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Authenticon prototype API

Authenticon is a project proposed by Martus. Briefly, Martus is used by people in hostile environments to transmit evidence of human rights abuses. Their transmissions are encrypted. To detect interception, a 40-digit fingerprint is provided that can be verified out of band (eg, by phone call). Because it is difficult to check a 40-digit number over a phone the fingerprint is rarely checked. The project proposes to provide a more visual view of the fingerprint that is easier to work with.

This repository contains a prototype API initially developed at the CHI 2016 day of service. A brief video run-through is here.

  • How to install the API • How to call the API
  • Encoding methods
  • How it works
  • Considerations for further development

How to install the API

The following set-up works:

  1. Create a Amazon EC2 instance of the type
Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-f95ef58a

During creation, add HTTP (port 80) to the security group: Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 04.18.13.png

Log into the instance. Install Apache and PHP:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install php5
sudo apt-get install php-pear
sudo apt-get install php5-dev

Install ImageMagick and Imagick for PHP:

sudo apt-get install pkg-config
sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev
sudo pecl install imagick
# Choose autodetect for ImageMagick location
cd /etc/php5/apache2
sudo vim php.ini
# Insert at the end:
cd /etc/php5/cli
sudo vim php.ini
# Insert at the end:

Install Memcached and the PHP package for it:

sudo apt-get install libevent-dev
cd ~
mv latest latest.tar.gz
tar -zxvf latest.tar.gz
rm latest.tar.gz
cd memcached-1.4.25
./configure && make && make test && sudo make install
sudo apt-get install php5-memcached memcached

Install the WSGI module for Apache:

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi

Install git:

sudo apt-get install git

Clone this repository:

cd /var/www
sudo chmod 777 html
cd html
git clone
mv authenticon-api api

Connect the example encoder written in Python (see below) using WSGI:

cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
sudo vim 000-default.conf
# Insert just before </Virtualhost>:
# WSGIScriptAlias /api/encoders/liang /var/www/html/api/encoders/liang/

Finally, restart Apache:

sudo service apache2 restart

If all has gone well you should be able to call the API as described in the next section.

How to call the API

There is a single endpoint for the API at


If you call it with no parameters it returns a JSON string containing an array of available encoding methods. For example (spacing added for readability):

  { "id"         : "3icons-memory",
    "name"       : "3 icons (memory)",
    "description":"Makes a three-icon code and keeps it in store for 24 hours, after which sequences may be reused. Has an absolute capacity of c. 175k different fingerprints per 24 hours.",
    "parts"      : 3,
    "type"       : "image"
  { "id"         :"3words-memory",


As a client of the API you should perform this no-parameter call to check what encoding methods are currently available. To encode a fingerprint, call the endpoint with GET parameters method (corresponding to a method id from the above array) and a fingerprint parameter containing a 40-digit number. For example:


The API returns either a PNG image or plain text, depending on the type indicated in the information array (image or text).

By default the response is the complete encoding of the fingerprint. However, the information array explains the number of parts into which the response can be split. If you add a part parameter to the API call you can return a single part (numbered from 0). This allows you to use serial presentation, for example.

Encoding methods

The prototype provides these encoding methods:

10 icons

Divides the 40-digit fingerprint into 10 groups of 4 digits and displays one of 10,000 icons for each group of 4 digits.

14 icons

Divides the 40 digit fingerprint into 14 groups of 3 digits (padding the end with 0s) and displays one of 1,000 icons for each group of 3 digits.

Liang hierarchy

Calculates a 4-digit digest from the whole 40-digit fingerprint and shows in text as "first check". Calculates three 4-digit digests and shows those in text as "second check". Divides the fingerprint into 10 groups of 4 digits and shows those in text as "third check".

3 icons (memory)

Displays a random set of three words and icons (chosen from a set of 56) in response to a fingerprint. The choice persists for 24 hours, so API calls to this method will return the same response for a given fingerprint for 24 hours since the most recent call (ie, the 24-hour timer is reset on every call). Provided users at both ends of a phone call to verify the fingerprint use the same API, this ought to be a reliable method.

3 words (memory)

As above, but returns just the words as text.

How it works

The main endpoint loads information about methods from encoding-methods.json. If provided with a method and a fingerprint it issues a redirect to another URL which contains the encoder.

The 10 icons and 14 icons methods use a single encoder icon-map.php which accepts an additional parameter group to determine the size of the group of digits. The 10 icons case uses group=4; the 14 icons case uses group=3. Icons are stored in a directory icons in the same directory as the encoder. Icons have filenames from 0000.png up to 9999.png. A directory templates contains base PNG images used to frame the icons and provide padding. The default image puts the icons in rows of 5; you can change this with the cols parameter.

The Liang hierarchy method was written by a collaborator in Python. The file is in a location consistent with the PHP encoders, but it is called via a WSGI mapping.

The 3 icons and 3 words methods use a single encoder 3icons.php. The icons are listed in a file icons.josn:

"apple" : { "filename" : "noun_22979_cc.png", "credit" : "By Stephanie Wauters for the Noun Project"},
"arm" : { "filename" : "noun_73495_cc.png", "credit" : "By Nathaniel Smith for the Noun Project"},


The encoder checks memcached for an entry with the fingerprint as a key. If it finds one, it uses the sequence of words stored therein. If not, it generates a new random sequence of three words and checks whether there is an entry with the sequence as a key; if so, it generates another; if not, it makes such an entry to indicate that this sequence is in use. It then attempts to make an entry with the fingerprint as a key containing the new sequence. This fails if one is already there, which means someone else has got there first; in that case, it uses the one that it found.

Memcached allows an atomic add operation that either works or fails because there is already a value with that key. Used in the manner described above it should never allow different values for a given fingerprint. It can cause "orphan" sequences, but these should be rare and would only have a temporary impact on storage and available sequences. All the entries in memcached have a fixed expiry (24 hours). Supplying the parameter textOnly=true makes this encoder return the words in plain text instead of the image.

NB because it merely associates a fingerprint with a three-icon sequence, this encoder would work just as well with 40-hex-digit PGP fingerprints or longer sequences.

Considerations for further development

  • There code contains no automated tests
  • There are only dummy icons for the 10 icons and 14 icons methods, which are therefore unsuitable for testing
  • There is no exception handling or error reporting: errors will cause silent failures from the end-user perspective
  • There is no validation of parameters. For example, the fingerprint is used directly as a key for Memcached without checking whether it meets the requirements of such keys (including absence of spaces)
  • There has been no performance checking or optimisation (reading JSON files on every invocation is not very efficient; ImageMagick is known to have memory leaks)
  • There has been no testing or even peer review of the update method for Memcached to check that its expected properties (ie, never giving different values for a given fingerprint but possibly allowing orphan sequences) are properly implemented — either for logical reasons or because of implementation issues in Memcached.
  • Memcached is fast and easy to use but has no persistence, so a restart of Memcached could cause one fingerprint to produce two different sequences even less than 24 hours apart; consider a persistent server or some other method (eg, an indication that a response from 3icons or 3words has generated a new sequence could be checked as part of the verification call — both sides should not have new sequences)


API end point to map a finger print to a set of icons






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