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start working on potential operators
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mscroggs committed May 21, 2024
1 parent bc93251 commit d46a92a
Showing 1 changed file with 328 additions and 0 deletions.
328 changes: 328 additions & 0 deletions src/assembly/batched/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
//! Batched dense assembly of boundary operators
use crate::assembly::common::{equal_grids, RawData2D, SparseMatrixData};
use crate::element::reference_cell;
use crate::grid::common::{compute_dets23, compute_normals_from_jacobians23};
use crate::quadrature::duffy::{
quadrilateral_duffy, quadrilateral_triangle_duffy, triangle_duffy, triangle_quadrilateral_duffy,
use crate::quadrature::simplex_rules::simplex_rule;
use crate::quadrature::types::{CellToCellConnectivity, TestTrialNumericalQuadratureDefinition};
use crate::traits::element::FiniteElement;
use crate::traits::function::FunctionSpace;
#[cfg(feature = "mpi")]
use crate::traits::function::FunctionSpaceInParallel;
use crate::traits::grid::{CellType, GridType, ReferenceMapType, TopologyType};
use crate::traits::types::Ownership;
use crate::traits::types::ReferenceCellType;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use rlst::{
rlst_dynamic_array2, rlst_dynamic_array3, rlst_dynamic_array4, CsrMatrix, RandomAccessMut,
RawAccess, RawAccessMut, RlstScalar, Shape, UnsafeRandomAccessByRef,
use std::collections::HashMap;

use super::RlstArray;

/// Assemble the contribution to the terms of a matrix for a batch of non-adjacent cells
fn assemble_batch_nonadjacent<
T: RlstScalar,
TestGrid: GridType<T = T::Real>,
TrialGrid: GridType<T = T::Real>,
Element: FiniteElement<T = T> + Sync,
assembler: &impl BatchedAssembler<T = T>,
deriv_size: usize,
output: &RawData2D<T>,
trial_space: &impl FunctionSpace<Grid = TrialGrid, FiniteElement = Element>,
trial_cells: &[usize],
test_space: &impl FunctionSpace<Grid = TestGrid, FiniteElement = Element>,
test_cells: &[usize],
trial_points: &RlstArray<T::Real, 2>,
trial_weights: &[T::Real],
test_points: &RlstArray<T::Real, 2>,
test_weights: &[T::Real],
trial_table: &RlstArray<T, 4>,
test_table: &RlstArray<T, 4>,
) -> usize {
let npts_test = test_weights.len();
let npts_trial = trial_weights.len();
debug_assert!(test_points.shape()[0] == npts_test);
debug_assert!(trial_points.shape()[0] == npts_trial);

let test_grid = test_space.grid();
let trial_grid = trial_space.grid();

assert_eq!(test_grid.physical_dimension(), 3);
assert_eq!(test_grid.domain_dimension(), 2);
assert_eq!(trial_grid.physical_dimension(), 3);
assert_eq!(trial_grid.domain_dimension(), 2);

let mut k = rlst_dynamic_array3!(T, [npts_test, deriv_size, npts_trial]);
let zero = num::cast::<f64, T::Real>(0.0).unwrap();
let mut test_jdet = vec![zero; npts_test];
let mut test_mapped_pts = rlst_dynamic_array2!(T::Real, [npts_test, 3]);
let mut test_normals = rlst_dynamic_array2!(T::Real, [npts_test, 3]);
let mut test_jacobians = rlst_dynamic_array2!(T::Real, [npts_test, 6]);

let test_evaluator = test_grid.reference_to_physical_map(;
let trial_evaluator = trial_grid.reference_to_physical_map(;

let mut trial_jdet = vec![vec![zero; npts_trial]; trial_cells.len()];
let mut trial_mapped_pts = vec![];
let mut trial_normals = vec![];
let mut trial_jacobians = vec![];
for _i in 0..trial_cells.len() {
trial_mapped_pts.push(rlst_dynamic_array2!(T::Real, [npts_trial, 3]));
trial_normals.push(rlst_dynamic_array2!(T::Real, [npts_trial, 3]));
trial_jacobians.push(rlst_dynamic_array2!(T::Real, [npts_trial, 6]));

for (trial_cell_i, trial_cell) in trial_cells.iter().enumerate() {
trial_evaluator.jacobian(*trial_cell, trial_jacobians[trial_cell_i].data_mut());
&mut trial_jdet[trial_cell_i],
.reference_to_physical(*trial_cell, trial_mapped_pts[trial_cell_i].data_mut());

let mut sum: T;
let mut trial_integrands = vec![num::cast::<f64, T>(0.0).unwrap(); npts_trial];

for test_cell in test_cells {
test_evaluator.jacobian(*test_cell, test_jacobians.data_mut());
compute_dets23(, &mut test_jdet);
compute_normals_from_jacobians23(, test_normals.data_mut());
test_evaluator.reference_to_physical(*test_cell, test_mapped_pts.data_mut());

for (trial_cell_i, trial_cell) in trial_cells.iter().enumerate() {
if neighbours(test_grid, trial_grid, *test_cell, *trial_cell) {


let test_dofs = test_space.cell_dofs(*test_cell).unwrap();
let trial_dofs = trial_space.cell_dofs(*trial_cell).unwrap();

for (test_i, test_dof) in test_dofs.iter().enumerate() {
for (trial_i, trial_dof) in trial_dofs.iter().enumerate() {
for (trial_index, trial_wt) in trial_weights.iter().enumerate() {
trial_integrands[trial_index] = num::cast::<T::Real, T>(
*trial_wt * trial_jdet[trial_cell_i][trial_index],
sum = num::cast::<f64, T>(0.0).unwrap();
for (test_index, test_wt) in test_weights.iter().enumerate() {
let test_integrand =
num::cast::<T::Real, T>(*test_wt * test_jdet[test_index]).unwrap();
for trial_index in 0..npts_trial {
sum += unsafe {
) * test_integrand
* *trial_integrands.get_unchecked(trial_index)
* assembler.test_trial_product(
unsafe {
**test_dof + output.shape[0] * *trial_dof) += sum;

/// Options for a batched assembler
pub struct BatchedPotentialAssemblerOptions {
/// Number of points used in quadrature for non-singular integrals
quadrature_degrees: HashMap<ReferenceCellType, usize>,
/// Maximum size of each batch of cells to send to an assembly function
batch_size: usize,

impl Default for BatchedPotentialAssemblerOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
use ReferenceCellType::{Quadrilateral, Triangle};
Self {
quadrature_degrees: HashMap::from([(Triangle, 37), (Quadrilateral, 37)]),
batch_size: 128,

pub trait BatchedPotentialAssembler: Sync + Sized {
//! Batched potential assembler
//! Assemble potential operators by processing batches of cells in parallel

/// Scalar type
type T: RlstScalar;
/// Number of derivatives
const DERIV_SIZE: usize;
/// Number of derivatives needed in basis function tables
const TABLE_DERIVS: usize;

/// Get assembler options
fn options(&self) -> &BatchedAssemblerOptions;

/// Get mutable assembler options
fn options_mut(&mut self) -> &mut BatchedAssemblerOptions;

/// Set (non-singular) quadrature degree for a cell type
fn quadrature_degree(&mut self, cell: ReferenceCellType, degree: usize) {
.unwrap() = degree;

/// Set the maximum size of a batch of cells to send to an assembly function
fn batch_size(&mut self, size: usize) {
self.options_mut().batch_size = size;

/// Return the kernel value to use in the integrand
/// # Safety
/// This method is unsafe to allow `get_unchecked` to be used
unsafe fn kernel_value(
k: &RlstArray<Self::T, 2>,
normals: &RlstArray<<Self::T as RlstScalar>::Real, 2>,
index: usize,
) -> Self::T;

/// Evaluate the kernel values for all sources and all targets
/// For every source, the kernel is evaluated for every target.
fn kernel_assemble_st(
sources: &[<Self::T as RlstScalar>::Real],
targets: &[<Self::T as RlstScalar>::Real],
result: &mut [Self::T],

/// Assemble into a dense matrix
fn assemble_into_dense<
TestGrid: GridType<T = <Self::T as RlstScalar>::Real> + Sync,
TrialGrid: GridType<T = <Self::T as RlstScalar>::Real> + Sync,
Element: FiniteElement<T = Self::T> + Sync,
output: &mut RlstArray<Self::T, 2>,
space: &(impl FunctionSpace<Grid = TrialGrid, FiniteElement = Element> + Sync),
points: TODO,
) {
if !space.is_serial() {
panic!("Dense assembly can only be used for function spaces stored in serial");
if output.shape()[0] != points.shape()[0]
|| output.shape()[1] != space.global_size()
panic!("Matrix has wrong shape");

let colouring = space.cell_colouring();

let batch_size = self.options().batch_size;

for cell_type in space.grid().cell_types() {
let npts = self.options().quadrature_degrees[cell_type];
let qrule = simplex_rule(*trial_cell_type, npts_trial).unwrap();
let mut qpoints =
rlst_dynamic_array2!(<Self::T as RlstScalar>::Real, [npts, 2]);
for i in 0..npts {
for j in 0..2 {
*qpoints.get_mut([i, j]).unwrap() =
num::cast::<f64, <Self::T as RlstScalar>::Real>(
qrule.points[2 * i + j],
let qweights = qrule
.map(|w| num::cast::<f64, <Self::T as RlstScalar>::Real>(*w).unwrap())

let element = trial_space.element(*cell_type);
let mut table = rlst_dynamic_array4!(
element.tabulate_array_shape(Self::TABLE_DERIVS, npts)
element.tabulate(&qpoints_test, Self::TABLE_DERIVS, &mut table);

let output_raw = RawData2D {
data: output.data_mut().as_mut_ptr(),
shape: output.shape(),

for c in &colouring[cell_type] {
let mut cells: Vec<&[usize]> = vec![];

let mut start = 0;
while start < c.len() {
let end = if start + batch_size < c.len() {
start + batch_size
} else {

start = end

let numtasks = cells.len();
let r: usize = (0..numtasks)
.map(&|t| {
assemble_batch_nonadjacent::<Self::T, TestGrid, TrialGrid, Element>(
assert_eq!(r, numtasks);

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