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Steve Baker Beepscore LLC 5 Dec 2010


Adds and deletes nodes in a tree.


Implement insert and delete in a tri-nary tree.
Much like a binary tree but with 3 child nodes for each parent instead of two -- with the left node being values < parent, the right node values > parent, and the middle node values == parent. For example, if I added the following nodes to the tree in this

order: 5, 4, 9, 5, 7, 2, 2 -- the tree would look like this:

      / | \
     4  5  9
    /     /
  2      7

Write in Objective C, for potential demo on iPhone.

Node object

5 properties

  • content
  • parent
  • leftChild
  • middleChild
  • rightChild

Content cant be nil, other props (the 4 nodes) can? Might run faster to use a dictionary for connection properties, not sure. For now, don't use dictionary.

Add Node

Always start at top?

Yes, that's why second 2 isn't child of second 5.

Is branch empty?

Add node and set node content = number.


Compare number to node content to choose correct 1 of 3 branches, step down.

Repeat until find empty branch and fill it.

Delete Node

Delete any node. Keep references to kids before delete!

Now we have 0-1 parent tree and 0-3 orphan trees.

Attach like add?

Before coding, draw a tree with more levels to see how this works.

Orphan will move straight up 1 level?

Does order of reattaching affect outcome? I think not.

Helpful to make a drawTree method. Can call starting at any node so can call on orphans.


Add and delete nodes in a trinary tree data structure.






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