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qfox committed Jan 31, 2017
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# bem-decl

The library contains a number of methods to work with sets of [BEM-entities](, aka BEMDECL files.

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## Requirements

* [Node.js 4+](

## Installation

This library is distributed on `npm`. In order to add it as a dependency, run the following command in your project directory:

npm install --save bem-decl
> **Note** Node comes with npm installed so you should have a version of npm.
## Usage

const bemDecl = require('bem-decl');

// Since we using sets stored in files we need to load them asynchronously
async function() {
// Await loading of file and put it to `set1` variable
// Note: There are few formats of declaration files but bem-decl here to read them all
const set1 = await bemDecl.load('set1.bemdecl.js');
// File set1.bemdecl.js:
// → exports.blocks = [
// →  {name: 'button', elems: [{name: 'control'}, {name: 'icon'}]}
// → ];

// `set1` is an array of BemCell objects,
// convert them to strings using `.map` and special `id` property: =>;
// → [ 'button', 'button__control', 'button__icon' ]

// Let's load another set:
const set2 = await bemDecl.load('set2.bemdecl.js');
// File set2.bemdecl.js:
// → exports.deps = [
// →  {block: 'button', elem: 'icon'},
// →  {block: 'link', mods: {theme: 'normal'}}
// → ]; =>;
// → [ 'button__icon', 'link', 'link_theme', 'link_theme_normal' ]

// To subtract one set from another just use `.subtract` method:
bemDecl.subtract(set1, set2).map(c =>;
// → [ 'button', 'button__control' ]

// Result will be different if we swap arguments (as expected):
bemDecl.subtract(set2, set1).map(c =>;
// → [ 'link', 'link_theme', 'link_theme_normal' ]

// To merge two sets use `.merge` method:
bemDecl.merge(set1, set2).map(c =>;
// → [ 'button', 'button__control', 'button__icon',
// →  'link', 'link_theme', 'link_theme_normal' ]

// Also there is `.intersect` method to calculate intersection between them:
bemDecl.intersect(set1, set2).map(c =>;
// → [ 'button__icon' ]

## BEMDECL formats

There are several formats:

* **'v1'** — the old [BEMDECL]( format, also known as `exports.blocks = [ /* ... */ ]`.
* **'v2'** — the format based on [`deps.js`](, also known as `exports.deps = [ /* ... */ ]`.
* **'enb'** — the legacy format for widely used enb deps reader.

> **Note** `bem-decl` controls all of them.
## API

<!-- * [`save(file: String, decl: BemCell[], opts: *): Promise<?>`](#savefile-string-decl-bemcell-opts-promise) -->

* [load()](#load-method)
* [merge()](#merge-method)
* [intersect()](#intersect-method)
* [subtract()](#subtract-method)
* [parse()](#parse-method)
* [stringify()](#stringify-method)

### load method

Loads BEM-entities from a file in any format.

#### Syntax

`load(file[, options])`

#### Input parameters

| Parameter | Type | Description |
|**file**|`string`|`bemdecl.js`-filename or path to the file. </br>Examples: </br> &#149; `example.bemdecl.js`; </br> &#149; `./desktop.bundles/example/example.bemdecl.js`.|
|**options**|`*`| &#149; encoding `String`, `Null` (default = `null`); </br> &#149; flag `String` (default = `'r'`). </br> [Read more](|

#### Output data

A promise that represents `BemCell[]`. [Read more about BemCell](

#### Example

.then(decl => {
// Work with declaration

### `save(file: String, decl: BemCell[], opts: *): Promise<?>`
Formats and saves a file with BEM-entities from a file in any format
const decl = [
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'button' }) })
];'set1.bemdecl.js', decl, { format: 'enb' });

### merge method

Merges many sets of BEM-entities into one.

#### Syntax

`merge(set1, set2, ...)`

#### Input parameters

| Parameter | Type | Description |
|**set1, set2, ...**|`BemCell[]`|Sets of BEM-entities. [

#### Output data

A new set of BEM-entities (`BemCell[]`).

#### Example

const decl1 = [
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'button' }) })

const decl2 = [
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'link' }) })

const decl3 = [
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'button' }) }),
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'link' }) })

bemDecl.merge(decl1, decl2, decl3).map(c =>;

// → ['button', 'link']

### intersect method

Calculates the set of BEM-entities that exists in each passed set.

#### Syntax

`intersect(set1, set2, ...)`

#### Input parameters

| Parameter | Type | Description |
|**set1, set2, ...**|`BemCell[]`|Sets of BEM-entities. [

#### Output data

A new set of BEM-entities (`BemCell[]`).

#### Example

const decl1 = [
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'button' }) }),
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'select' }) })

const decl2 = [
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'button' }) }),
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'link' }) })

const decl3 = [
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'button' }) }),
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'attach' }) })

bemDecl.intersect(decl1, decl2, decl3).map(c =>;

// → ['button']

### subtract method

Calculates the set of BEM-entities that occur only in the first passed set and does not exist in the rest.

#### Syntax

`subtract(set1, set2, ...)`

#### Input parameters

| Parameter | Type | Description |
|**set1, set2, ...**|`BemCell[]`|Sets of BEM-entities. **set1** is the main set. [Read more](|

#### Output data

A new set of BEM-entities (`BemCell[]`).

#### Example

const decl1 = [
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'button' }) }),
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'select' }) }),
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'link' }) })

const decl2 = [
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'link' }) })

const decl3 = [
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'select' }) })

bemDecl.subtract(decl1, decl2, decl3).map(c =>;

// → ['button']

### parse method

Parses raw string or evaluated JS object to a set of BEM-entities.

#### Syntax


#### Input parameters

| Parameter | Type | Description |
|**bemdecl**| `string` &#124; `Object` |Declaration of BEM-entities.|

#### Output data

Set of BEM-entities (`BemCell[]`).

#### Example

bemDecl.parse('exports.deps = [{ block: "button" }]').map(c =>;

// → ['button']

See also [Declarations in BEM](

### stringify method

Stringifies set of BEM-entities to a specific format.

**Note** Temporary there is just `enb` format. It will be fixed later.

#### Syntax

`stringify(set, options)`

#### Input parameters

| Parameter | Type | Description |
|**set**|`BemCell[]`|Representation of BEM-entity.|
|**options**|`Object`|Example: `{format: 'enb'}`|
|**options.format**|`String`|Format of the output. Example: `'enb'`|

#### Output data


#### Example

const decl = [
new BemCell({ entity: new BemEntityName({ block: 'button' }) })

bemDecl.stringify(decl, { format: 'enb' });

// → 'exports.deps = [\n {\n "block": "button"\n }\n];\n'

## Contributing

Please read []( for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

## Versioning

We use [SemVer]( for versioning. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](

## Authors

* **Andrew Abramov** (*Initial work*[blond](

> See also the full list of [contributors]( who participated in this project.
You may also get it with `git log --pretty=format:"%an <%ae>" | sort -u`.

## License

Code and documentation copyright 2014 YANDEX LLC. Code released under the [Mozilla Public License 2.0](LICENSE.txt).
Code and documentation copyright © 2014 YANDEX LLC. Code released under the [Mozilla Public License 2.0](LICENSE.txt).

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