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… in appropriate places along with fixing a couple of small bugs.

* Providing an unrecognized configuration option (say `runNtime` instead of `runtime`) will now raise an exception
* Durations in the configuration will now be scaled appropriately (minutes, microseconds etc)
* Major functions are type specced for your viewing pleasure in the docs and your dialyzer pleasure at type check time.

* In 0.7.0 statistics generation might time out if Millions of run times were captured so that it takes longer than 5 seconds, this is fixed by waiting infinitely - thanks @devonestes for the [report](
* Unintended line break in the fast function warning removed
* All necessary dependencies added to `:applications` (deep_merge was missing)

* Dropped support for elixir 1.2, new support is elixir 1.3+
* `Benchee.Config` was renamed to `Benchee.Configuration` (important when you use the more verbose API or used it in a Plugin)

* Major public interfacing functions are now typespecced!
* A couple of major data structures are now proper structs e.g. `Benchee.Suite`, `Benchee.Configuration`, `Benchee.Statistics`

* The `config` key is now `configuration` to go along with the Configuration name change
* As `Benchee.Configuration` is a proper struct now, arbitrary keys don't end up in it anymore. Custom data for plugins should be passed in through `formatter_options` or `assigns`. Existing plugin keys (`csv`, `json`, `html` and `console`) are automatically put into the `formatter_options` key space for now.
Assets 2