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Basic Auth for Dashboard

Bekker Stacks edited this page Sep 4, 2019 · 1 revision

The htpasswd file has the default admin/admin credentials, but to overwrite:

$ htpasswd -cB htpasswd admin
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user admin

Other options

Create a MD5 username/password string:

$ echo "james:$(openssl passwd -apr1 password)"

To generate a string compatible for docker compose, we need to escape the $ symbols:

$ echo "james:$(openssl passwd -apr1 password)" | sed -e s/\\$/\\$\\$/g

- "traefik.frontend.auth.basic=james:$$apr1$$pLHI5lWL$$grJXKdQ0ppAoHOV712k5p1"

To expose the string to n environment variable, we need to escape the the $ with :

$ export MYHASH=james:\$apr1\$qiEFTkWS\$w8skQfSLNHBxtyCLYp7mX1

- "traefik.frontend.auth.basic=${MYHASH}"
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