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IDE Integration


Download and install the latest IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition:

Change the IntelliJ maximum memory to 2 GB or more (instructions).

For Intellij to pickup the required Tornado dependencies from the poms, go to View > Tool Windows > Maven and select jdk-8, ptx-backend, opencl-backend under profiles.

Required Plugins:

Open IntelliJ and go to Preferences > Plugins > Browse Repositories. Install the following plugins:

  1. Eclipse Code Formatter: Formats source code according to eclipse standards (.xml). After the installation of the plugin, go to: File > Settings > Other Settings > Ecliple Code Formatter, and select “Use the Eclipse code formatter”. Finally, load the TornadoVM code formatter (./scripts/templates/eclipse-settings/Tornado.xml) as the Eclipse Java Formatter config file, and click Apply.
  2. Save Actions: Allows post-save actions (e.g. code formating on save).
    • To enable the auto-formatter with save-actions, go to Settings -> Other Settings -> Save Actions, and mark the following:
      • Activate save actions on save
      • Activate save actions in shortcut
      • Reformat file
  3. Python Plugin (Optional): Allows Python scripting.

Run and Debug TornadoVM with Intellij

Normal maven lifecycle goals like package and install will not result a succefull build for TornadoVM.

Two different configurations are needed for Build and Debug.

Build/Run Configuration

  1. Go to File > Project Structure and ensure that:
  • In the Project Tab:
    • The Project SDK uses the same java version as the project (e.g. Java 17).
    • The Project language level is using the same java version (e.g. Java 17 with Lambdas, type annotations etc.).
  • In the Modules Tab:
    • The module SDK of every module uses the same java version (e.g. 1.8.0_131).
  1. In the right vertical bar in Intellij: Maven Projects > tornadovm (root) > Lifecycle > package > right click > create tornadovm [package]
  2. Then: Run > Edit Configurations > Maven > tornadovm Package. You need to manually add and check the following information:
  • In the Parameters tab :
    • In Command line, add the following:
      • -Dcmake.root.dir=/home/michalis/opt/cmake-3.10.2-Linux-x86_64/ clean package
        • In case that you need to reduce the amount of maven warnings add also on the above line the command –quiet, which constraints maven verbose to only errors.
    • In Profiles (separated with space), add the following:
      • jdk-8
      • at least one backend depending on what you want to build {opencl-backend, ptx-backend}
  • In the Runner tab: Ensure that the selected JRE corresponds to Use Project JDK (e.g.1.8.0_131).

Finally, one the top right corner drop-down menu select the adove custome tornadovm [package] configuration. To build either press the play button on the top right corner or Shift+F10.

Debug/Run Configuration

In order to Run and Debug Java code running through TornadoVM another custom configuration is needed. For this configuration the TornadoVM JAVA_FLAGS and CLASSPATHS are needed.

Firstly, you need to obtain the ``JAVA_FLAGS`` used by TornadoVM. Use the following commands to print the flags:

$ make BACKENDS={opencl,ptx,spirv}
$ tornado --printJavaFlags

Output should be something similar to this:

-server -XX:-UseJVMCIClassLoader -XX:-UseCompressedOops -Djava.ext.dirs=/home/michalis/Tornado/tornado/bin/sdk/share/java/tornado -Djava.library.path=/home/michalis/Tornado/tornado/bin/sdk/lib

You need to copy from -server to end.

Now, introduce a new Run Configuration

Again, Run > Edit Configurations > Application > Add new (e.g. plus sign)

Then, add your own parameters similar to the following:

  • Main Class:
  • VM Options: What you copied from -server and on
  • Working Directory: /home/tornadovm
  • JRE: Default (Should point to the 1.8.0_131)
  • Use classpath of module Select from drop-down menu e.g tornado-examples

Finally, you can select the new custom configuration by selecting the configuration from the right top drop-down menu. Now, you can run it by pressing the play button on the top right corner or Shift+F10.