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Ben Izd edited this page Dec 1, 2022 · 4 revisions

👋 Welcome to the shared_memory wiki 🧾!

here is the list of available functions shared across different languages. Python, Julia, and Matlab have the same naming but Wolfram Language (Mathematica) follows PascalCase naming due to language limitation and Java due to convention follows camelCase naming.

1️⃣ Initialization

  1. set_shared_memory_path (setup the shared memory file on disk to store the address)
  2. set_shared_memory_data (set the data stored in the memory)

♻ Manipulation

  1. set_shared_memory_dimensions (change stored data dimensions, limited)

📥 Recieve Information

  1. get_shared_memory_rank (get data rank)
  2. get_shared_memory_flatten_length (get the data's flatten length)
  3. get_shared_memory_data_type (get data type)
  4. get_shared_memory_dimensions (get data dimensions)
  5. get_shared_memory_flatten_data (get data in flattened form)
  6. get_shared_memory_data (get data in the same dimensions shared)

🗑️ Finalization

  1. delete_shared_memory (If possible unload the data stored in the memory, otherwise delete the file used for accessing)