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Added Python utilities (calculus, spectrogram)
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o calculus.deriv2D   - 2D gradient using convolution

o calculus.simpson_integrate    - Integrate 2D data using convolution

o spectrogram.spectrogram  - Creates spectrograms using the Gabor transform
  • Loading branch information
JarrodLeddy authored and bendudson committed Oct 25, 2013
1 parent b7d8d28 commit 8ab7312
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Showing 2 changed files with 245 additions and 2 deletions.
115 changes: 113 additions & 2 deletions tools/pylib/boututils/
Expand Up @@ -6,13 +6,14 @@

from numpy import zeros, arange, pi

from numpy import zeros, arange, pi, ones, array, transpose, sum, where, arange, multiply
from numpy.fft import rfft, irfft
from scipy.signal import convolve
except ImportError:
print "ERROR: NumPy module not available"

def deriv(*args, **kwargs):
"""Take derivative of 1D array
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,6 +72,65 @@ def deriv(*args, **kwargs):
result[0] = 0.0
return result

def deriv2D(data,axis=-1,dx=1.0,noise_suppression=True):
""" Takes 1D or 2D Derivative of 2D array using convolution
result = deriv2D(data)
result = deriv2D(data, dx)
output is 2D (if only one axis specified)
output is 3D if no axis specified [nx,ny,2] with the third dimension being [dfdx, dfdy]
axis = 0/1 If no axis specified 2D derivative will be returned
dx = 1.0 axis spacing, must be 2D if 2D deriv is taken - default is [1.0,1.0]
noise_suppression = True noise suppressing coefficients used to take derivative - default = True
s = data.shape
if axis > len(s)-1:
raise RuntimeError("ERROR: axis out of bounds for derivative")

if noise_suppression:
if s[axis] < 11:
raise RuntimeError("Data too small to use 11th order method")
tmp = array([-1.0/512.0,-8.0/512.0,-27.0/512.0,-48.0/512.0,-42.0/512.0,0.0,42.0/512.0,48.0/512.0,27.0/512.0,8.0/512.0,1.0/512.0])
if s[axis] < 9:
raise RuntimeError("Data too small to use 9th order method")
tmp = array([1.0/280.0,-4.0/105.0,1.0/5.0,-4.0/5.0,0.0,4.0/5.0,-1.0/5.0,4.0/105.0,-1.0/280.0])

N = (tmp.size-1)/2
if axis==1:
W = transpose(tmp[:,None])
data_deriv = convolve(data,W,mode='same')/dx*-1.0
for i in range(s[0]):
data_deriv[i,0:N-1] = deriv(data[i,0:N-1])/dx
data_deriv[i,s[1]-N:] = deriv(data[i,s[1]-N:])/dx

elif axis==0:
W = tmp[:,None]
data_deriv = convolve(data,W,mode='same')/dx*-1.0
for i in range(s[1]):
data_deriv[0:N-1,i] = deriv(data[0:N-1,i])/dx
data_deriv[s[0]-N:,i] = deriv(data[s[0]-N:,i])/dx
data_deriv = zeros((s[0],s[1],2))
if len(dx)==1:
dx = array([dx,dx])

W = tmp[:,None]#transpose(multiply(tmp,ones((s[1],tmp.size))))
data_deriv[:,:,0] = convolve(data,W,mode='same')/dx[0]*-1.0
for i in range(s[1]):
data_deriv[0:N-1,i,0] = deriv(data[0:N-1,i])/dx[0]
data_deriv[s[0]-N:s[0]+1,i,0] = deriv(data[s[0]-N:s[0]+1,i])/dx[0]

W = transpose(tmp[:,None])#multiply(tmp,ones((s[0],tmp.size)))
data_deriv[:,:,1] = convolve(data,W,mode='same')/dx[1]*-1.0
for i in range(s[0]):
data_deriv[i,0:N-1,1] = deriv(data[i,0:N-1])/dx[1]
data_deriv[i,s[1]-N:s[1]+1,1] = deriv(data[i,s[1]-N:s[1]+1])/dx[1]

return data_deriv

def integrate(var, periodic=False):
"""Integrate a 1D array
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,3 +192,54 @@ def int_total(f):
result[i] = result[-1] - int_total(var[i:])
return result

def simpson_integrate(data,dx,dy,kernel=0.0,weight=1.0):
""" Integrates 2D data to one value using the simpson method and matrix convolution
result = simpson_integrate(data,dx,dy)
kernel - can be supplied if the simpson matrix is calculated ahead of time
- if not supplied, is calculated within this function
- if you need to integrate the same shape data over and over, calculated
it ahead of time using:
kernel = simpson_matrix(Nx,Ny,dx,dy)
weight - can be used to scale data if single number
- can be used to mask data if weight is array (same size as data)
s = data.shape
Nx = s[0]
Ny = s[1]

if len(kernel)==1:
kernel = simpson_matrix(Nx,Ny,dx,dy)

return sum(multiply(multiply(weight,kernel),data))/sum(multiply(weight,kernel))

def simpson_matrix(Nx,Ny,dx,dy):
Creates a 2D matrix of coefficients for the simpson_integrate function
Call ahead of time if you need to perform integration of the same size data with the
same dx and dy
Otherwise, simpson_integrate will automatically call this
Wx = arange(Nx) + 2
Wx[where(arange(Nx) % 2 == 1)] = 4
Wx[0] = 1
Wx[Nx-1] = 1

Wy = arange(Ny) + 2
Wy[where(arange(Ny) % 2 == 1)] = 4
Wy[0] = 1
Wy[Ny-1] = 1

W = Wy[None,:] * Wx[:,None]

A = dx*dy/9.0

return W*A
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions tools/pylib/boututils/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
Creates spectrograms using the Gabor transform to maintain time and frequency resolution
(spectrogram, frequency) = spectrogram(data, dt, sigma)
three arguments are required:
data - the time series you want spectrogrammed
dt - time resolution
sigma - used in the Gabor transform, will balance time and frequency resolution
suggested value is 1.0, but may need to be adjusted manually
until result is as desired
IF bands are too tall raise sigma
IF bands are too wide, lower sigma
optional keyword:
clip = 1.0 - optional keyword, makes the spectrogram run faster, but decreases frequency resolution
clip is by what factor the time spectrum should be clipped by --> N_new = N / clip
NOTE: Very early and very late times will have some issues due to the method - truncate them after
taking the spectrogram if they are below your required standards
NOTE: If you are seeing issues at the top or bottom of the frequency range, you need a longer time series
written by: Jarrod Leddy
updated: 4/10/2013


from numpy import arange,zeros,exp,power,transpose,sin,cos,linspace,min,max
from scipy import fftpack,pi
from scipy import pi

except ImportError:
print "ERROR: NumPy or SciPy module not available"

def spectrogram(data, dx, sigma, clip=1.0):
n = data.size
xx = arange(n)*dx
sigma = sigma * 0.01 * dx

if clip: # clip to 6 std dev on either side for speed

n_clipped = int(n/clip)

spectra = zeros((n,n_clipped/2))

omega = fftpack.fftfreq(n_clipped, dx)
omega = omega[0:n_clipped/2]

for i in range(n):
beg = i-n_clipped/2
end = i+n_clipped/2-1
if beg < 0:
end = end-beg
beg = 0
elif end >= n:
end = n-1
beg = end - n_clipped + 1
gaussian = 1.0 / (sigma * 2.0 * pi) * exp(-0.5 * power(( xx[beg:end] - xx[i] ),2.0) / (2.0 * sigma) )
fftt = abs(fftpack.fft(data[beg:end] * gaussian))
fftt = fftt[:n_clipped/2]
spectra[i,:] = fftt


spectra = zeros((n,n/2))

omega = fftpack.fftfreq(n, dx)
omega = omega[0:n/2]

for i in range(n):
gaussian = 1.0 / (sigma * 2.0 * pi) * exp(-0.5 * power(( xx - xx[i] ),2.0) / (2.0 * sigma) )
fftt = abs(fftpack.fft(data * gaussian))
fftt = fftt[:n/2]
spectra[i,:] = fftt

return (transpose(spectra), omega)

def test_spectrogram(n, d, s):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
print "ERROR: MatPlotLib module not available"
Function used to test the performance of spectrogram with various values of sigma
xx = arange(n)/d
test_data = sin(2.0*pi*512.0*xx * ( 1.0 + 0.005*cos(xx*50.0))) + 0.5*exp(xx)*cos(2.0*pi*100.0*power(xx,2))
test_sigma = s
dx = 1.0/d

s1 = test_sigma*0.1
s2 = test_sigma
s3 = test_sigma*10.0

(spec2,omega2) = spectrogram(test_data, dx, s2, clip=1.0)
(spec3,omega3) = spectrogram(test_data, dx, s3)
(spec1,omega1) = spectrogram(test_data, dx, s1, clip=1.0)

levels = linspace(min(spec1),max(spec1),100)
plt.title(r"Spectrogram of $sin(t + cos(t) )$ with $\sigma=$%3.1f"%s1)

levels = linspace(min(spec2),max(spec2),100)
plt.title(r"Spectrogram of $sin(t + cos(t) )$ with $\sigma=$%3.1f"%s2)

levels = linspace(min(spec3),max(spec3),100)
plt.title(r"Spectrogram of $sin(t + cos(t) )$ with $\sigma=$%3.1f"%s3)

if __name__ == "__main__":
test_spectrogram(2048, 2048.0, 1.0) # array size, divisions per unit, sigma of gaussian

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