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OSGi Service testing

This framework facilitates the testing of live OSGi services runnning in an OSGi framework.


The framework offers two methods for defining test suites.

Create test suites using annotations

The framework provides annotations for developing test suites. Simply annotating a service implementation is sufficient for it to be discovered as test suite by the framework.

public class MyTestSuiteImplementation {

	@TestMethod(identifier="positive", label="My positive scenario")
	public void doTestMyPositiveScenario(TestMonitor monitor) {
		monitor.assertion(eval, "Failure message");

Implement a TestSuite Service Interface

Besides using the annotations one can also implement the TestSuite interface directly. For the framework to be able to discover the testsuite it has to be published with the TestSuite service interface.

Executing tests

The framework contains a default test runner that executes any test suite on discovery in the service registry. Test results are logged to the console.

This test runner can be used in two ways. It can be configured to launch tests on discovery. This can be enabled through setting the osgitest.deploymentTestEnabled system property to true.

You can also use the TestLauncher to execute the tests. It will wait until the framework is ready (no more services are being published) and execute all available tests. The launcher can be configured to shutdown the framework on test completion. This is enabled through setting the osgitest.shutdownOnFinish system property to true.

Implement Custom Test Runners and launchers

To develop more advanced running and reporting of test results one can implement custom test runners and launchers.


The framework consists of the following bundles

Bundle Description
com.beinformed.framework.osgi.osgitest.api Framework API's.
com.beinformed.framework.osgi.osgitest.annotationprocessor Runtime annotation processor for test framework annotations.
com.beinformed.framework.osgi.osgitest.loggingmonitor Default test monitor implementation which logs all test results to the log.
com.beinformed.framework.osgi.osgitest.testrunner Default test runner service implementation.
com.beinformed.framework.osgi.osgitest.launcher Default launcher which waits for system availability and executes all tests.
com.beinformed.framework.osgi.frameworkstate.api Service API's for detecting framework availability.
com.beinformed.framework.osgi.frameworkstate.entropy Entropy based framework availability detection implementation.
osgitest.samples Example test implementations.

Getting started


The following bundle equirements apply:

  • ch.qos.logback.core [1.0.0,1.0.1)
  • ch.qos.logback.classic [1.0.0,1.0.1)
  • org.apache.commons.lang [2.6.0,2.6.1)
  • org.apache.felix.configadmin [1.4.0,1.4.1)
  • org.apache.felix.dependencymanager [3.1.0,3.1.1)
  • org.apache.felix.metatype [1.0.4,1.0.5)
  • slf4j.api [1.6.2,1.6.3)

Running the samples

Download the standard Apache Felix framework distribution. Unzip and copy the release bundles to the bundle folder.

Open a terminal

cd felix-framework-<version>

java -Dosgitest.shutdownOnFinish=true -jar ./bin/felix.jar

Build the framework

The framework can be build using Eclipse and Bndtools.


This software is available under the Apache 2.0 License. The license is available in the LICENSE file or at


If you want to contribute please contact Xander Uiterlinden

Github: uiterlix



A Framework for Unit Testing OSGi Services







No releases published


