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Ben Izd edited this page Jan 16, 2022 · 2 revisions

Check leap year for a given DateList or DateObject (Default CalendarType is "Gregorian"):

cLeapYearQ[DateObject[{2021, 2, 3}]]
(* Out: False *)

cLeapYearQ[{2020, 2, 3}]
(* Out: True *)

With Support of CalendarType:

cLeapYearQ[{1403, 4, 5}, CalendarType -> "ArithmeticPersian"]
(* Out: False *)

cLeapYearQ[{1443, 4, 5}, CalendarType -> "Islamic"]
(* Out: False *)

Using a custom Method:

cLeapYearQ[{1403, 4, 5}, CalendarType -> "ArithmeticPersian", Method -> "Cycle-2820-2"]
(* Out: True *)

cLeapYearQ[{1443, 4, 5}, CalendarType -> "Islamic", Method -> "16-Based"]
(* Out: False *)
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