"
               OpName %frameBaseAddr "frameBaseAddr"
               OpName %frame "frame"
               OpName %B0F0 "B0F0"
               OpName %B1F0 "B1F0"
               OpName %B2F0 "B2F0"
               OpName %B6F0 "B6F0"
               OpName %B3F0 "B3F0"
               OpName %B4F0 "B4F0"
               OpName %B5F0 "B5F0"
               OpName %returnF0 "returnF0"
               OpDecorate %spirv_BuiltInGlobalInvocationId BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId
               OpDecorate %spirv_BuiltInGlobalInvocationId Constant
               OpDecorate %spirv_BuiltInGlobalInvocationId LinkageAttributes "spirv_BuiltInGlobalInvocationId" Import
               OpDecorate %spirv_BuiltInGlobalSize BuiltIn GlobalSize
               OpDecorate %spirv_BuiltInGlobalSize Constant
               OpDecorate %spirv_BuiltInGlobalSize LinkageAttributes "spirv_BuiltInGlobalSize" Import
               OpDecorate %heapBaseAddr Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %frameBaseAddr Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %frame Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_16F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_12F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_44F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_13F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_45F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_14F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_46F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_42F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_11F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_43F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_0F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_1F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_2F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_l_3F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_i_5F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_i_4F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_i_48F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_i_47F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_i_9F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_i_41F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_f_15F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_f_17F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_f_34F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_f_7F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_f_23F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_f_8F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_f_40F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_f_26F0 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_20F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_19F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_22F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_21F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_24F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_25F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_28F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_27F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_30F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_29F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_32F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_31F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_33F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_36F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_35F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_38F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_37F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_39F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_d_18F0 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %spirv_z_10F0 Alignment 1
               OpDecorate %spirv_z_6F0 Alignment 1
      %uchar = OpTypeInt 8 0
      %ulong = OpTypeInt 64 0
       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
     %double = OpTypeFloat 64
       %bool = OpTypeBool
     %uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
   %ulong_24 = OpConstant %ulong 24
     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
%double_4096 = OpConstant %double 4096
  %uint_4096 = OpConstant %uint 4096
     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
%double_6_2831853071795862 = OpConstant %double 6.2831853071795862
    %float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
     %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
       %void = OpTypeVoid
%_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar = OpTypePointer CrossWorkgroup %uchar
         %74 = OpTypeFunction %void %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar %ulong
%_ptr_Function__ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar = OpTypePointer Function %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar
%_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_ulong = OpTypePointer CrossWorkgroup %ulong
%_ptr_Function_ulong = OpTypePointer Function %ulong
%_ptr_Function__ptr_CrossWorkgroup_ulong = OpTypePointer Function %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_ulong
    %v3ulong = OpTypeVector %ulong 3
%_ptr_Input_v3ulong = OpTypePointer Input %v3ulong
%spirv_BuiltInGlobalSize = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3ulong Input
%spirv_BuiltInGlobalInvocationId = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3ulong Input
%_ptr_Function_uint = OpTypePointer Function %uint
%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float
%_ptr_Function_double = OpTypePointer Function %double
%_ptr_Function_bool = OpTypePointer Function %bool
     %uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
     %uint_5 = OpConstant %uint 5
     %uint_6 = OpConstant %uint 6
    %ulong_2 = OpConstant %ulong 2
%_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_float = OpTypePointer CrossWorkgroup %float
         %56 = OpFunction %void DontInline %74
         %81 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar
         %82 = OpFunctionParameter %ulong
       %B0F0 = OpLabel
%heapBaseAddr = OpVariable %_ptr_Function__ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar Function
%frameBaseAddr = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_16F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_12F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_44F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_13F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_45F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_14F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_46F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_42F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_11F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_43F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_0F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_1F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_2F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_l_3F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_ulong Function
%spirv_i_5F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
%spirv_i_4F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
%spirv_i_48F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
%spirv_i_47F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
%spirv_i_9F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
%spirv_i_41F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
%spirv_f_15F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
%spirv_f_17F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
%spirv_f_34F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
%spirv_f_7F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
%spirv_f_23F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
%spirv_f_8F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
%spirv_f_40F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
%spirv_f_26F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
%spirv_d_20F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_19F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_22F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_21F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_24F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_25F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_28F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_27F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_30F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_29F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_32F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_31F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_33F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_36F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_35F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_38F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_37F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_39F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_d_18F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_double Function
%spirv_z_10F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_bool Function
%spirv_z_6F0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_bool Function
      %frame = OpVariable %_ptr_Function__ptr_CrossWorkgroup_ulong Function
               OpStore %heapBaseAddr %81 Aligned 8
               OpStore %frameBaseAddr %82 Aligned 8
         %88 = OpLoad %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar %heapBaseAddr Aligned 8
         %89 = OpLoad %ulong %frameBaseAddr Aligned 8
         %90 = OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar %88 %89
         %91 = OpBitcast %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_ulong %90
               OpStore %frame %91 Aligned 8
         %92 = OpLoad %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_ulong %frame Aligned 8
         %93 = OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_ulong %92 %uint_3
         %94 = OpLoad %ulong %93 Aligned 8
               OpStore %spirv_l_0F0 %94 Aligned 8
         %95 = OpLoad %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_ulong %frame Aligned 8
         %97 = OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_ulong %95 %uint_4
         %98 = OpLoad %ulong %97 Aligned 8
               OpStore %spirv_l_1F0 %98 Aligned 8
         %99 = OpLoad %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_ulong %frame Aligned 8
        %101 = OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_ulong %99 %uint_5
        %102 = OpLoad %ulong %101 Aligned 8
               OpStore %spirv_l_2F0 %102 Aligned 8
        %103 = OpLoad %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_ulong %frame Aligned 8
        %105 = OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_ulong %103 %uint_6
        %106 = OpLoad %ulong %105 Aligned 8
               OpStore %spirv_l_3F0 %106 Aligned 8
        %107 = OpLoad %v3ulong %spirv_BuiltInGlobalInvocationId Aligned 32
        %108 = OpCompositeExtract %ulong %107 0
        %109 = OpUConvert %uint %108
               OpStore %spirv_i_4F0 %109 Aligned 4
        %110 = OpLoad %uint %spirv_i_4F0 Aligned 4
               OpStore %spirv_i_5F0 %110 Aligned 4
               OpBranch %B1F0
       %B1F0 = OpLabel
        %112 = OpLoad %uint %spirv_i_5F0 Aligned 4
        %113 = OpSLessThan %bool %112 %uint_4096
               OpBranchConditional %113 %B2F0 %B6F0
       %B2F0 = OpLabel
               OpStore %spirv_f_7F0 %float_0 Aligned 4
               OpStore %spirv_f_8F0 %float_0 Aligned 4
               OpStore %spirv_i_9F0 %uint_0 Aligned 4
               OpBranch %B3F0
       %B3F0 = OpLabel
        %117 = OpLoad %uint %spirv_i_9F0 Aligned 4
        %118 = OpSLessThan %bool %117 %uint_4096
               OpBranchConditional %118 %B4F0 %B5F0
       %B4F0 = OpLabel
        %121 = OpLoad %uint %spirv_i_9F0 Aligned 4
        %122 = OpSConvert %ulong %121
               OpStore %spirv_l_11F0 %122 Aligned 8
        %123 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_11F0 Aligned 8
        %125 = OpShiftLeftLogical %ulong %123 %ulong_2
               OpStore %spirv_l_12F0 %125 Aligned 8
        %126 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_12F0 Aligned 8
        %127 = OpIAdd %ulong %126 %ulong_24
               OpStore %spirv_l_13F0 %127 Aligned 8
        %128 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_0F0 Aligned 8
        %129 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_13F0 Aligned 8
        %130 = OpIAdd %ulong %128 %129
               OpStore %spirv_l_14F0 %130 Aligned 8
        %131 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_14F0 Aligned 8
        %133 = OpConvertUToPtr %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_float %131
        %134 = OpLoad %float %133 Aligned 4
               OpStore %spirv_f_15F0 %134 Aligned 4
        %135 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_1F0 Aligned 8
        %136 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_13F0 Aligned 8
        %137 = OpIAdd %ulong %135 %136
               OpStore %spirv_l_16F0 %137 Aligned 8
        %138 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_16F0 Aligned 8
        %139 = OpConvertUToPtr %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_float %138
        %140 = OpLoad %float %139 Aligned 4
               OpStore %spirv_f_17F0 %140 Aligned 4
        %141 = OpLoad %uint %spirv_i_9F0 Aligned 8
        %142 = OpConvertSToF %double %141
               OpStore %spirv_d_18F0 %142 Aligned 8
        %143 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_18F0 Aligned 8
        %144 = OpFMul %double %143 %double_6_2831853071795862
               OpStore %spirv_d_19F0 %144 Aligned 8
        %145 = OpLoad %uint %spirv_i_5F0 Aligned 8
        %146 = OpConvertSToF %double %145
               OpStore %spirv_d_20F0 %146 Aligned 8
        %147 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_19F0 Aligned 8
        %148 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_20F0 Aligned 8
        %149 = OpFMul %double %147 %148
               OpStore %spirv_d_21F0 %149 Aligned 8
        %150 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_21F0 Aligned 8
        %151 = OpFDiv %double %150 %double_4096
               OpStore %spirv_d_22F0 %151 Aligned 8
        %152 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_22F0 Aligned 4
        %153 = OpFConvert %float %152
               OpStore %spirv_f_23F0 %153 Aligned 4
        %154 = OpLoad %float %spirv_f_23F0 Aligned 8
        %155 = OpFConvert %double %154
               OpStore %spirv_d_24F0 %155 Aligned 8
        %156 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_24F0 Aligned 8
        %157 = OpExtInst %double %1 sin %156
               OpStore %spirv_d_25F0 %157 Aligned 8
        %158 = OpLoad %float %spirv_f_15F0 Aligned 4
        %159 = OpFNegate %float %158
               OpStore %spirv_f_26F0 %159 Aligned 4
        %160 = OpLoad %float %spirv_f_26F0 Aligned 8
        %161 = OpFConvert %double %160
               OpStore %spirv_d_27F0 %161 Aligned 8
        %162 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_24F0 Aligned 8
        %163 = OpExtInst %double %1 native_cos %162
               OpStore %spirv_d_28F0 %163 Aligned 8
        %164 = OpLoad %float %spirv_f_17F0 Aligned 8
        %165 = OpFConvert %double %164
               OpStore %spirv_d_29F0 %165 Aligned 8
        %166 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_28F0 Aligned 8
        %167 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_29F0 Aligned 8
        %168 = OpFMul %double %166 %167
               OpStore %spirv_d_30F0 %168 Aligned 8
        %169 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_25F0 Aligned 8
        %170 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_27F0 Aligned 8
        %171 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_30F0 Aligned 8
        %172 = OpExtInst %double %1 fma %169 %170 %171
               OpStore %spirv_d_31F0 %172 Aligned 8
        %173 = OpLoad %float %spirv_f_8F0 Aligned 8
        %174 = OpFConvert %double %173
               OpStore %spirv_d_32F0 %174 Aligned 8
        %175 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_31F0 Aligned 8
        %176 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_32F0 Aligned 8
        %177 = OpFAdd %double %175 %176
               OpStore %spirv_d_33F0 %177 Aligned 8
        %178 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_33F0 Aligned 4
        %179 = OpFConvert %float %178
               OpStore %spirv_f_34F0 %179 Aligned 4
        %180 = OpLoad %float %spirv_f_15F0 Aligned 8
        %181 = OpFConvert %double %180
               OpStore %spirv_d_35F0 %181 Aligned 8
        %182 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_25F0 Aligned 8
        %183 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_29F0 Aligned 8
        %184 = OpFMul %double %182 %183
               OpStore %spirv_d_36F0 %184 Aligned 8
        %185 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_28F0 Aligned 8
        %186 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_35F0 Aligned 8
        %187 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_36F0 Aligned 8
        %188 = OpExtInst %double %1 fma %185 %186 %187
               OpStore %spirv_d_37F0 %188 Aligned 8
        %189 = OpLoad %float %spirv_f_7F0 Aligned 8
        %190 = OpFConvert %double %189
               OpStore %spirv_d_38F0 %190 Aligned 8
        %191 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_37F0 Aligned 8
        %192 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_38F0 Aligned 8
        %193 = OpFAdd %double %191 %192
               OpStore %spirv_d_39F0 %193 Aligned 8
        %194 = OpLoad %double %spirv_d_39F0 Aligned 4
        %195 = OpFConvert %float %194
               OpStore %spirv_f_40F0 %195 Aligned 4
        %196 = OpLoad %uint %spirv_i_9F0 Aligned 4
        %197 = OpIAdd %uint %196 %uint_1
               OpStore %spirv_i_41F0 %197 Aligned 4
        %198 = OpLoad %float %spirv_f_40F0 Aligned 4
               OpStore %spirv_f_7F0 %198 Aligned 4
        %199 = OpLoad %float %spirv_f_34F0 Aligned 4
               OpStore %spirv_f_8F0 %199 Aligned 4
        %200 = OpLoad %uint %spirv_i_41F0 Aligned 4
               OpStore %spirv_i_9F0 %200 Aligned 4
               OpBranch %B3F0
       %B5F0 = OpLabel
        %201 = OpLoad %uint %spirv_i_5F0 Aligned 4
        %202 = OpSConvert %ulong %201
               OpStore %spirv_l_42F0 %202 Aligned 8
        %203 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_42F0 Aligned 8
        %204 = OpShiftLeftLogical %ulong %203 %ulong_2
               OpStore %spirv_l_43F0 %204 Aligned 8
        %205 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_43F0 Aligned 8
        %206 = OpIAdd %ulong %205 %ulong_24
               OpStore %spirv_l_44F0 %206 Aligned 8
        %207 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_2F0 Aligned 8
        %208 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_44F0 Aligned 8
        %209 = OpIAdd %ulong %207 %208
               OpStore %spirv_l_45F0 %209 Aligned 8
        %210 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_45F0 Aligned 8
        %211 = OpConvertUToPtr %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_float %210
        %212 = OpLoad %float %spirv_f_7F0 Aligned 4
               OpStore %211 %212 Aligned 4
        %213 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_3F0 Aligned 8
        %214 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_44F0 Aligned 8
        %215 = OpIAdd %ulong %213 %214
               OpStore %spirv_l_46F0 %215 Aligned 8
        %216 = OpLoad %ulong %spirv_l_46F0 Aligned 8
        %217 = OpConvertUToPtr %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_float %216
        %218 = OpLoad %float %spirv_f_8F0 Aligned 4
               OpStore %217 %218 Aligned 4
        %219 = OpLoad %v3ulong %spirv_BuiltInGlobalSize Aligned 32
        %220 = OpCompositeExtract %ulong %219 0
        %221 = OpUConvert %uint %220
               OpStore %spirv_i_47F0 %221 Aligned 4
        %222 = OpLoad %uint %spirv_i_47F0 Aligned 4
        %223 = OpLoad %uint %spirv_i_5F0 Aligned 4
        %224 = OpIAdd %uint %222 %223
               OpStore %spirv_i_48F0 %224 Aligned 4
        %225 = OpLoad %uint %spirv_i_48F0 Aligned 4
               OpStore %spirv_i_5F0 %225 Aligned 4
               OpBranch %B1F0
       %B6F0 = OpLabel
               OpBranch %returnF0
   %returnF0 = OpLabel