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beingzoe edited this page Feb 14, 2011 · 1 revision

Credits: Attributions

For now we are just attributing and thanking people on the thanks page! Thanks!

Appliance: Marketing: JIT (Just-in-Time) Sidebar

Widget! Drop this widget in your sidebar above the last couple things in a sidebar and they will magically float with the page once they are scrolled to the top. Perfect for important navigation or “promotional” call to action content.

Usage Summary


Then just add the widget to the appropriate sidebar just above the items you wish to “float”.

Usage Notes

Requires jQuery. Does not work in IE6.

The script will not trigger the floating if it detects that the height of the items being floated is taller than the height of the current browser viewport. Otherwise there would be content that would never be reachable.

Roadmap Notes

There are issues in certain layouts where the floating JIT sidebar overlaps the site footer in an unattractive way. This will be improved to prevent that from happening.

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