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Final course project for Datathinking in the Era of ChatGPT, Spring 2023 @ University of Tartu: A Compound Reasoning and Referencing Agent on Wikipedia using Langchain

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A Compound Reasoning and Referencing Agent on Wikipedia using Langchain

A project by Benjamin Eckhardt (

for the Spring 2023 "Datathinking in the Era of ChatGPT" lecture by Jaan Altosaar @ University of Tartu

Editors: GPT-4, Copilot

code repo link

CRAW Algorithm Overview

To get started save an OpenAI API key at secret/openai_api_key, run pip install -r requirements.txt (optionally in a python -m venv venv; source venv/bin/activate) and run python There is currently no GUI. The progess will be printed to the console and the final result is a recursive tree of questions and answers, reasoning and sources.


Language models are powerful but they are not good at reasoning nor referencing.

The core idea is that complex reasoning tasks involve nested trees of propositions and partial conclusions. Research has shown that decomposition of reasoning tasks into a 'chain of thoughts' dramatically improves the 'reasoning capabilities' of language models. And generalizing to nested 'trees of thought' improves even more dramatically (2305.10601).

Language model 'reasoning' is largely opaque and factual accuarcy questionable, as they usually do not provide references.

This project aims to build a reasoning agent that uses language models in different modular subtasks to answer questions by recursively answering subquestions. We aim to solve the intransparent 'reasoning' problem by decomposing as task into disjoint subtasks and an explanation of th reasoning behind that. Atomic subquestions are answered by connectecting a compound inference engine to Wikipedia. By collecting (only the) relevant interpretable source citations, we

The overall algorithm skelleton is hardcoded in a modular, funcionally pure way. The resulting recursive tree of questions with answers, explanations and eventually references is created elegantly as the mirror image of the algorithms pure recursion. For replacing the static skeleton with a dynamic agent see Future directions

All interactions with LLMs work through modular, declarative and descriptive as single-purpose functions. See LLM Interfacing. Therefore the division in Reasoning and Referencing is historic and aestetic.

Reasoning Agent

  • Question Decomposition - Given a question decides whether the question is atomic or compound. An atomic question will be answered by the Referencing Agent. A compound question will be decomposed into a set of subquestions and a natural language reasoning statements of how to combine answers to the subquestions into an answer of the given question.

  • Answer Recombination - Given the question, the decomposition reasoning and the recursively computed answers, compile and answer involving only reasoning and no halucinated knowledge.

Referencing Agent

Uses multiple subsystems to find the answer to an atomic question inside a database (Wikipedia) including citations and source link.

I didn't use langchains convenient wikipedia api because it didn't return the full page content. Instead I collect documents manually with the standalone wikipedia api.

  • Search Generator - Takes an atomic question and generates search queries for wikipedia, to maximize the chance of finding the answer in the first few results.

  • Abstract Pre-Selector - Compute vector embeddings of the abstracts of the wikipedia search results and selects what is semantically related to the question.

  • Content Reference Selector - Computes vector embeddings of chunks of content of the related wikipedia articles and what is semantically related to the question.

  • Atomic Answerer - Answers the question with each related content chunk until it finds an answer.

By decomposing the task in this way we can

  • search efficiently - first based on abstracts to remove false search hits before we load and embed only the relevant article contexts
  • keep references - By starting of with articles we can keep track of the source article of the answer. By answering the queston with each related content chunk independently we can keep track of the source citation.

Benefits of a Vector Store

The vector store is created with chroma and OpenAI embeddings. langchain's Document-abstraction allows to keep meta data. The meta data we keep is the source link (to the wikipedia article) and the source quotation that led to the answer.

This kind of neurosymbolic decomposition of the task allows to keep meta data intact and not to risk compromising by feeding it through a LM.

This is not the case for the common pure-LM map-reduce strategies and similar. Though langchain contains Chains for letting the model output source references this proccess is more brittle and unrealiable if precision with references is needed. If precision with answers is more desired, reduction strategies that give the LM a larger context might help its understanding but wash away the provenance of information. See Future Directions for a note on compound solutions.



LLM Interfaces are declared declaratively and descriptively with as single purpose functions with semi-structured input and structured output.

Each query is stateless and includes the whole prompt. LLM APIs are conveniently provided by langchain.

The prompts are generated from an instruction text, an output format specification and query data.

The output format specification is generated using langchain's pydantic integration in form of json with field descriptions. It is accompanied with an output parser for free that can conveniently parse format-adhering LLM output into a python datastructure.

The module prompt specifications are located under queries/


  • langchain has suuper nice abstractions for querying LMs
  • chromadb is used with langchain to create and query a vector store for efficiently querying related text pieces by cosine similarity of embeddings
    • the equation for cosine similarity is: (according to GPT-4):

      $\cos (\mathbf{A},\mathbf{B})= \frac{\mathbf{A} \cdot \mathbf{B}}{|\mathbf{A}||\mathbf{B}|} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} A_i B_i}{\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n} A_i^2} \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n} B_i^2}}$

  • duckdb is used in chromadb
  • pydantic: enables suuuper easy declaration of desired structured data output format of LMs and automatic parsing in conjuction with langchain. Also is the nicest way to featurefully declare compound data structures I ever saw.


The LLM query modul decompose is working very well (see its test).

There is currently bugs in the LLM query module answer_atomic and alternative that make the model generate badly formatted, wrong or even random output. Bugfixing neural functions is annoying because you never now if the model got you and how to make it get you. Too short explanations are insuffiecent, too long ones expensive and confusing. More over models sometimes just replicate their prompt examples instead of replying properly.

The query module wiki_queries was improved drastically by adding more description and examples.

The current architecture is nice, but allows only very crude and limited inspection of what is happening. Improving the (currently hacky) abstractions around prompts and query modules can enable elegant tracing.

The goal of finding relevant wikipedia article parts that contain answers to the question is not very well achieved yet.


The unpredictability is exemplified in trace/230621-1049 where the model correctly decomposes the question, solves one part (though a bit strangely), but fails on the isomorphic second part.

The working base case is exemplified in trace/230621-1054 though the Wikpedia Article Search engine could work better and select an article on the chemical element carbon.

A pure math example in trace/230621-1100 illustrates that the decomposition is not working smartly and realiably for complex pure reasoning tasks. Also we learn that there is obvously atomic questios that cannot be answered in Wikipedia but by eg. mathematical means. llmchain's Agents have access to different Tools like math from which they can choose to solve a (sub)task. See Further Directions.


LLMs as Functions - We can just describe what we want the component to do and even get structured data in and out. I heard of this technique but now I had an interesting time experimenting with it. Due to extreme computational expenses this strategy should only by used when the function is not reasonable programmable (like in our case were reasoning and free form language processing is involved). But it is very interesting for rapid prototyping since you write descriptions and examples (tests) anyway.

Copilot and Prompted Code Generation (GPT-4) - Suck at recursion (in the naive way I used them). Are excellent in pikking up patterns and translating (eg translate a self invented shorthand for class definitions using only part of one translation example).

Future Directions

LLMs as Agents

Besides the benefits argued for above and the benefit for fast development of a complex project the functional, declarative, modular apprach has a few drawbacks like engeneering of many custom prompts and possible inefficieny and imprecision due to separation of concers.

It could be feasable to join multiple subsystem one-off functions into one state keeping chat model, so that we benefit from implicit clues to achieve better reasoning.

Further one could replace the hardcoded structure of the algorithm with and agentic LLM and a description of the algorithm. langchain has the Agent abstraction for this purpose. I couldnt use the LLM Agent abstraction, because I needed to keep structured data (like sources for atomic facts) and wanted to engineer the code in a functionally pure way. An agent is inherently imperative and unpredictable which seems to me like a chore to get working or debug (especially building interesting datastructes when its up to the model to decide what and when and the only interface is free form commands), but might in the end in fact be simpler because of looser coupling and delegation to LLMs. I will explore this further. Here is a promising example conversation I head with a prompt by my self:

Merging the Benefits of Vector Stores for Source Identification and LM Reduction Strategies for Answer Quality

Maybe by first reducing the document store and then querying the preprompted model to select or rate the influence of different propositions. To avoid context length limits, each proposition would be evaluated independently in the context of the reduction. To save enormous computational ressources the vector store would be used to select only the most promising pieces of text.

Use the nested structure of Wikipedia to navigate recursively and not just using the search tool

Provide a user interface to visually understand the reasoning process

Allow user intervention in the reasoning process and fact lookup. Also chat.

Disclaimer on the Usage of Gerative AI

This blog post ist 99% human written; The code to 90% (I think because of slow internet here); and I had all ideas by my self.

Ecological Concerns

This reasoning process is very expensive as many long queries to Large Language Models are made (text-davinci-003). Smaller models work less good because of high demands on structured outputs combined with complex queries. Further modularization into smaller more efficient components involving design of token efficient prompts can improve the situation. A loss in system performance is not to be expected since the current version is stateless and minimal in context in all queries anyway. Besides uncounted emmissions by using GPT-4 for extensive experiments, the use of text-davinci-003 via the OpenAI API during development has generated costs of $7.57 OpenAI API credits.


I thank Jaan Altosaar and the One Fact Foundation for inviting so many highly inspiring guest lecturers to the Datathinking course and for granting access to software.


Final course project for Datathinking in the Era of ChatGPT, Spring 2023 @ University of Tartu: A Compound Reasoning and Referencing Agent on Wikipedia using Langchain






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